Triple Vax Attack

Sportsnet- Raptors president Ujiri joins growing list of NBAers with COVID

“On Sunday, Giants of Africa held our first in-person event since 2019. It was organized in compliance with all current public health guidance – everyone who attended had to show proof of vaccination, and to wear masks when not eating or drinking,” said Ujiri in a statement issued by the team. “Unfortunately, after the gala, we learned of positive COVID-19 tests among our guests – and even though I am fully vaccinated and have received a booster shot, I also subsequently tested positive.

Sam Amico- Despite 97 percent vaccination rate, NBA has already at least equaled last year’s total number of players/coaches entering COVID protocol.

37 Replies to “Triple Vax Attack”

      1. You are not a quantitative analyst of any serious ability, so stop with the nonsense, okay? You are someone who has a bit of the gift of the gab, and you may have dabbled a bit here and there in some pop culture books on stats or game theory.

        You don’t have the chops to engage on these topics. Go and spend 9 years on grad study in stats and math, then spend 15 years training, building, assessing and correcting models in all manner of industries before you try to throw your weight around here

        1. Stop being a smart ass…….

          Saskatchewan has spent 100 million on Covid care thus far.

          Keeping people out of the hospital is a priority!

          The vaccines do that exceptional well.

          1. That’s sarcasm right? New data out of the UK where they actually keep statistics properly instead of ignoring the first 21 days after the jab like Saskatchewan does shows there is actually no absolute risk reduction at all in hospitalization. Furthermore the vaccinated at more like to die of a whole bunch of causes, including COVID, compared to the unvaccinated.

            If you don’t get what that’s true then then go look up absolute risk versus relative risk. You’re been lied to. Our government is trying to kill us.

  1. Global news @5 reports 9 Covid deaths in Ontario today. NINE
    In a province of 15+M.
    And probably all had co-morbidities.

    1. Then – with straight faces – they’ll explain why all Kanuckistanian sheeple are demanding total lockdowns.

      1. Yes so successful you need to take at minimum 4, and even then no guarantees. Just wait for the bi-yearly COVID shots, I’m sure you’ll be first in line. You are literally the “Govern me harder daddy” meme.

      2. Well if you are calling it the Trump vaccine we KNOW you know these mRNA vaccines are ineffective.

  2. The lying bastards are still saying the only wayto beat covid is everyone vaccinate. Like some holy mantra. Dotheynotunderstandnooneislisteninganymore.

    All week long I have been listeniong to health experts say we don’t know how dangerous the Omigodicron variant is, so we must be cautious. They are either ignorant or lieing because for a month now, the doctor in S Africa has said IT IS MILD. Either way, these so-called experts should be fired.

    But we are going to have the fear of omicron thrust down our throat until we plead for incarceration, curfew and lobotomy.

    1. “…….we don’t know how dangerous the Omigodicron variant is, so we must be cautious.”

      Cautious like jabbing multiple experimental “vaccines” into you and hoping it’s all good. Experts following the Science.

    1. Personally I think all of these “take a knee” NBA players should be forced to take 10 jabs all at once, just because……. we need to be sure for science.

    2. Didn’t he say “along with your daily fill of oranges, apples, rainbow trout, lamb with pumpkin seeds and plenty of sunlight”?

  3. Well, I heard the solution today. Every unvaxed person should be in jail. And when that doesn’t work , what’s next? Gas chambers? It isn’t funny anymore.

  4. I’m jealous of the Pfizer CEO. This booster regime is a better deal than lying on a beach collecting 20%

  5. Might go out on a limb and say that the Jab actually makes people MORE susceptible to catching the Whu.

    You know, just casual observation on all the breakthrough cases.

    1. Actually, British researchers are finding that when you carve out the people who have had one shot, and the people who have had two within the 2-3 week window, they are way worse off than the truly never-vaxxed.

      That 2-3 week window turns out to have spread a lot of Covid and done a sh*t ton of damage. everyone was assuming that the vaxxes weren’t actually LOWERING your defenses for the first 2-3 weeks.

      Basic analytics 101. But that isn’t health officials’ strong suit. Never has been.

      So they lumped all the unvaxxed together in one bucket. Whoops. Well, trust the science, I guess.

      1. The UK has done better than Canada by a long shot. Canada is still hiding adverse vaccine reactions by claiming anything days 1-14 (1-21 in Saskatchewan) are COVID cases.

  6. “NBA has already at least equaled last year’s total number of players/coaches entering COVID protocol.”

    Of course, neglecting to mention the season was canceled March 11, restarted later in the year in a strict bubble that included playoffs in the fall. Zero cases reported during the bubble. So effectively zero cases March 11 to the end of the playoffs.

    To compare the two seasons, or calender years, is absurd.

  7. Life kills all.
    Save yourself ,stop the spread of life.
    If other people have life your risk of dying increases.
    Only people inoculated against the key symptoms of life,are safe in your company.
    Symptoms of life ,such as joy,laughter and spontaneity must be shunned,those showing such symptoms are full of life and must be avoided..
    Save your self,life kills everyone who contracts it.
    Use your cocoon,that is what it is for,isolate yourself fully..
    Seek out a secure,sterile, safe space.
    Huddle and moan..
    Abandon all control of your bodily functions..
    Feel only for yourself..

    Cause there ain’t no thinking going on.

    Shades of Hawkwind’s “In Case of Sonic Attack”..
    But shee it,our fearless parasites are now so far gone,that the only rational response is to free them from their terror of living.
    And after these last 20 months I no longer care which path they chose.
    We could offer them isolation in nice safe encampments,far from happy healthy people.
    Or we could just give them what they have been promising us ,Property of the State misfits.
    All loving applications of old,new or improvised tools will serve to cure the fools and bandits,who claim that they rule and we must obey.

    Consent withdrawn.
    Party time.

    When you destroy civil society to “Save it”,tell me I have no ancient rights and freedoms as a man..
    Civilization Destroyed.
    Me uncivil ..
    So “Me Savage”.
    You Prey.

    And that line is crossed so easily,so casually,so righteously.
    If you are a God Damned Retard.
    Which is just another term of endearment for our progressive comrade.

    We are in interesting times.
    The non-tool using segment of society,which is totally dependent on the tool users,has declared that they are supreme and shall rule over the tool users and treat them as the livestock,thats property,we so obviously are.
    First we withdraw the service,for immense amusement comes from watching the incompetent do what they do best.
    Lists are wonderful,whole bunch of my local do-gooders and social overseers are going to find services both expensive,oddly incompetent and shockingly expensive.

    I did not declare war on them.
    I used to belong to the “leave me alone and play your stupid little games on your own property and we will get along just fine.
    I need no help,from fools or bandits.
    With help such as they provide,I need no enemies.
    The year of Retribution.
    Be sure to thank your oppressors in person.
    For they Know they do these things for your own good.
    Such logic can also be applied to pain,suffering and permanent rest..

    Sane persons have always chosen,not to go there.
    Yet now?
    Madness appears to be virally spread,mass hysteria sweeps our institutions and the witch burners have returned.
    Is it time to spit upon your hands yet?

    All the old evils are back,parading around as “Good Behaviour”.
    Who is going to wear the cute little mustache this time?
