27 Replies to “Merry Christmas”

  1. John 15:18
    If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

    Christ fully expected that this was going to happen. The commies and progressives are proving Him correct.

  2. There’s an undeniable evil element to globalism/Liberalism…and I’m of the opinion that pedophilia is the tie that binds. Christianity is the fly in their ointment. With Christianity out of the way they’ll wreck shop like no one’s business.
    Not all Liberals and globalists are pedophiles but all pedophiles align themselves with the post modernist left in some way shape or form. Yes, even those who pretend to be Republicans.

    Biggest news this month was the employee child sex abuse and child porn cases at various alphabet agencies, specifically the CIA and which was totally ignored by the media.
    Not one…and it bears repeating, NOT ONE elected official on either side of the aisle has called for an investigation. No one. The story today is Assange’s extradition to the U.S. – perfect timing.
    That tells you all you need to know.
    There’s only one solution to the problem…but I can’t mention it here.

    1. employee child sex abuse and child porn cases at various alphabet agencies, specifically the CIA and which was totally ignored by the media

      That’s because they found a whopping total of 10, across ten years, across the entire agency and its contractors. Any cases is too many, and the fact that the incidents weren’t referred for prosecution is something that needs to be rectified[1], but the CIA has a long way to catch up to the Catholic Church, much less any state public school system for covering up institutional child rape. It’s a matter of priorities.

      [1] If the CIA isn’t allowed to torture people in extremis to save American lives, it sure as hell can’t be allowed to let child molesters go free on the grounds that they’re “valuable assets”.

      1. “That’s because they found a whopping total of 10, across ten years, across the entire agency and its contractors.

        That’s patently false – They found hundreds if not thousands using gov’t computers to download images as well as subscribing to child porn sites after an FBI sting. Your “10 over ten years” is a figure the CIA pulled out of their ass after an “internal review” conducted by the agency itself casting a rather dubious light on their claims.
        The RC church has some big problems which are being rectified by the laity themselves and if it means jail time for Bishops, Priests or anyone else, let the chips fall where they may. The biggest stumbling block as I see it is that there are powerful people in gov’t protecting them so there’s that. I don’t see teacher’s unions or teachers themselves making the same effort to clean up their yard.

  3. asaic these so-called ‘caring christians’ deserve all the grief they get.
    there was a popular quadraplegic motivational speaker in this town about 5 years ago.
    l bicycled an hour to get to the bapstard (=baptist+bastard) chuch (note the contemptuous spelling)
    5 seconds to late. the ‘gate keeper’ WATCHED ME LOCK UP MY BIKE AND THEN PROCEEDED TO
    and on top of THAT, allowed OTHERS in AFTER that because, well they were walking from the
    paahhhhking lot having arrived by automobile.
    about the same time l asked the top pastor in another chuch (theres that spelling again!)
    to tell the congregation my gf passed away.
    he refused.
    all this after l tried to sit at the table with all the big shots at yet ANOTHER chuch(again!) and told (exact quote)
    “you cant sit there, those seats are saved” oopsie, shoulda read that scripture passage again
    about getting ‘uninvited’ to the head table!!
    of all the chuches l have attended, FIVE treated me like DIRT. 3 of them no longer exist.
    and all the lamentations about falling attendance. why would that be?
    treating new members like the ‘n word’ perhaps?

    l havent seen a live sermon since before covid hit and NO INTENTION after all this abusive
    and callous behaviour by the ‘faithful’. arrogant BASTARDS. all the vitriol and hate DESERVED.

    1. The church as an entity is no longer Christian. They locked the doors because of “covid”, not because people were dying, but because the governments told them to. When they were needed the most they folded the fastest. As one brought up as a Christian and many years as a Salvation Army adherent, the church has left me, I did not leave the church. If they do not have the courage of Christ they are not worthy of calling themselves Christian. I would like someone to tell me just where my analysis falls short of being the truth.

      1. Too many pius bastards are involved. Loved telling an evangelist to work on the “log in his eye” while he tried to lecture me about my “bad” behaviour.
        I compared what I did and how his family reacted to what his kid had done (very similar situation) and how my family reacted.
        We got up and had coffee with his kid. The evangelist’s family threatened to call the cops on me.
        He had nothing left to say other than try to claim it was “tit-for-tat”.

        1. Last time I was in a Church was to get Married..wife is Italian…by some 80 year old greasy slimy Priest…whom I’m near certain had a thing for young boys.

          Until the day the Club of Rome acknowledges it has De-Facto Pedophiles within and knowingly – purposefully harboured that Filth..the (Caholic), Church can get Fkd.

          As for the rest of them..they too can get fkd with their embrace of LGBT, woke garbage. I have little use for “Organized Crime” …in any iteration.

          Artur Pawlowski is the only one to whose congregation I would willingly join…

      2. The church as an entity is no longer Christian.

        It stopped being Christian when it adopted the heresies of social justice and liberation theology.

        Like you, the church left me (a Lutheran), skedaddling when I was out of work during the 1980s. Lepers at least got sympathy–the unemployed were considered lazy leeches on society.

    2. so there’s no misunderstanding its the CHUCH l take offense to.
      otoh my fav book in the bible is Daniel. followed by Esther. now THERE are 2 folks that ‘got it right’.
      my LAST communication with the ‘tsk tsk she passed eh’ bunch was a long list of the gifts l still possess including
      many health advantages, 70 yrs age and still
      -dont wear glasses,
      -not a deaf mute,
      -no heart disease,
      -no COPD,
      -no crohns, colitis, etc,
      -no liver cirrhosis,
      -perfectly functioning kidneys,
      -no blood disorder,
      -none of the arthritis RAMPANT in my family,
      -high tolerance for cold, discomfort, etc,
      -marginal diabetes (diet and pills),
      -marginal elevated blood pressure,
      -no fibromyalgia, sciatica, etc,
      -5 pounds away from my ideal weight,
      -inordinate lower body strength, also did 1200 hyperextensions (backwards sit up) cpl weeks ago,
      followed by the question, howcum youse treat someone so blessed by Him with such contempt?
      no answer.

      etc etc. l dont pray for healing for myself, l dont need to.
      l pray for others. and for forgiveness. and thanks. jeepers. is there a correlation here?

      it all started many decades ago when l said a special prayer, Lord God if You are really out there,
      now’s Your chance to prove it. and proceeded to read said bible cover to cover.
      the truth and message poured out of those pages like Beethoven’s 9th.
      never looked back. lm a despicable unworthy sinner ashamed of some of the things lve done.
      but on this count, l got it spot on.
      lm also utterly convinced one day He will call on me to do some deed, some errand, a mission
      in recognition the times he pulled me away from the brink, yanked my arse out of the fire.
      l dont even know if l will survive. meh, l made it this far.
      about 2 years ago after agonizing over this it came to me: when the time comes,
      l will know.
      halleluah praise His Mighty Name and praise His Son the ONLY way to redemption.

      just so lm clear on that.

      and a happy christmastime for those inclined

      1. Those are not churches. They are groups of wandering heretics, with zero cred (next time ask the “pastor” (that’s a rubbish term anyway) how he traces his Apostolic lineage to claim ordination?)

        If your “church” has a pastor, it is not an actual church. It is one of the 32,000 sects and denominations of Protestantism, an offshoot of the Roman Papist heritage of magistrate-style arguments in order to be spiritual.

        Jesus debated the theologists of his day. The faithful needed nonsuch debates. They followed him, and obeyed his commandments. It is that simple.

        There is only One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

        And it is not in Rome. And it is not the demon-spawn of Rome either.

        Get you ass into the Russian Orthodox Church (ROCOR or OCA, both are fine enough). You won’t regret it.

        PS: your pastor cannot handle your requests because he has ZERO documentation outlining Church practice.

        The Orthodox Church has processes and procedures for just about anything.

        We survived the Nazis, the Mongols, Napoleon, Frederick the Great, the Swedes, the Ottomans, the Saracens, the Commies and the Trannies, and we haven’t altered doctrine, practice, nor the Liturgy in 2000 years. And we ain’t gonna.

        Plus, when you are Orthodox you get to say “My Church wrote your Bible” to Protestant pastors!

        Orthodoxy: saving souls and kicking asses since 33 AD.

        1. Wow, how did you manage to fit so many lies in one post? “Haven’t altered doctrine, practice, nor the Liturgy in 2000 years”, LOL. The only thing that russischesweinen orthodonkeys, did not alter was their reliance on the Julian calendar, which is a good testimony to their (and yours) literal retardation. Out of curiosity, how do orthdonkeys like you get around the fact that 10 thousand years from now your “Christmas” will be in the summer? My guess is, but staying ignorant of that fact. Or maybe you pretend to believe that potsriarch Gundayev will soon file a request for your god to alter the orbit of the Earth, so that the actual year will be what Romans thought it was?

  4. I would ascribe most of the discrimination and violence to the white cultural marxists who dominate our media and politics. Such people, tho usually vocal atheists, have the biggest “god complex” of all.

    1. I thought we were doing the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse this year?

      Lets see we’ve done, pandemic, forest fires, floods…and that’s it we’re missing earthquakes!

      Evidently, not enough PRACTICING Christians in da house!

      When Christians get abused and hated they go underground like in the Roman Empire days. Its kinda like a saint making factory.

      And today’s reading: Matthew 11:16-19
      ‘What comparison can I find for this generation? It is like children shouting to each other as they sit in the market place:

      We played the pipes for you, and you wouldn’t dance; we sang dirges, and you wouldn’t be mourners.

      ‘For John came, neither eating nor drinking, and they say, “He is possessed.”

      The Son of man came, eating and drinking, and they say, “Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.” Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds.’


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group “True North”

      1. Well we did get the volcanos, so there is that.

        Just no asteroids or the Star Wormwood hitting us yet.

        Still waiting on The Two Witnesses to light the way, soon, very soon.

  5. Churches could be taking in the homeless, cleansing the outside and inside, feeding the hungry, that’s something i can volunteer my time too.
    Europe and North America are full of empty churches.

  6. I would say more Christians die each year from hate crimes globally than there are those who can be proven to die from climate change. Where is Justin’s funding for Christophobia?

  7. Masters of the obvious, as to who is committing the greatest number of attacks on Christians.

    “They make a wasteland and they call it peace.” – Tacitus

    He did a nice job summarizing the ascendancy of hateful progressives like Ilhan Omar, two millennia before she was elected.
