No New Car For You

Dear Leader’s environment minister has announced that he will mandate that electric cars must be available at every car dealership on Turtle Island. But don’t worry, with inflation the way it is, you won’t be able to afford a new vehicle anyway.

And our tax dollars at work.

37 Replies to “No New Car For You”

  1. Never mind we can’t afford one, he will mandate we buy one. We will now all do what we are mandated. Since when do we live in a dictatorship? Mandates have become popular with politicians, as if they received a mandate from the people to boss us around, tell us what drugs to take, cars to buy etc.

    Someone tell the tosser this is not how democracies work. Of course, he doesn’t believe in democracy, it’s green tyranny for him, to save the planet dontcha know.

  2. I had read earlier that our Trudeauland government wanted to fleet the government workers only to be told that we don’t have enough electric infrastructure for it to be viable at this time.

  3. As I’ve stated many times – the end game isn’t to have everyone buy an electric car. This is impossible for various reasons including supply of materials for batteries, disposal of batteries, and supply of power, including peak when everyone plugs in at once. The end game is not allowing anyone who is not an elite liberal to own a vehicle.

    1. Exactly.
      Tomorrow it won’t be what you can buy it’ll be what you can’t.
      We’ve mandated what you can’t buy because you’re mostly stupid people and need to be guided through life by the steady hand of Big Mother. And if you don’t like that the backhand of Big Brother will be called upon.

    2. Yep, the carbon tax and various Trudeau policies are simply designed to drive ppl into poverty so they can’t afford anything other than food, govt approved clothes, and public transit. But he’s apparently handsome so all his lies and bs are excused. People are so stupid nowadays, voting themselves into poverty over and over >:(

  4. When did we give any politician fucking power over our lives. Tell the bastards to get the hell out of our faces. For those who have tried to avoid violence by complying with every bloody government dictate, you are going to be very unhappy in coming years, as those who want freedom will not continuing rolling over just to appease the fainthearted and the stupid.

  5. A $0.80cdn dollar is looting the used vehicle market to the US.
    Forget new, even used are becoming scarce. Dealers are desperate to sell anything.

    1. Dr..

      That is for sure. I have friends working at a Calgry GM Dealer: Lots are half empty, they have not been able to source ANY used Trucks especially Diesel Duramax’s….anywhere in North America..those that do, selling at amazing premiums.

      New ones come in drips and drabs. Fully paid for 4-6 weeks prior to delivery.

      Its the same with every Dealership in Calgary…and i’m told they are selling said trucks without an entertainment system…Supply chain issues…which is hobbling new home builders as well: No microwaves, no Fridges – stoves etc.

      In time Canada will look like Havanna.
      Not a new vehicle in sight anywhere…..and those with vehicles, cannibalizing parts forever.

      1. You got that right.
        A tradesman I work with just bought a new Duramax pickup last week.
        Paid over $ 82,000 for it , not including the usual tax ,dealer prep yada , yada.
        He got lucky cause the guy who originally ordered it changed his mind and was in for his deposit back just as my guy was walking in the door.
        The dealer told him the new price and my guy said no problem let’s get er done.
        But he needed a work truck real bad.
        This is in TO.

        My mouth dropped when I heard what he paid for it.
        I remember my brother buying a new 1987 F150 with a full 8 foot bed, off the lot for $ 13,300 total out the door.

    2. Dr, yes, a friend of mine is a used car dealer and told me some time ago that big dealers in the US were buying up cars in Canadian auctions and forcing up the prices and reducing available stock for guys like him, this has been going on since before “covid”. He is not a big dealer just a guy who usually has about 50 of the best cars he can buy on his lot. He is now running about 30 cars and often times has to spend what should be his profit just get them moved off his lot.

      1. I’ve been watching car haulers loaded with used cars driving on highway 4 south of Lethbridge for months now. Thing is, save for one small town, there are no longer any car dealerships along that stretch of highway. Gotta be heading stateside.

    3. This past summer, during one of my trips back from my house in B. C., I remember seeing a pair of pickups pulling trailers with wrecked autos on them. I’m assumed that they were bound for a junkyard here in Alberta, but maybe they were going south of the border just for the parts that could be salvaged.

  6. The Fwench Fascist Phuck.

    I’m guessing if this Hairy Nazi gets his way that when I go to a car lot in 8 years and 21 days from now it’ll be half full with 100% EV’s.

    1. Doubtful, they won’t be able to be stored outside in Canada without ruining their batteries, but I don’t think our politicians have really thought this through yet.

      1. I don’t think our politicians have really thought this through yet

        Hahahahahahahahahaha! They won’t think that through because they’re not affected by that.

  7. These people are incredibly stupid. Electric vehicles require batteries. Batteries are made of lead. The only remaining lead mine in the USA is the Doe Run Mine in Missouri (if they haven’t shut it down yet). The primary supplier of lead in the world is China. They have excellent environmental controls. Right. Idiots. There needs to be an IQ test for anyone entering politics, with a minimum score requirement.

    1. Sir, this:

      “The reality is that, as Britain flaunts its environmental credentials by speckling its coastlines and unspoiled moors and mountains with thousands of wind turbines, it is contributing to a vast man-made lake of poison in northern China. This is the deadly and sinister side of the massively profitable rare-earths industry that the ‘green’ companies profiting from the demand for wind turbines would prefer you knew nothing about.”

      Eco-piety comes at a great cost.

      1. OK, I guess wind turbines buried in the ocean are no worse than the uncountable thousands of ships that have sunk in the last two hundred years, ecologically that is. They are burying them in the ground everywhere else.

        1. Yes but I bet some of the really old wrecks are loaded with plundered gold and silver.
          That makes them much more valuable than some old windmill.

    2. Niall Mor EV batteries are NOT made of lead. Lithium, cobalt, Nickel, Graphite or some combination thereof.

      1. And guess what. They have a large (nickel) mine in the Amazon and they want to tear out miles & miles of rain forest to feed the EV beast.

        So much for saving the planet.

  8. We got offered a pretty good amount for our 2010 Sequoia and so I went to look at what that might get us as a replacement. We are keeping the 2010 Sequoia.

    1. My late father bought his 2013 Dodge Turbo Ram 8 years ago. The only things that one might consider as options were the air conditioning and satellite radio. A few months ago, I found the dealer’s invoice: around $50,000.

  9. There will still be a few conventional vehicles available for sale. After all, Chief Big Screen TV will want a new fully-kitted turbo-charged diesel 4 x 4 pickup truck every other year, right?

    1. Oh please as soon as their usefulness wears out Libranos will herd them right to the gulag next to the one reserved for us.

  10. Cuba was a wonderfully prosperous country before communist vermin like dizzy and UnMe were allowed to take over. The cars Cubans had when that happened are still on the roads to this day. Time your car purchases right. It might need to last you a lifetime… provided that you actually get to live outside of a gulag….

  11. I ll keep my gasoline engine car 25 years if I can, not because it is a great one, its a normal good car, no more, it is just a Kia Forte, but because I hate being forced by the government to do something I don t want to do, like get vaccinated ( based on doctored data) or drive an electric car ( based on a manufactured fear of global warming ).
