Andrew Neil is a Fat French Oaf

Andrew Neil is purportedly a British journalist but this recent screed he wrote from his home in Southern France suggests otherwise:

Which is a very good reason why Britain should follow the French example — and also take note of what other European countries are doing — and penalise the vaccine refuseniks.

At a press conference on Wednesday, Boris Johnson hinted at tougher rules for the unvaccinated.

There are still 5 million unvaccinated British adults, who through fear, ignorance, irresponsibility or sheer stupidity refuse to be jabbed. In doing so they endanger not just themselves but the rest of us.

If they contract Covid, it is they who will put the biggest strain on the NHS, denying the rest of us with serious non-Covid ailments the treatment that is our right. We are all paying a heavy price for this hard core of the unvaccinated.

An entrepreneurial British Conservative MP should draft a bill called the “Fat Andrew Neil Law” which refuses all NHS healthcare and the ability to board a plane to anyone with clear obesity issues like Neil exhibits every time he opens his pie hole.  Everyone under the obesity limit should be issued a health passport which confirms that they were not an undo burden on the NHS.  Neil clearly wouldn’t qualify until he loses the weight so he would be banned from all of the same privileges he’s insisting that the unvaxxed be disenfranchised from.  Following his own logic, wouldn’t this be the “British” thing to do?!

25 Replies to “Andrew Neil is a Fat French Oaf”

  1. Why stop at the obese? Why not go after the smokers, drinkers, amateur sports enthusiasts, cyclists, dog walkers and the rest of the population. Hell lets just solve the whole conundrum and get rid of the NHS or socialized medicine. There solved that problem didn’t I. Get rid of socialized medicine and a good portion of our bureaucracy will be redundant. While were at it maybe we should look at getting rid of the police force and the armed forces after all when did you last need a policeman or a soldier. We can all buy guns to protect ourselves and we can all get a snow shovel when we really need one instead of waiting for the army to come to the rescue. Once we start there we can also get rid of government, after all do we really need them.

    1. That may be the long-term plan.

      Once the masses have accepted sanctions on people based on lifestyle choice, adding drug addicts, smokers, the obese, etc. will just be an incremental step rather than something new and shocking. People focus on monitoring and control through the vax pass, but it can just as easily be extended to this as well. Drip, drip ……

      I have been refused life insurance because I fly a small plane – classified as a dangerous hobby. I also used to skydive (the horror!). I think Scuba diving is also on that list. Be aware!

    2. Plenty of infectious diseases walking or rafting across borders unchecked, and they don’t give AF.

      Not to mention all the Fentanyl and other Emergency room overdose drugs that their kids lay on the system, again coming through porous borders that a fat diabetic asshole like this would insist on keeping open.

  2. “Following his own logic, wouldn’t this be the “British” thing to do?!”

    Nope. People continue to erroneously conflate anything to do with “vaxx”-nuts and logic. You can’t logic a Prog.

    Get a t-shirt made, tattoo it onto your forehead, put it on your business cards. Quit wasting time trying to make sense of the bullshit. There is none. As soon as you get close, the goalposts are shifted. Again. Focus on the fact that this is entirely about control & don’t be distracted by fruitless attempts to find analogies that work, nor smooth talking politicians & bureaucrats espousing talking points.

    1. “You can’t reason someone out of a position they weren’t reasoned into to begin with.”

      1. Daniel, while I agree with the sentiment, IMNSHO, it’s not even that complicated: Ignorance I can fix with a book. Stupid takes a shotgun & a shovel.

  3. No one is going to listen to these old Nazis. Lock them all up.

    They want to target the young and vibrant who have recovered from COVID through no help from the state. These old diseased Nazis need to be put in their place. The young, healthy, vibrant, knowledgeable people need to take charge. Enough with these Quislings.

  4. Actually I think the rotondos should be rendered down and converted to biomass. But then all sorts of other issues arise, don’t they?

  5. Sorry to butt in, but this just hit the news.
    Michael Nesmith, Monkees Singer-Songwriter, Dead at 78

    “With infinite love we announce that Michael Nesmith has passed away this morning in his home, surrounded by family, peacefully and of natural causes,” his family said in a statement
    78 years old. Man now I feel old.

  6. And now we present the winner of the “Rudolph Hess lifetime achievement award” in bringing Nazism to Britain!


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  7. Vladimir Lenin (a.k.a. Kieran Moore) is openly musing about changing the definition of fully vaxxed. When the decision is made, it will be made swiftly and overnight possibly millions of Canadians will be in possession of an expired vaxx card.

  8. All doctors and specialists agree that natural immunity is better than what is available in the jab. That being the case why is there not more work being done in the field of alternative remedies, why this unbending demand that we all get the jab? To a sentient being it would appear more rational to administer out patient therapies with relatively proven safe drugs on a massive scale as was done in India rather than a massive campaign to inject an unproven procedure of dubious effectiveness. Should the adverse effects from this massive experiment emerge at a later date, say two or three years down the road, what then? As the latest news release from Britain tells us there is concern that there maybe 300,000 heart problems in store for us due to post pandemic stress disorder, are we now being primed to accept that the jab will have nothing to do with the upcoming assault on overburdened health facilities?

  9. Fat, sedentary, drinking, smoking people never seem to make the connection that they could (should?) be next in line for persecution.
    Actually, it’s everyone isn’t it? Other people’s freedom is worth less than the price of a coffee to most folk.

  10. I took my mother to the doctor the other day. She made her usual comment to the lady about how she can’t wait until the stupid masks are gone. I did my usual loud follow up “That’s what revolutions are for.” The lady behind nodded. And two older Mennonite ladies.

    I had a great talk with the Mennonite ladies. We were in complete agreement. We’re fine with a ton of vaxxed deaths because that makes things better for us. The sooner the better. Very few of her community have been jabbed, except one guy who wanted to be able to sit in Tim Hortons. She shook her head. The only way things will change is because of violence. Always has been, always will be. We are unsure when that will happen. She was amused when I told her that I’m happy that the foot soldiers of all my enemies are poisoned and dying…and they are getting rid of their children as well. She hadn’t thought of things that way. We have to wait them out. The woman was up on things. I told her I am now, unjabbed, a Canadian nigger. She said her son was at Tim’s sat down, they raced over and her son told them he was nigger status. I’m not the only one. Nigger is spontaneously becoming a thing. I am a Trudeau nigger…..if only there was a picture of him I could use to somehow illustrate that…

    By the way, I am a Canadian nigger. A Trudeau nigger. A Ford Nigger. A Liberal Party of Canada nigger. A Progressive Party nigger. An NDP nigger. If you disagree, let’s go sit down at Tims or McDonalds and discuss it. One of us will be kicked out. And since I am nigger status, I’m getting very comfortable using the word. Tell your friends…

    Anyways, so, I’m anti-social. And I’ve found three individuals each belonging to communities of hundreds that are not vaxxed. And I’m anti-social. Hundreds of unvaxxed. Anyone from communities that suffered under communism and oppression. Eastern Europeans, Mennonites.

    Outside of the elderly who only get there news from TV, ‘educated’ people, the lefties that love and adore government and those who were coerced and actually gave in, I’m starting to think the number of vaxxed is a LOT less than we think. I’m anti-social, but the people I’ve talked with put the number of unvaxxed at about 800.

    Can you really believe blacks are running out to get the shot? Do natives get a nice gift commemorating dead children with each jab? Polish. Romanians. Russians. Diversity has given us a ton of groups that have seen evil and won’t give in easily. We’re just learning that we are not alone.

    When I was at a computer company in the US, I made some comments openly and one of our human resources ladies heard me. Older woman. Conservative!!!!!! We found each other. I thought I was alone. I loved talking with her after that. But the culture was such that we were silenced. But there must have been about 40 percent other conservatives in that building. I believe we are seeing that same situation in vaxxed status. A lot of people are unvaxxed and lying.

    I think that’s why we are seeing such panic in our leaders. They make threats and people are just not giving in. And the dead keep piling up. A 33 year old ex NFL player mysteriously died today. Comments are heavily moderated. Young athletes are dropping like flies, some even on the field.

    And the jabbed keep dying. And the injuries. I’ve talked with people that got the jab and are suffering horribly. And telling everyone they know. I’m fine with the leftists killing themselves…

  11. On one level I am fine with leftists killing themselves, unfortunately that is most of my immediate family.

  12. He was so applauding of the fact that France had only 289,011 positive cases versus the UK’s 336,783, clearly demonstrating in his opinion that mandatory vaccines, masks, restrictions and vaccine passports work and therefore should all be mandatory here.
    The thing is, the case numbers are out of 4.5 million tests in France against 7.5 million in the UK.
    70% more testing yet only 16% more positives.
    France cases per million tests = 0 .06
    UK cases per million tests = 0.04.
    Now, please explain to me again how those restrictions stop covid.

    Like Boris, (a person I thought was a smart man pretending to be a buffoon but in reality was just a buffoon), Andrew Neil is a disappointment and an imbecile.

    p.s. Didn’t realise he lived in France. Even more reason to tell him to Foxtrot Oscar.

  13. People who can’t understand or keep up with science shouldn’t be commenting on it let alone condemning personal medical freedom.
    I noticed freedom to decide wasn’t on his hit list of refuseniks (nice villanization of peace movement there bud, beside being non sequitur).

    At last check on the dreaded Omicron for which perhaps another year, or earlier, say after midterms, of lockdown will cure:

    Currently zero Omicron deaths. No seriously ill cases observed attributable to this variant, iow seriously ill with Omicron, not because of it.
    Vaccines only protect the person, not society (oops an RMC prof would say to this scribe’s sinful omission, with a big red line and an F)
    Given its low risks- so far – heard that one before, going on two years – what an opportunity to acquire durable herd immunity.
    Then society can get back to normal and end the horrendous collateral damage wrought by collectivist corporate covid confusion collusion.

    What the so-called rulers from on science high have resisted, along with treatments, and lab leak revelations, trying to acquire their own herd, or is it tribal, immunity from accountability to us by keeping us temporarily fat and happy, inflating their size, reach and cost.


    For God’s sake, literally imho, western society must awake from utopian don’t ruffle feathers slumber or it will turn into a nightmare.
    And you can take that to the bank, assuming they haven’t turned your money over to the government or put you in a some camp.
