48 Replies to “Safe And Effective ®”

    1. Silly you, vaccines aren’t meant to stop transmission, or prevent disease, or lessen symptoms, etc, etc… I wonder, will we get more variants of definitions of vaccines than we get number of boosters, will they change the definition of booster as well? Hell, maybe the vaccines are also gendered, can we get a trans vaccine, what about a he-vaccine, or bi-vaccine?

      The lunacy on display by gov’t, health auth, and their sycophants is truly amazing. Almost all stats across all countries are showing vax’d get sick just as much, or more, than unvaxxed and yet everything is claimed to prove vaccines work. There is no discussing with these people, their heads are so far up their azz they see nothing but shi!.

  1. FDA August 23, 2021″

    “Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older.”

    “Based on results from the clinical trial, the vaccine was 91% effective in preventing COVID-19 disease. ”

    ” The vaccine is effective in preventing COVID-19 and potentially serious outcomes including hospitalization and death.”

    1. Amazing Stan, how it does none of the things it is supposed to do. Saline solution apparently is just as effective as the elite are getting that. Of course in America congress and their staffs are exempt. WHY? Firefighters are far more important than any politician alive.

    2. Stan.

      I just saw a screen shot of a cell phone;

      Reporting that near 400 children have been to date admitted to Childrens Hospital in Calgary. Apparently all AHS personnel are to keep their mouths SHUT..

      I Find it far far too convenient that 3 weeks ago the Ab Govt made it Illegal to protest in front of a Hospital…Coincidence..? No filpping way – these NAZI Rat Bastards kew all along what the end results would be stuffing that “zyklon B” shit into children..ffs.!

      I have no reason whatsoever to doubt the veracity of said screen shot….none whatsoever.
      This will be a Major BOMBSHELL for the Govt – AHS and the MSM who pushed this BS.

      1. Unfortunately many groups in places like Telegram are being flooded with false reports. I saw this same report pop on in many groups and formats from many different people who never normally contribute to the groups. They appear, dump and disappear. One thing that is absolutely going on is any opposition to the vaccines is being fed tons of fake extremely alarming messages. The purpose is to upset and rile us and then get us to do stupid things and thereby discredit ourselves.

        That message is another of these psy-op. 99% sure.

        1. Agreed. Have seen similar false flags on my wife’s employee group, that BH will ban us from grocery stores, etc, and that Trudeau will send us to the camps starting Dec 15th.

          There aren’t enough cops to round up the residents of a culdesac in this country, let alone thousands of proud defiant Purebloods.

      1. Maybe it was one too many “Tabernac!” videos…..

        (I never got to read the original comment as I was sleeping off yesterday’s return trip from my house in B. C.)

    1. Hey, ED, how about you butt out and let us decide which comments to honour and which to counter or ignore!
      Even children have to be allowed to get their fingers burned at times, the better to learn.

      But if you have intercepted a scammer, good on you.

      1. Kate’s blog, Kate can delete whatever she wants….she gets to decide.
        You are new here, right?

  2. A case has to be symptomatic enough that the patient sought (and received) medical intervention. “Take two paracetamol, and come back if you get worse” is NOT intervnetion!

    An infection is merely a positive test.

    I care about the case conversion rate, and infection fatality rate. If you don’t have those numbers, get stuffed. You are an innumerate boob.

    Western “health” “care” “analysts” are the bottom end of the analytics barrel. Not good enough for true hard sciences like Physics and Math, too stupid to be engineers, and too lazy to cut it in math finance, they wash up into these government departments where they get to eff around with columns on spreadsheets convincing themselves and their equally innumerate bureaucratic superiors that they understand advanced statistical amd mathematical methods.

    In case you were wondering a decade ago what the effects would be of the dumbing down of sciences, and the rapid grade-inflation that accompanied the student metamorphosis from novice to customer …

  3. [It’s unclear if the first infection came from an unvaccinated person. But Ross did say “those impacted are compliant with the city’s vaccination policy and are vaccinated.”]

    Yeah…. they know that 5 vaccinated firefighters were infected by the first vaccinated firefighter, but that first guy was maybe, possibly infected by someone in the community who was unvaccinated. It’s definitely a pandemic of the unvaccinated – stop thinking and just believe!

  4. It’s a flu. Let people get sick and get over it. There really are effective treatments. Too bad the medical profession has joined the political and bureaucratic profession and don’t know their arses from a hole in the ground. NO ONE IS VACCINTED AGAINST ANYTHING, FACT, NOT FICTION.

    1. Agree with every one of your comments and +++s. We might add that viruses are unstoppable, so everything done to flatten or prevent C-19’s progress was and still is sham.

  5. “Each firefighter is receiving medical care, though for health privacy reasons, we cannot say anything further about their health status.”

    Oh, look at them, all concerned about keeping their health status private and all. How cute… ‍#facepalm

  6. “Imagine being forced to buy a gun for self defence, only to be scared of all the people that don’t have a gun for self defence…”

  7. The vaccine greatly reduces your chance of infection, hospitalization, needing ICU (in Manitoba right now the unvaxxed are 35x more likely to end up in ICU), or dying.

    6 firefighters who are vaccinated get covid.

    The above two statements are NOT mutually exclusive. In fact the latter is a rather small anecdote.

    1. Occasionally I really have a difficult time discerning if Allen S really posts these ridiculous comments, or is a regular trying to mock him? (You know…how someone put parody UNme comments up)
      Good for a chuckle either way.

      1. Show me where I am wrong. Pointing out useless anecdotes and screaming “SEE THE VACCINES DONT WORK” just makes you look ridiculous.

        1. “Show me where I am wrong.”

          That’s not quite how it works. Your the one making the claim. Support it. What data are you relying on?

          1. But that’s not how Allan S works. Time after time, subject after subject, Allan S has been shown to be an uncomprehending fool. Note he’s at least stopped providing links to support his assertions. That’s because we kept showing him that they actually say the opposite of what he said they say.

            It is good to provide the data and links for lurkers who don’t know that backstory, but most of us get tired of a duel of wits with the unarmed after a while.

        2. So is spouting the virtue of a therapy defined as a vaccine and missing the point that after almost 2 years , there isn’t a clinical intervention so people vaxxed or do not wind up in the hospital. Myself I think that makes your flag waving rather hypocritical, and as far as Trump goes he screwed the pooch, putting all the bets on “vaccines” and the legion of unaccountable , corrupt, elites.

        1. (whoosh…) <—That's the sound of the point going over your head.

          The issue is not the "vaccine". You wanna shoot up, go for it. The issue is holding people who do not want the "vaccine" hostage (groceries, border crossing, flying, etc.) or, worse yet, making it mandatory.

    2. I don’t accept the “unvaxxed” numbers. They have combined people who have and have not taken mRNA drugs. These are two massively different groups. It’s not about whether it takes 2-3 weeks for the resistancento build, it’s what excess risk do these drugs pose during those 2-3 weeks, to those who took them.

      UK data is showing they have WORSE outcomes than the entirely unvaxxed, during those critical 2-3 weeks.

      Yet another way that Big Med has fooked people over …

  8. You really do have a problem with factual information, Allan S.
    The author suggests that there’re nuances to those numbers…they haven’t been ‘massaged’ yet.
    Here’s more numbers for you;
    India and Japan have both deployed Ivermectin, Japan more recently. You can add Indonesia to the chart should you want more Ivermectin evidence.

    ‘but, but, but,…horse paste!’

    1. You should read the bottom of your first link. Thank you yet again SDA for proving vaccines work.

  9. I did, and you’ll note that over on the far right of the graph, the vaxxed and unvaxxerd cross over with the vaxxed ascending, and the un-vaxxed descending.

  10. So heres a “HIGH” one…Seems a WestJet Flight had to return to YYC due to a sudden onset of Pilot Illness….hmmm I cannot for the life of me imagine what that might of been…?

    I know for a fact that EVERY Commercial pilot in this country is at least dbl vaxxed. And know that for damned sure with Westjet and Swoop (bro in law is senior guy w/Swoop).

    Any story that comes out regardless of airline, of Pilots dying in mid air, getting severely ill in mid air is viciously “DEBUNKED”….. no doubt of that. (Jet Blue – BOAC…how many others we don’t know about.?

    One wonders how long it will take until a 767 goes down, w/both pilots becoming incapacitated at the same time. Yea the odds are long…but NEVER Beatable.

    I’ll stick to driving thanx…


  11. “The vaccine greatly reduces your chance of infection, hospitalization, needing ICU”
    Once the mRNA therapeutic fails in it’s primary objective, prevent infection, explain how it performs the miracle of keeping the subject less sick. This goes for the viral vector vaxxes as well.

    1. The 2009 SARS virus tests showed the plan. 3-6 months after all shots involved in the vaccination you were about 50-75% less likely to go to hospital or die if exposed to the original virus. Problem was, ADE kicked in. At 10 months if you were exposed to the original virus then you were around twice as likely to require hospitalization than the unvaccinated. The links were up here a few weeks ago IIRC.
