28 Replies to “Just A Barbie Girl, In A Covid World”

  1. From the article:

    Marin, who is fully vaccinated, said she had not received instructions to isolate, prompting critics to counter that such instructions shouldn’t have to be given to a person in charge of efforts to combat the virus and that her behaviour sets an example to the population on how to behave. Marin has since tested negative twice.

    Yes, her behaviour sets an example: go out and live your life!

    Good on her.

    1. Where’s that damn “like” button?

      Apparently she took some heat a while back for wearing a blazer cut down to ‘there’ and no bra. Beats the hell out of woke socks!

        1. That’s the one! Unfortunately, she’s Center Left. Which, I s’pose, is further right than Commie’s 1, 2, 3 & 4 here.

      1. Pro tip: If you’re going to wear a blazer – or anything – cut down to the navel, make sure you have some tits.

  2. If women ran the world, it’s often said, we’d still be living in caves.

    Women are running the western world now. That’s another the Chinese are on track to bury us, without ceremony in an unmarked mass grave, within a generation.

    The CCP have made sure that the first party girl to run modern China into the ground (Jiang Qing, aka Madame Mao, sometime failed actress known in the prewar Shanghai movie scene far better for her drunken antics than for her acting) would be the last. After Mao died and his wife was purged, no woman was given a position of real responsibility in the Politburo again.

    That Marin is slightly easier on the eye than Jiang Qing doesn’t excuse her irresponsibility.

  3. 36? Seriously? The youth these days are pretty dumb and the voters are even dumber. As dumb as sheep believing in leftist utopia in fact.

  4. Finland’s 36-year-old PM goes clubbing despite exposure to COVID case.

    Good! As in setting a good example for the rest.

    Now back up your personal convictions with regulations to match.

  5. Her troubles could have been avoided if she had just left her phone at home. An impossibility for most these days.

    She’s easy on the eyes…agreed.
    Ace, over at AoSHQ, said he’d salt her lutefisk any day.
    I may have subconsciously reached for the salt just then…
