12 Replies to “I Feel Much Safer. Thank You Dear Leader”

  1. Wondering if any offender who dozes doesn’t get the whole class to run around the building five times….
    Certainly was one of my more exhausting memorable occasions when being taught by an instructor.

    I guess not.
    They’d probably get a pillow today.
    With the ‘woke’ military and politicians interventions.
    The psychological damage of waking a person from a sound sleep would be the answer that I’d probably expect.

  2. Dude may not be genetically related to Juthtin the Asshole, but he’s cut from the same mold – a loser who needs attention, but even more, needs the shit beat out of him twice a day for a month.

  3. Seriously. They actually get away with horse manure like this? When China decides to invade (it’s under way) we’re folding quicker than a busted lawn chair.

    1. The PLA will “include” as many “diverse” targets as possible, shelling them “equitably”.

  4. “TDSB” is starting to come across as an acronym for some type of brain wasting disease. Total Deterioration and Sucking out of the Brain.

  5. Soon, the West will ONLY launch attacks against majority WHITE countries … like Russia. Or Poland. Or Hungary. Biden’s soiboi’s have already drawn Redlines around Ukraine. Yes, the Russians are ever so more “Caucasian” than Ukraine.

    1. Absolutely, the left never demonized the Soviet Union as they have modern democratic Russia.

      “The war on White Nations” aka the Democratic First World began long ago with mass unchecked immigration from hostile Third World Countries. Biological Warfare has proven effective for thousands of years, simply read Goth refugee migrations into Rome as one example.

  6. “White Fragility” Definition = “Liberal Fragility” which has nothing to do with race, but everything to do with feelings of incompetence and inferiority of people of all races who can’t compete with White Conservatism which has moulded the First World.

  7. I did 12 yrs in the Regs then 5 in the Res. I finally pulled the pin when the character attack on the troops – which is exactly what it was – got to the point where I was required to give a SHARP lecture every single week.. we only met once a week. Meanwhile, I was allowed to take them to the ranges only once per year. All this while senior staff were regularly in the news for inappropriate behaviour.
    One thing is clear in the CAF, there’s a set of expectations and consequences for leadership and another for the troops.
    This is yet another sign of their collapse. Fuck the no nothing civvies and career officers, they’ve ruined a once proud organization.
