31 Replies to “Reader Of Chr Wreach Furld.”

    1. I think Kate’s point is he’s showing signs of improvement.
      Chr Wreach Furld is far and away the best program that Biden has announced during his presidency.

  1. Help.
    He is going to blather us into submission.
    And to think I thought Max Headroom was a fictional character.
    What is next?
    Rank Xerox for president?

    1. It’s better than that slow, deliberate and creepy whisper he affects to imply significance and quasi-intimacy. Which is the best he can do as there is no hair-smelling possible via broadcast tv.


    2. Boots, the yelling is for emphasis as he actually thinks he is saying something of importance and not just dementia babble. My Dad used to think he was telling a joke and would laugh out loud after he had just put out a string of babble. Fortunately Dad was being being well cared for.

      1. Audits sure prove something was going on.
        But you won’t speak on that. Same as the vaccines failures.

        1. So allen. Stuff like this.
          The Wisconsin Committee on Campaigns and Elections hearing began on Wednesday, and it exposed some deeply troubling evidence, but it will be ignored.
          Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman is leading an election review in the state. Investigators are calling for an audit of the 2020 election based on the findings.

          There are 119,283 ‘active voters’ registered who are over 100 years of age; 157,000 voters in Wisconsin have the same registration number; 42,000 inactive voters voted. And 64,000 people listed as voting in Nov. 2020 were switched to inactive voters AFTER the election. That is THREE TIMES the election margin. That’s just a snapshot of the problems with the voter rolls.

          Same issue in AZ too.

          1. No problems, right allen

            Want to bet.
            BREAKING NEWS: Democrat attempt to weaken our election laws is defeated as a three-judge panel of 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upholds Arizona election law regarding mail-in ballots that are missing a signature.


  2. Pay our “fair share” for gasoline!? What, pray tell is THAT!?

    Biden’s Marxist handler’s are the DeBeers of fossil fuels. Artificially withholding supply to create “scarcity”. PDJT did the exact opposite … he enacted multiple government policies to OPEN the spigots and FILL every O&G pipeline in America. The EVIL Marxist Democrat cartel using the “Health Emergency” of “climate change” is trying to DESTROY America … kill Capitalism … and finish off Freedom.

    1. Fully agree re the ambition of the left to control all energy, and who gets it, and at what price.

      Too bad so many are so depraved they can’t see this.

      1. It would help if the supposed Opposition weren’t The Inept Stupid Conservative/ No Different Than The Liberal Party.

    2. Kenji.

      1000% Bang on…that (killing of Western Hemisphere Society & the economic model it was built upon: Capitalism), has been the End GOAL of all the leftist shit I’ve seen in my entire life.

  3. Everyone, even on the left, just looks at him and just sighs.

    In Canada it is pretty much the same, we all just look at Trudeau and sigh — of course for the GTA left it will be sighing from some pretty messed up desire and a strange shoe polish fetish.

    I wonder if the 98th most powerful woman in the world is going to grab the same group as effectively. Will the glass-ceiling narrative drive the same group to the polls (so to speak)?

  4. Gasoline was less than $2.00 / gallon Last Year at this time.

    F. Joe Biden’s $0.07 /gallon less isn’t much when the price went from $1.85 to $3.20, and is now so much less at $3.10.
    Paying a dollar more for a single gallon of gasoline wiped out those huge Fourth of July picnic savings of 16 cents.

    1. You are definitely headed for “Maths is cancelled” re-education. As I will be – – –

  5. TPTB are openly mocking citizens now. We stole the presidency, you know it and we don’t care. Mind your manners or we’ll get really nasty.

    1. Peter, this is Trump’s real legacy. He got us to see all those deep state thugs in their imperial buck nakedness.

  6. Pay your “fair share” for gas? I think the term is “fair market price”.

    But that would need a level of understanding he just doesn’t have.

    1. “Fair market price”? For gasoline !? Hahahahaha … not here in CA, where we pay almost $2.00 MORE per gal. than the US average. And here within my local market, there is almost a $1.00/gal. swing between low and (average) high price. There is NOTHING “fair” about the market price of gasoline … other than the price is raised to the maximum the market will bear. Here in CA … it takes TWO smash and grab robberies to fill your tank.

  7. Imagine the odds that the US could find itself with a leader even more embarrassing, incompetent and dishonest than our Justin Trudeau. I mean, really, what are the odds?

    Nothing is out of the realm of possibilities when you let 10’s of millions of leftards loose at polling stations.
