41 Replies to “Insanity Down Under”

    1. Warren, Nazi is the only word that fits any longer. The same word applies in Canada, people need to wake the fuck up.

  1. Unfortunately, businesses caught out DO get huge fines for non-compliance here… And I’m sure some of them get caught by karens ho then gleefully report them.

    Some restrictions here are supposed to be relaxed next week. But the mediocres incessantly wail about alleged cases of discovered omicronites; and NO reports of any deaths it causes… So, I’ll believe it when I see it.

    1. When will we all realize that fines mean nothing in a system where our money is taken away – and that is where this is going.

  2. Well he is off to the camp soon. Even if he did not ‘sign in’ they will get his information from the transaction and his bank will hand over his address without issues. If he had an untraceable prepaid credit card they will use the camera that record his license plate. They will find him and he will spend 14 days in confinement for his and everyones health or something.

  3. This too will blow up in their face.
    Watch the black market gas be cheaper than covid gas in 4 months.
    Calling it now.

  4. The alternative – which is difficult if you are filming with your phone – is to demand the written sign-in register.
    “Mickey Mouse” is an an amazingly regular customer….. and I’ve seen him joined by “G.A. Custer, of “Little Bighorn, Wyoming”.

    1. It’s like the (reloading) “powder book” at Cabelas that everyone is supposed to fill out and sign. You have no idea how much powder Wendy Cukier or Justin the Turd buys every year.

      1. When I first moved to Florida I did not realize that only railway or quarry workers could buy fireworks: I signed as Franki Valli, of Four Seasons rock.

  5. I don’t know about you guys, but shouldn’t we take the Antifa/BLM route on this crap? If you don’t Discord, reply to this reply and a Server may show up.

  6. Planning, patience then payment.

    Dude behind the counter needs it good and hard, but the freaks in power need it so much more.

  7. Pay at the pump FTW. The best is when these inbred goat shaggers neglect to reload the pump with paper for the receipt printers. I march in sans mask and end the mask debate with my inquiry over other things that are likely being neglected such as their sanitary obligations.

  8. He’s nothing a bucket of benzine thrown his way, with lit matches to follow, wouldn’t cure.
    I recommend keeping a full Jerry can and bucket for such eventualities.
    Just in case.

    1. That works well. Mob Justice is fun too, as a bunch of cops protecting a city hall in Ukraine recently found out. What did that prosecutor say in Rittenhouse’s trial? …”sometimes you just have to take a beating …”

  9. If they still have pennies in Australia….this is a great way to get rid of them. I wouldn’t even roll them up. Just dump them on the counter and leave.

    1. James…ya doused my Flame,,,LOL..!!

      That is Flippin EXACTLY what I would do, Pennies I have a large coolie container full.
      Here ya Go ya power tripping NAZI ASSHOLE.

  10. In Ontario we are just a stone’s throw away from what Australia is experiencing.

    “Under new regulations, anyone using a vaccine certificate will soon need to use a QR code rather than a paper version and there will be a system set up to verify medical exemptions which will then need to be added to the QR code.” Brian Lilley, Toronto Sun

    Toronto Sun: Province braces for what new measures may come for Christmas

    More and more what has been sold to Ontarians as temporary measures are not temporary at all. They are gradually becoming permanent measures. It is only a matter of time before our governments expand the use of these electronic certificates to literally monitor and control everything. In your daily lives what you can and cannot do is becoming less and less your decision. The incremental method of gradually expanding the role and the purpose behind vaccine certificates is evolving. It is the biggest threat to your freedom and that of your children and grandchildren.

    Anyone who is paying attention to what is happening in this country can see that the federal and the provincial governments are increasingly out of touch with the people who elected them. Your fundamental freedoms are slowly but surely slipping away. Those fundamental rights that you thought you had are just not there. They are a mirage. They are theroretical. They are only a piece of paper. They are nothing more than that.

    What we need in Canada a leader, someone who is fearless in the face of the tyranny that is being thrust upon Canadians. What is needed is a lion who can lead the sheep.

    “I would not fear an army of lions, if they were led by a sheep. But, I would fear an army of sheep, if they were to be led by a lion” Alexander the Great (356BC – 323BC)

    1. solidaritymovementofcanada.com
      Perhaps more of us are waking up.
      Some are realizing that no matter how many times you get jabbed, it is not possible to be “fully vaccinated.”

    2. So much whining. What do you think we in Manitoba have been living with since last August without one bit of protest from Ontario? Enjoy your QR card. You get used to it. And don’t expect your fellow Canadians to care because they don’t.

      1. You are right, Justin.

        Most Ontarians are focused only on their own situation. They seldom look outside the province at what other Canadians have to deal with in terms of government overreach. To be fair though, this has been the type of narrative promulgated by Butts and Telford in the PMO. Its purpose is to divide province against province and territory against territory. What is needed is a different narrative.

        Our fundamental rights and freedoms do NOT proceed from government. They are inalienable rights. They shall NOT be infringed. Neither shall they be limited by fiat or by edict. Rather, it is the people of Canada who bestow upon government the specific and tractable rights to operate within the bounds that they themselves prescribe.

        When you begin to realize the degree to which your government has usurped your fundamental freedoms, then you will see that your countrymen are not to blame. Nor are they in any way at fault. But, like you, they have been hoodwinked into believing a lie.

        Your rights and freedoms shall and must supersede the rights and freedoms of the government. Those rights and freedoms shall NOT be tractable. They are Not malleable. They are your birthright as a citizen. They belong to you. Otherwise, authoritarian rule and tyranny will inevitably win out.

        James Madison in The Federalist No. 51, February 6, 1788, wrote the following. “In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.”

        It is up to us to change the narrative.

    3. “They are a mirage. They are theroretical.”

      They are as real as your willingness to support and defend them. They are innate by virtue of your existence, therefore, as they do not derive from government, government cannot take them away, only infringe upon them.

      “I know not what course others may take; but as for me . . .”

      If you cannot complete that sentence it is not the government that is taking away your rights, it is you who is surrendering them. The fundamental question of life is, “Am I willing to die free on my feet today, or will I live on my knees in the hope that they will slaughter me last tomorrow.”

      Same as it ever was.

  11. Go back to using cash as much as possible is something we can all do starting today. We have to take our power back in steps the same way we gave it away.

  12. the good news aussies so inclined have a precedent for a variation on gas-and-dash.
    l just scratched aussieland off my ‘to visit’ list.

    1. “l just scratched aussieland off my ‘to visit’ list.”

      Heh, I spent quite a few years working back and forth to Australia, I told my wife a long time ago that we will NEVER spend our vacation dollars in that lefty liberal crap-hole. Yea, there are some good people there of course, but the “woke” BS in the city’s was grotesque and sickening even before it became a thing.

  13. I very happily fill out their little forms at restaurants etc.
    Ted Nugent Phone # 867 5309

    I’m also amazed to see that one evening I was dining with Bruce Springsteen and Bobby Orr. I looked around but to my disappointment did not encounter them.
