19 Replies to “No Christmas For You”

  1. Let me guess: the “science” shows that Kwanzaa doesn’t spread the virus…..

    1. I am guessing someone is stepping down tomorrow!!!
      Beautiful night outside just watching the snow fall.

  2. Of course Canada is next. If there is a bad idea out there, this government will adopt it.

  3. Be a good little Matrix battery and stop complaining.

    Marxism and communism IS slavery.
    The more they can turn us into slaves in every way the more likely they are to be able to implement full blown communism.

    1. Begging for a ‘take this jab and shove it’ parody. Good catch Dr
      My proscription for the flu was a forty ouncer and go to bed. The flu was irrelevant in the short term, not the major concern in the intermediate term, and as the bottle seemed to kill the virus, not a concern in the long term.

  4. Canada has already effectively mandated vaccinations. Almost all employers are requiring it for your job and if you need to travel anywhere for work it is required. They will soon make it so your kids can’t go to school without one.

  5. So, looked into this “more contagious” stuff. Apparently it’s the work of Hiroshi Nishiura of Japan who is a member of what we call in Canada, COVID “experts” who advise our so-called medical communities and politicians on policy.
    He’s a professor of medical and environmental sciences. Not a doctor, not a scientist. He does models. And he concluded with data that he received up until November 26 that the Omicron variant is 4X’s more contagious than Delta. Can’t remember how much more contagious Delta was than Alpha. Not peer reviewed, not published in any “authentic” medical journal.
    I haven’t seen much repeated in the MSM of 4X’s but seen a lot of “more contagious”.
    Just how much data of Omicron did he input in his Excel spreadsheet to come up with that number?
    This is what we are dealing with, Fismans, Warners, Bogashs.
    Remember their names and remember their lies.

    1. More contagious, RedPop, as you know, does not imply more virulent, more deadly, more dangerous. The current theory for viruses is that in order to guarantee the survival of the species, viruses become less deadly and more contagious in order to infect more hosts. If they became more deadly and more contagious, they would kill more hosts, reducing their populations like Ebola (which is why there aren’t continent wide outbreaks of Ebola). If they became more deadly, and less contagious, the same scenario would apply. So the theory is more contagious, less virulent so if that is the case, why all the worry about Omicron that has yet to claim a single victim worldwide? More contagious makes a good talking point to the ignorant, but it doesn’t imply a problem.

    2. Computer models are only as accurate as the honesty of the programmer and the integrity of the input data.

      All computer models that I have been presented with to date were created by dishonest programmers and Bull Sh*t for input data.

  6. “And mandatory vaccinations are being talked about in what used to be democratic nations.”

    Ah, the winter of our discontent. This will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Bring it.

  7. I was downtown Toronto last night. Outside everyone was walking around masked. Inside everyone was drinking and laughing with no masks on. Are we in a pandemic or not?

    1. Inside or out, the conversation went like this: “Bah, Bahh” “Baaaaah, Bah Bahhhh”, etc.

  8. Mandatory experimental shots… well, fuk you tyrants… the shit will hit the fan… there is such a thing as pushing people too far.

    1. I’ll take out as many mandatories as possible.

      A few DBs here and there will teach them a lesson.

  9. We already have mandatory jabs. Like North Korea we not allowed to leave the country.
