46 Replies to “WARNING! CBC Link! Some Readers Might Be Offended”

  1. From Diamond Yao’s personal website:

    “Diamond is an independent writer/journalist who focuses on contemporary social and environmental issues. A polyglot from Montreal/Tio’tia:ke, she aims to bring underreported stories and perspectives into the open to add to important conversations. Much of her work focuses on marginalized voices, intersectionality, diaspora, sustainability and social justice. Her work has been featured in many outlets that include Toronto Star, Plan A Magazine, La Converse and the CBC.

    Diamond is also a dedicated advocate for environmental and social justice. She has worked for the ECOLE Project sustainability collective, conducted extensive published research on first generation university students, participated in intersectional feminist performances and facilitated over a hundred hours of workshops on anti-colonialism and environmental scientific education for young people.

    She is fluent in English, French, Mandarin and Shanghainese.”


    1. In other words, she’s a CCP disinformation agent.

      As Xi Jinping’s bitch, she goes for the throat of anybody he orders her to.

    2. So she’s one one those Chinese colonizer anti colonials. Maybe she should de-diasporize her ass back to China, for social justice.

      1. She reminds me of some of the female Chinese grad students I encountered while I was finishing my Ph. D. We whites were tolerated, so long as we could do something for them. After that was done, they didn’t know who we were.

        And don’t even think of trying to date one of them…..

  2. Maybe someone should tell the B-word that there are countries in this world where she never has to ever see a white person again.

    1. She’s the type who, if you slipped on an icy sidewalk and fell down, she’d lecture you about the evils of white supremacy and that you deserved what happened to you before going on her way.

    2. If I am not mistaken, there is a country where she could live, write and preach, with 1.4 billion others of a similar appearance and where whites have always been considered inferiors.

  3. “As a Chinese Canadian, I’m joining hands with Indigenous communities to speak up about this nation’s history of violent oppression.”

    Dear Ms. Yao,

    Go ask a Viet how they feel about the Han, and why.

      1. … Vietnamese, Indian, Pilipino and the list goes on. They’re like russians, never stop spreading their filth.

  4. I just hear “I”, “I”, “I” from this woman. It is beneficial to society that she not marry or have children. Fortunately for her, our civilization is wealthy enough to support a percentage of useless drones.

    1. Fortunately for her, our civilization is wealthy enough to support a percentage of useless drones.

      Fortunately for her, unfortunately for the rest of us. She’s a complete waste of the tax money I pay to support her useless backside.

  5. ” I did not want any children of my own “. Please follow through on this and help the world out, one less LEFTY to lecture people in the future.

  6. There’s a reason why the Ceeb only has a 5% market share, with their cable news network having a share under 2% and their local-market news programs dipping below 1% (latest figures I could find).

  7. Reads remarkably like the slop that college student-run newspapers dish up under Opinions.

    Me, me, me, western colonialism, me, me, white supremacists, me, me, me, me, social justice. Also, me.

  8. Really vapid, an neurotic, writing here. Sign of the pitiful “journalism” in our future.

  9. This is probably the best advertisement for Dune I have ever read. I might watch it now.

    Also, savages should be subjugated not imported. Decolonization was a greatest crime against humanity. Any savage disloyal to superior Western Civilization (aka Civilization) ought to be deported. That is all.

  10. Typical CBC. 1 paragraph about the movie, the rest of the article is mememememememe. Dig the caption under the picture:

    “Diamond Yao, seen here in Italy, knew from a young age that she wanted to be independent and travel the world. (Submitted by Diamond Yao)”

    And she ended up in Canada?

    1. “And she ended up in Canada?”

      Yes Canada ranks #1 on the First World gullibility list – she obviously opted out of Australia, New Zealand, UK, US, Scandinavia, Germany & France as the only other viable considerations on planet earth.

      As do most of the worlds deadbeats.

  11. CBC First Person = “Dear Penthouse, I never thought that this could happen to me…….”

    Just more CBC Woke porn.

    1. “Her name is Diamond.

      That is all I need to know about her.”

      Agreed. Just another useless SJW, too…

  12. Why must we support – (with our already-too-much- taxes -) the crap and utter
    vomit . this Diamond Yao writes and claims to be of any importance whatesoever!
    This is CBC doing what it always does ……….. ever-reaching for a lower level.

  13. Hello I just arrived in your country and I think you are all a bunch of racists, going back to my country to warn all the superior people there about you. Just because you have this better country that everyone wants to come to doesn’t mean you get to … wait … I wasn’t finished … ow that door hurts, now I am really mad … you probably can’t hear me now out on the airport runway but I have more I wanted to say …

  14. Friggin muzzies didn’t object to mockup mosques on training areas when our troops were getting ready for a tour in Afghanistan. That a Lebanese idiot is causing a freaking storm about this when his own country is an absolute mess of stupidity caused by islamic incompetence just burns my grits. Feck off, you mohammedan coprolite.

    1. Isn`t that a type of building where they usually store their weapons and ammunition. Ask a squadie. And Farooq, if you had a hunting permit on the base it came with a no photographs caveat. Perhaps you were not hunting after all, we should check your bio.

  15. “Justin’s CBC has found a journalist who trashes white Europeans, doesn’t want to get married. thinks the movie Dune represents white colonialism, and hates babies.”
    Uhmmm, isn’t that an accurate description of ALL CBC “journalists”?

  16. Farood, go fuck yourself. If Mosques were not used for wepaons storage, indoctrination and sniper’s nests, you wouldn’t have that problem… Note that churches and cathedrals were not exempt from fire if they were used for “perfidy”. It’s in the rules of war. Google it.

  17. There are zero elk found in the suffield area. Perhaps the occasional deer in the river breaks or an hard to get near prong horn, once in a while, a gopher, but no Elk. Perhaps however those racists have established an “Elk Lodge” with invited paid members.
    Will I call this a “Fake Article”, because, like Facebook’s troops, it is my opinion.

  18. Pfft! What drivel. She looks really oppressed, posing in all those glamorous travel destinations.
