28 Replies to “Where Is The Money Coming From?”

  1. Embarrass Trudeau – send the clip to anyone and everyone you know. He deserves the spotlight and his socks won’t help him on this one.

    1. Trudeau et al don’t care.

      Even Canadians don’t care. They are just like Trudeau: money comes from the magical unicorn fairy and not from taxes or resource revenue.

  2. Don’t worry.
    The fighter jet and frigate programs will be throttled back….and I mean way back…
    As in another decade.
    Spawn and company will continue to turn the nation defenses to mirror those of New Zealand to pay for the new post-nationalism.
    The next Lib PM WILL be a woman too…and them even more money for the “Think of the children!”

    Who is John Galt?

    1. Exactly my thoughts. It never fails.

      when the Liberals are going to gut the military budget….it’s always preceded by stories about sexual assault or misbehaviour in the Canadian forces. They have to make the men and women in uniform look bad; so that when voters realize the military is going to be fleeced…..it’s because they deserve it.

      Same with Dec. 6th. Same maudlin display each and every year, followed by Liberals trotting out female MP’s to discuss violence against women….and bad men with guns. Time to get rid of all the guns….

      And the sheep just buy it every time.

    1. *
      hey, mr asskiss… let’s talk about your hero justin.

      can’t even begin to enumerate all his lies… but
      let’s start with not implementing proportional
      representative voting. then of course, his
      ongoing largesse towards snc/lavalin and the
      subsequent dismissal of the female, aboriginal
      cabinet minister who stood up to him.

      then, there’s at least four instances of blackface.

      pick one of these and defend it, troll.


      1. let’s start with not implementing proportional representative voting

        Yeah, I’m good with that one. PR is a disastrous concept intended to destabilize a Westminster parliamentary system.

        1. *
          “daniel says… Yeah, I’m good with that one.”

          yup, me too… but totally not the point. justin promised that
          the election would be the last one using ‘first past the post’

          and a lot of his deluded acolytes voted for him on that premise.

          the point is he’s an incorrigible, unrepentant liar. i’d like to see
          mr asskiss defend the constant lying.


          1. Niggling point.
            The sock monkey never promised to implement PR, he alluded to a change that the progressive set interpreted to mean what they wanted it to mean.
            It’s called mesmerizing.
            The suggestion is received positively because the receiver feels positive about the one making the suggestion.
            Break that bond of favouritism and it ends.
            They believe the sock monkey because they want to.

    2. Justin is only following Pierre’s instructions directed through the very senior Liberals and they are border line Communists. Justin’s destiny was decided after Sacha’s passing.
      And Justin would never disagree with his Dad. He went along with it, look at Canada now, Justin has destroyed Canada.
      What do you think about all those Canadians who died for Canada in WW1 and WWII, do you think they would be happy at what Canada has become?
      The most clear thinking people in Western Canada want to see the end of Justin Trudeau

  3. That is a SCREAM.
    I literally laughed out loud when the music first played. And what a fantastic choice of music. Notice, Pierre has a furrowed brow here. A real, non-faked, furrowed brow.

    We’re all familiar with GDP and how gubmint spending is a key component. We are also all familiar with the example of how digging a million holes counts, as does the re-filling of same holes. And how wonderful vandalism is due to the increased demand for materials and labour to repair it.

    HERE, we hear about the tourism recovery bill. First smash the industry to smithereens then spend $7 billion to partially repair it; partially ‘cos it ain’t goin’ back to pre-covid daze unless and until there’s some new thinking. Cue the music.

  4. A room full of morons with ‘cow looking at a train’ expressions on their faces.

    Next step is to ask them why they are stealing money from the next generation.

  5. It’s a terrible choice of music, because it frames the issue a joke. I understand the appeal, but I think it diminishes the seriousness of what’s going on.

    1. That was my reaction, too.
      This is not a joke.
      We need accountability and get nothing.
      Government is dysfunctional despite the efforts of people like Pierre.
      That scene was contemptuous.

    2. Disagree. The choice of music beautifully illustrates the nullity of the hearing. It was the music version of “crickets”.
      The music doesn’t treat the issue as a joke; it empathizes how the politicians are a joke. A sick joke.

      That is the best ad I’ve ever seen for a drastically reduced gubmint bullprint.

  6. Absolutely fan- f*cking-tastic, sorry for the expletive but can’t help myself. This has to go down as the best parliamentary question and non-answer of the decade!!!!

    Somebody please, please post the link to this I have Liberals that I have to send it to.

  7. The whole video is theatre. Pierre knew the answer to his question as all politicians never ask questions when they don’t know the answers. The reality is that the bankrupt federal government is the theatre of the absurd and operating at the political level of infants. Pierre’s schtick was to be the only adult in the room. Does it mater? He has no power. People watching that video are already in the know. He would be better off lecturing in High schools on basic economics and leave the theatre to the clowns.

  8. I like Pollievre, he’ smart and he a has a sense of humour.

    I think Pierre knows how serious this is, but most “Canadians” couldn’t care less.
    Its enough to make anyone cynical.

    Pollievre has been sounding the alarm regarding the LIberal/NDP/Blok/Con Governments reckless spending and money printing operation… Operation Bankrupt.
    The reason the Government reps don’t know or care where the money is coming from is because they are deliberately bankrupting the Post Nation State so who gives a shit how the bureaucrats do it.

    Everything is going just as the Globalist shitstains running this post nation state planned.

    In this imbecilic post nation State the people would vote for more inflation, not less… because socks, because hair.

    1. Exactly, Sean; well stated.

      There is a feeling of inevitability about all this. The decline and fall seems unstoppable. Even if there should be a brief interregnum in debt-financed regimes, such as the early period of Klein’s premiership, all that is accomplished thereby is a prolongation or temporary deferment of the collapse. In retrospect, all Klein succeeded in doing was to give his successors a bigger credit limit to go nuts with.

      The situation seems hopeless, as intended.

      1. Yeah Mr Later, “The situation seems hopeless, as intended.”
        Then the World Economic Forum elites will “offer” to come to rescue the west, but only with agreement that they will rule our world after they have saved us!
        Saved us from destitution that they’ve deliberately caused, to create the situation where we are in need of rescuing. We collectively, and stupidly, have allowed this to happen without much more than a whimper! Pure evil!

  9. The donkey Maximillion is in way over his head. Cutting his salary by 80% would be a start toward the 7 billion.

  10. Canadians are about to get what they voted for good and hard. When the finance minister sits on the board of the WEF Canada is not a priority.

  11. Do you think these fools and bandits would come up with an answer,if we strapped them up to Madame Guillotine?
    It would make a good sound track.
    Every “Wrong” answer answered by the falling blade.
    Government Debt is systemic theft and is Treason.
    For no country can survive pandemic level infestations of the parasitic overload.
    “Where is the money coming from”?

  12. Justin is only following Pierre instructions directed through the very senior Liberals and they are border line Communists. Justin’s destiny was decided after Sacha’s passing.
    And Justin would never disagree with his Dad’s and he went along with it, look at Canada now, Justin has destroyed Canada.
    What do you think about all those Canadians who died for Canada in WW1 and WWII, do you think they would be happy at what Canada has become?
    The most clear thinking people in Western Canada want to see the end of Justin Trudeau

  13. Methinks the music is most appropriate…..as would be the “March of the Sugar Plum Faeries!”
    We are off to the woods today…….lost in the woods…and what a surprise…….
