11 Replies to “Partying With The Woke”

  1. I guess spray painting your skin black is probably illegal now is it not?

    Honestly, I’m black, our politicians says that I can claim it.
    Like women sports and men are dominant by just claiming being gender different.

  2. Devil’s Advocate here. This just might awaken the more thoughtful white students to how that lone minority in their classroom feels. Speaking at the funeral of one of my coworkers at a Black church did that for me.

  3. l have autism. lm a serious misfit. l know what this feels like for the past 64 goddamned years.
    put yer hand up if ya ever got kicked off a bus for telling the driver someone was aiming a
    retina-damaging laser pointer all over the vehicle.
    or beat up in grade 1 for having the AUDACITY to learn to read virtually instantly aaaaaand . . .
    losing me place in reading circle.
    lm not stooooopid. far from it. l got
    -my driver’s license,
    -ohip card,
    -library card,
    -various phone numbers,
    -20 digits of pi,
    and the like memorized. but because l lack the paramount ‘social skills’ lm labelled a ‘dummy’.

    but when it suits the authorities l get lumped in with the whities that treat me like an ‘n word’.
    kinda like the only time l spend in that detestable group eh?
