December 10, 2021: Reader Tips

Guest submission from SDA regular Denise:

Are religious dietary restrictions hampering your hosting of dinner parties this holiday season? Maybe “multiculinarism” isn’t our strength. For a solution-in-song, our resident musician, James Frazer, presents Holy Cow. With its uptempo beat, you may want to sing along.

Your most interesting tips of the recent past are much appreciated!

69 Replies to “December 10, 2021: Reader Tips”

      1. The Coming PayBack
        When enough people wake up to understand what their governments and bureaucrats have done to them and their families. There will be no place safe for the Chiefs of Police, The Mayors, The Premiers, The Prime Ministers, The Presidents The Elite Trash. May they never have a moments rest and have to look over their shoulders the rest of their lives. And when they escape into their bunkers that the people weld the doors shut.

    1. Go to Principia Scientific today. I am not providing a link as finding it is very easy. The article I about Athletes deaths and injuries from the vax shots. 295 cardiac arrests and 169 deaths, athletes in their prime are being killed by the shots but hey, we don’t want to hear that.

      1. SAME utter Silence about Airline Pilots – who are VAXXED World Wide. I know that for a fact…have one in my extended family….and any comment about any pilot suffering myocarditis or D Dimer worth Mini blood clots it’s instantly declared Bullshit, and that it never happened…..OK then, I guess they are “Supermen” hmmm??

        There will come in time, an episode where both of them are incapacitated…and down goes a 767….. VERY Long odds but I would not bet against it.

  1. So I see Smollet was found Guilty..!
    Give him 5…Hes gonna “love” the slammer.
    Another win..!! The Leftist Media, all with their mouths Taped shut…Fcuk em all.
    JUSTICE was most definitely served.

    As for Hollyweird..?? Baldwin is next.
    …and then an asteroid pls.

  2. Austrian or German Geheime Staatspolizei arresting an 80 yr old woman cause she …??? has no Papieren…?? or mobile phone.??

    Filthy NAZI’s bastards not fcuking DEAD ENOUGH.
    Jesus H. That this is indefensible is beyond right.

    1. They’d arrest their granny and ship her off to a camp if they had their way. Coming soon to a Canada near you.

      We’ve got JBTs like that at the Edmonton International Airport, masquerading as check-in security. They only enforce the “rules”, doing so without emotion or thinking. I know because I’ve dealt with them and that was before this phony plague conveniently came along.

      1. BA

        I dealt with the very same universal Dickheads my self on numerous occasions travelling to Minneapolis for a cpl years of good work in Wisconsin.

        Canada – US …don’t matter, same inbred & arrogant Officious Jerques.

  3. What ‘dirt’ does our American ‘allies’ have on our Canadian Politicians?
    Any time you use an ‘electric device’, it is subject to go through many different avenues before posting which includes any type of American spy ware. The United States has already been caught before spying on their ‘allies’ devices.
    All of our current politicians are following everything that ‘President Biden’ mandates or initiates and none of them are actually good for its citizens but does help the US.
    No doubt those trips our politicians took to China have been recorded and dissected for political leverage as everything the US mandates, our Canadian Politicians copy.

    1. Jojo….. every keystroke is recorded no matter what anyone thinks. There is no such thing as a secure computer.

  4. A bored Blackie The Gay Pirate is burning jet fuel to diverse Toronto today. Our Dear Leader will be visiting a hospital where his personal taxpayer funded photographer will get some great shots for the next election. He then speaks with some sort of women’s group with Fraulein Freeland. Members of the Toronto media will be fighting among themselves to get close to their hero.

    1. Speaking of WWII history, 80 years ago on this day Royal Navy suffered its greatest defeat of World War 2. Days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Force Z consisting of Royal Navy battleship HMS Prince of Wales and battlecruiser HMS Repulse were sunk by Japanese long range bombers and torpedo bombers.

    2. Buddy…

      Very interesting…am huge fan of WWII History and had not ever hear of this raid(s).


    3. Back in the day, flew to Hawaii as mother had fallen and broken hip while on cruise with aunt, got offloaded in Hawaii for treatment, and I was called upon to fly out to support aunt. So we did the Pearl Harbour “tour”, during there was mention that – even on Christmas – some sailors were dying. Don’t remember the full context, but do remember that had to hold my tongue so as not to say to the guide that – in Hong Kong – Canadians were also dying at the hands of the Japanese.

    1. Reminds me of how Germany was imposed the EURO dollar on their country and society without any consultation.
      And hence, it is illegal currency being used as it was NEVER adopted by it’s government of the day…
      Just a fun fact that was a death bed confession on the person who introduced it to Germany.

    1. S O P Bruce. When they can’t lie because the truth is right in their face they lie by omission , ignoring and refusing to answer.

    2. It is worse than it looks. The NDP and PC dolly dallied around to run out the clock on Question Period and the speaker let it happened to avoid the need to respond

    3. The speaker is my local MPP Ted Arnott. I very much regret voting for him at the last election, but I won’t make that same mistake next year.

      I am impressed with Rick Nicholls and that question was both legitimate and vitally important, yet the speaker wanted nothing to do with it. Maybe I should write to Arnott and tell him precisely what I think of his behaviour here, and also his shameful treatment of Belinda K. I haven’t written to any politician in years simply because the odd time I have done it all I get, usually after some considerable time, is a mealy-mouthed non-answer to a different question sent by one of his minions, i.e. a total waste of time.

      1. We are in the same area, and I will tell you that communicating with Ted Arnott is throwing pennies at a brick wall. He forwarded my question about this issue to Christine Elliot who promptly did nothing. And yes, that was the first and only response I have received in the last two years of trying. Save the electrons. Vote with New Blue Party next election.

      2. “Maybe I should write to Arnott and tell him precisely what I think of his behaviour here…..”
        Of course you should.

    4. B Willis

      NAZI’s NAZI’s NAZI’s….thats what we have for Government.
      Watch for Mr Nicholls disappearance…..

    1. Can one even purchase gold metal any more? I was under the impression most of it was paper fiat.

      1. I sold a house in 1980 and the poor guy who bought it wound up with a 19% mortgage. I had a 14.5% on it when I bought it in 1978. My first new house in 1970 had an 8.25% mortgage.
        As far as silver is concerned I tried to buy 25 1oz coins (tubes of silver maple leafs), once from the bullion people and once from the TD bank both screwed up my orders so I just said to hell with it.

        1. The problem with buying silver today, is the massive premium placed on it. Sure, the retailer has to make a living, but, quoting from my local retailer, OldnGold, $35.77 for a 1oz ML coin. Yet silver is $22/oz. That’s a 62% markup.
          Gold will always have cachè. But the premium on each smaller gold coin denomination rises proportionally.
          The silver bugs continue to talk it up and have for years, but the historical 16:1 ratio to gold has passed by. It’s difficult to see silver multiplying in value, but easy to see gold doubling or tripling in value.

          1. Gold is great Dan until the government says you can’t have it and takes it from you like a gun. For historical background search US confiscation of gold.

        2. I been buying 1 gr coins in Edmonton when they are available. If you buy the small gold coins they are more useful. Not as useful as lead vitamins but useful. I like gold and silver coins because they are not taxed and you do not have to show ID.
          I also buy small quantities with BTC, from my small mining rig.

        3. We bought our first house in 1973 and moved in 1979. Fortunately, the “gain” on the sale of first house (even though we had to finance a “second mortgage” on it) was such that the mortgage was reasonable. Even then, pushed the mortgage payments up the max we could afford (did I say we were with a Credit Union, as otherwise this would have not been possible?). So, when the rates when sky-high – we were not on a fixed rate mortgage – we were still okay because our monthly payments more than met the requrements. Totally rode the ride down on interest rates over the next year or two.
          That was the time when the Canada Savings Bonds were giving something like 19% interest rates. Promptly pulled offsprings’ savings out of their accounts and invested in same; did similar process with our meagre savings. It worked.

      2. Thx for the bullion link.

        As far as high interest rates in the early 80’s, yeah, I remember them. Fortunately the only thing I had financed at the time was a pickup truck with a locked in rate set in ’79.

        1. DB, I bought and sold 9 houses and an apartment building over a 30 year period and other than my first house all mortgages were double digits. I made money on everything except the apartments and I did at least depreciate them for tax purposes. Interest rates when market driven are not a problem. What has happened during the last 20 years is a sad deviation from a true market.

          1. VOWG, when my lovely bride & I bought our house nearly 30 years ago, the mortgage interest rate was 8.5%. Rates started dropping like flies soon after & we re-financed a couple times to take advantage. Even with the penalties, we saved $$. We moved to floating rates and have never been close to that first rate since.

            I agree w/ your observation about true markets. I’ve been thinking about selling a couple rentals before the deviation “corrects” itself.

          2. Dumb Biker

            Your marriage is just a cpl yrs younger than mine. We too bought in 1991 and if memory is correct, it too was around 8-8.5%….Last place we bought is our Condo financed at 1.05%….

  5. Commission of Enquiry with Reiner Fuellmich begins in Poland. This is being called Nueremberg 2. Fuellmich has interviewed 150 people in pulling his case together claiming the Covid pandemic is a fraud. Probably a bit long to watch, but it is nice to know this is finally underway. I hope it has some impact. It will be ignored in North America as long as possible, but the EU may be affected.

    1. EXCELLENT News.

      Reiner will kick (_i_) as he has done in the past.
      RT PCR is and continues to be 100% FRAUD…upon which this entire shit-show is and continues to be predicated upon.

  6. October 21st Alec Baldwin kills a woman. Goes on tv and cries that he did not pull the trigger. Fast forward to Dec 10 he attends and host a gathering of left wing pinkoes in New York. His grief did not last very long

    1. Lots of competition, but she would be a wonderful candidate for tar and feathering. I would consider driving to New Brunswick just to watch.

    1. I have a similar problem at my house in B. C. As a homeowner, I’m supposed to keep the sidewalk along the street clear. So, I take the time to shovel snow and chip off the ice. But what does the town do in return? It comes along with a snowplow and puts a lot of #$%#$%(*# back on what I spent time and effort on to keep it free of snow and ice.

      This past trip, a few days ago, I saw that the sidewalk was covered with ice 2 or 3 thumb widths thick. (Unfortunately, the chap I hired to shovel snow hurt his hand a few weeks ago, so he wasn’t able to do much since my previous trip.) I spent several hours, plus a few $$$ on several bags of de-icer, clearing a narrow footpath on bare concrete.

      I wasn’t happy and said a few words stronger than “Tabernac!”

      1. What a pain. Your turkey fellow should’ve found someone to replace him if he hurt his hand. It’s what you do if you have made a commitment. I know, good help is hard to find.

        Oh well, as long as ‘you’ don’t fall. I fell outside last week and bruised my right knee. Ouch. It now matches my other foot where I stubbed my toe. Tabernac…is right.

        That comedian, Matthew Giuffrida is wild!

  7. PET’s multicultural revolution has been a success. Mission accomplished. No melting pot here. They scared immigrants straight.
    Actually, our immigrants did it themselves, and we did it too by welcoming them, both in spite of the statist nannies, not due to them.
    Rising above every attempt to compartmentalize us and them into controllable tribes. Instead we resisted, rejected and prospered.
    While keeping their customs and practices (the best part imho), most headed post haste after work to Timmies, Winners and Walmart.
    Newcomers with ear to ear grins at this graceful country rife with opportunity. That’s been my experience with immigrant tenants.
    They’ve been spotted out of their communities in arenas, malls and workplaces everywhere. OMG the assimilation… the assimilation :>(
    Most new Canadians play by the rules, using long forgotten old school ethics, who work hard, embracing their local communities.
    How unCanadian of them, that’s not what Grits want, Liberals, er Canadians? They would prefer entitled whiners. What gives they ask?
