Plan “BBB”: Bye, Bye Boris!

Boris Johnson and his ministers are as much conservatives as a bicycle is a fish. What a massive disappointment they have been to everyone who voted for them in the UK. With the infectious, but super mild omicron virus now spreading around this island nation, Johnson & Co. have gone back on their word by now trying to shut down the nation … though there is zero indication that their precious NHS is being overwhelmed. This is Safetyism on Steroids and it’s truly pathetic.

What’s also interesting is that the media, who are supposed to keep governments accountable, barely pushed back against this return to lockdown. Only when a “scandal” involving a “wine and cheese party” was revealed, is it now suddenly headline news. Think about that for a moment: Shutting down the lives of millions of people and destroying the livelihoods of many workers mattered not a whit to the media but this elitist scandal did. #ClownWorld

Update: Nobody loves a great rant more than me and this one is SUPERB!!!

18 Replies to “Plan “BBB”: Bye, Bye Boris!”

    1. Feel much the same way about Jason Kenney here in Alberta. ”Rock-ribbed conservative” my ass.

    2. You mean like Doug Ford, Jason Kenney, Blaine Higgs, Tim Houston, Heather Stefanson, François Legault, and Scott Moe? Seven out of ten provincial premiers leading “conservative” parties? All of them hopeless fascists just as worthless as any leftist? That’s the best Canada has to offer. #beyondhopeless

  1. And the sad thing is the alternative is the Jew hating communist Labour Party. The party that wants to go into full lockdown.

    1. Based on historical timelines for every other respiratory virus we’ve come across since the late nineteenth century, I’d say it’s just about exactly the right time for that statement, give or take a couple of months.

    2. Yeah.. you better stay in your basement, boosted out of your mind, ordering from Uber (contactless delivery option)… after all, this can’t possibly be yet another danger that nobody can see or find any evidence of themselves, that has to be explained to us by government appointed “scientific experts” who we simply MUST listen to and believe…. for the sake of, well, the planet.

      1. Just have them slide dinner under the slot in your door. Some people are happy with a prison cell. Just leave the rest of us alone. We don’t wish to participate in your dystopian fantasy.

  2. Yeah, it’s not a bad rant, but the gent in question could certainly take a lesson or two from someone like Styxhexenhammer666 or The Rageaholic.

  3. The job of the media is to help sell whatever shit our betters are selling, be that some piece of crap made in China that you don’t need or our betters’ latest mad social engineering scheme.

    Speak truth to power? Hacks only pretend to do that. Holding our betters accountable is an excellent way for a hack to end his career, with an option of being murdered in broad daylight.

    What the hacks do is everything in their power to destroy any statesman who actually takes the side of his own people against the globalists.

    1. Yeah.. did you watch Mark Dice’s latest video… he has a bunch of clips of MSM down south explaining to their… whatever you call them… viewers(?) that the inflation we are seeing is actually a good thing.

  4. “…though there is zero indication that their precious NHS is being overwhelmed.”

    Sorry, but cart/horse interface error.

    The purpose of the NHS is to PROTECT the population, not the other way around.

    What do these people want? A grand and shining hospital standing proudly over an endless sea of bones? Or a group of weathered but unbeaten survivors standing around a ruin and stating “now we can rebuild”?

    If the situation arises and there is a real need (discussions on if the Fauci was ever a real threat or not on the back of a post card. Neatest correct answer will go into our prize draw) then you throw the medical system completely at the problem and if need be run it utterly into the ground to PROTECT THE PEOPLE.

    Then, if you have ended up destroying great parts of it you rebuild it.

    Seriously, anyone who honestly supported sacrificing the population to ‘Protect’ the NHS is a prick.

    What you going to do next? Hey, we have been invaded by a culture who wants to destroy our entire way of live, but if we fight them we might lose our armies. Protect the Military! Don’t Engage the Enemy!

    These pricks are more interested in the institutes than the people who fill them.

  5. ‘What do these people want? A grand and shining hospital standing proudly over an endless sea of bones? Or a group of weathered but unbeaten survivors standing around a ruin and stating “now we can rebuild”?’

    Heh.. we are in total agreement, but I think the situation is much closer to a hospital admitting nurses who feel icky telling people with sore throats to go home and admits them anyway.. Bones? Survivors? Bwhahahhah.. more like sore throats and the sniffles.

