42 Replies to “A Way Out”

  1. I don’t always agree with Scott Adams and especially around Covid, but he is spot on this time.

    1. *
      don’t give me that natural immunity jive. how are
      all the pharmaceutical bros gonna get their bonuses
      this year?

      go pfizer!


      1. Pfizer’s cash flow and revenue reports are looking anemic. Have to keep the poison jabs going. Politicians and bureaucrats need their palms greased and wallets padded.

  2. This is a bit like saying that the threat of nuclear war ended when background radiation levels in Nagasaki returned to tolerable levels.

    The pandemic—or pandemics—will end when the CCP is replaced by something less inclined to develop genetically engineered plagues designed to kill white people on an industrial scale.

    That will only happen when the Red Chinese, and not “anti-vaxxers,” are recognized as the clear and present danger to humanity that they are, and action taken to neutralize that threat.

    1. The Awful truth…

      I do not believe for a moment that this particular strain of viral infection was Thrust upon us by China. Now, do I buy that the ChiComs are/have been working on Bio Weapons..?? ABSOLUTELY.

      But IMO, this 2 yr never ending shit-show was Planned in the US, by US based personnel along with the 100% complicit greedy involvement of Big Pharma….decades AGO. It had to have been, I simply cannot swallow a supposed 7 month “miracle Cure” conjured up like a “shazaam” from Hogwarts U. Bullshit.

      As are the continuing discussions over Teflon Tony giving 3.7 M to the WIV… More pure Misdirection and Bullshit (to me, THAT is a 100% False Flag op) – to defer prying eyes away from what USAMRIID & Darpa were doing at the University of North Carolina Chapple Hill under the directions of Ralph Baric. He receiving over 100 Million USD funnelled via ANSER Corp through those two US Defense orgs….and it is from there we get SARS, (US Patent 7279327 Apr 2002 – Note the date of that patent..!!),

      The modified covsars and a vax made as far back as 1999….containing the exact same ingredients as what we have today: S1 Spike protein and the Ace2 Domain/Receptor sites – built for Cannine CovSars. Their tests at the time, killed Every Animal it was tested upon: Dogs, horses and rhesus monkeys.

      GROSS Profit (Billions @ $19.20 USD per), with a lovely side of SEVERE Adverse reactions and Deaths….and the prospect has EVERY Fcuking Politician in the Western
      Hemisphere salivating…. with Billions upon Billion of Boosters awaiting those that don’t get killed right off the bat.,,but manage to survive with a severely limited Immune response capability

      Over 2.5 million Severe Adverse Reactions just from VAERS w/similar #’s from the EU. The supposed “salvation” for the Terrified (made so by a FEAR CAMPAIGN of Unimagineable proportions that continues today)….and based largely upon the Criminal Trashing of effective and cheap (emphasis on CHEAP), alternative treatments….and an utter FRAUDULENT test protocol: RT PCR

      WE are in the midst of a Globalist ordered CLEANSING with Methodology & Proportions the NAZI’s could only dream of….And Make NO MISTAKE, this is 100% a BIO WEAPON…just ask Dr. Francis Boyle

      I’m thinking this has been in the works since the mid ’80’s with the idea germinating as early as the days of Maurice Strong (a Rockefeller Favourite – as is Gerald Butts)


  3. Short version: She was big time pro-vaccine. Then her husband got myocarditis after his first shot. Doctors said it was probably the shot, then said it wasn’t. She managed to find another doctor who said it was the shot. They asked for a medical exemption for the next shot.
    He said he couldn’t, because if he wrote an exemption he would be investigated.
    She said she no longer believes this is all about our health.


    Now her husband will lose his job as a firefighter in BC because of the shot.


    1. Waiting for millions more pro-“vaxx” idiots to have their “Coming to Jesus” moment.

      Popcorn futures on the rise.

    2. And what recourse does this gentleman have? None. Yeah, our governments are there to look out for us.

    3. She can apply to the VISP which is Canada’s lovely Vaccine Injury Support Program, and yes it will pay for Funeral Expenses from the Covid 19 jab, just read the FAQ! It might even pay for loss of wages but only if you are injured. Good news is that you don’t even have to be a Canadian Citizen to apply – go Roxham Road!

      “Eligible individuals may receive income replacement indemnities; injury indemnities; death benefits; coverage for funeral expenses; reimbursement of eligible costs such as otherwise uncovered medical expenses.”


      1. Yes, I am aware of the program. My cynicism got the better of me. 🙂 The problem is getting a doctor to sign off on the vaccine as the cause of the injury or death. Good luck with that. Bizarro world we are living in.

  4. There is a tendency for a virus to become milder the longer it’s been around. Maybe Covid will mutate into something akin to the common cold. When that happens we’ll be ready for the next Chinese lab screw-up, which is very likely given that they were never held accountable for the one that gave us Covid 19.

  5. So much mixed messaging going on as Covid keeps popping out variants. Looks like we’re being advised to have a
    merry Covid protocol Christmas again this season. Vaxed or unvaxed we can be open to being infected.
    One thing we know for sure, as this goes on and on, there will be a pandemic of mental illnesses due to the stress and loneliness it is causing across all ages in various degrees.

    1. Liz, mutations come from all viruses. To date no one has isolated the so called covid/sars-cov-2 virus. The mutations have not been identified as anything except a damn flu. How do you identify a particular strain of a virus when you haven’t identified the so called original? How many liars are spreading the bullshit and scaring weak minded people into taking experimental drugs? It is a fucking flu with a an IFR of 0.26%. That has not changed since the lie was formulated.

  6. Sorry, the party crowd will not allow viral natural selection to ruin a good thing. The orgy of totalitarianism must go on. It’s no different than trying to cut off a drunk who hasn’t puked or passed out yet, both in terms of stubbornness and rationality.

  7. Essentially GVB is saying this is the off-ramp. This is the chance, maybe the LAST chance, to get off the vaccine/booster train and let the virus run its course. Treat the sick, show compassion, show HUMILITY. and admit that mankind cannot and will not defeat mother nature.

    But if mankind instead doubles down on its arrogance and hubris and insists on trying to defeat Omicron with more vaccines, more segregation, more restrictions, more demonization & ostracization … then whatever follows Omicron may well serve as God’s judgment upon us.

    1. They’re not going to be able to stop Omnicron. It’s going to double every few days until it fizzles out whether it’s mild or not. By Christmas time it’ll be the major variant worldwide. So far it’s looking like this is the end finally.

      1. That’s not quite the point. GVB is warning, has been warning all along, that mass vaccination INTO a pandemic using non-sterilizing vaccines is extraordinarily dangerous on a population scale. It places evolutionary pressure on the virus to evolve in a direction to escape the vaccine induced antibodies, which allows the virus to continue to replicate and survive. A likely endpoint of this evolution is a viral strain that turns the host’s vaccinal antibodies against the host, leading to antibody-enhanced disease in the vaccinated population, with waves of severe illness and death that could make everything we’ve seen thus far look like the mere prelude, given that hundreds of millions if not billions of people will be filled with these antibodies, INCLUDING CHILDREN NOW.

        So GVB’s prescription would be to stop vaccinating NOW, and ESPECIALLY do not double down and start vaccinating all over again with Omicron-specific doses, which is what Pfizer is already suggesting should happen, and we know that FDA et al will simply follow along. Such a course of action will open the door to an outright catastrophe.

        Do you think any of our stupid governments will listen? They haven’t listened to a single damn thing anyone like GVB or Robert Malone has had to say yet.

        1. The only thing I would suggest adding is that ADE likely means that the long-ago jabbed are now at more risk of a bad effect from Omicron than the unvaxxed who do not have natural immunity (aka did not catch a variant of Coronavirus already). The active weakening of the immune system after the “efficacious” period will likely make Omicron a killer of some of the long-ago jabbed. Thus prolonging the panic.

          I like the junky analogy. After your first hit, you’ll never regain your original bliss. Indeed, after many hits you need regular boosters to try to get you back to feeling not-terrible. The immune systems of the jabbed will never be able to return to the effectiveness they had before the shots, and the “I’m somewhat better protected” period is less than a year. Which leaves a lot of years of “ADE means I’m in worse shape and more danger now”.

          1. I can’t do justice to his arguments. He’s got two hand-in-hand here and you kind of need to read both (including some comments on the pessimistic one where at least one reader breaks it down a bit for better layman understanding).

            First, the pessimistic one. This is the “if we continue mass vaccination into the Omicron wave we set the course for complete catastrophe” message: https://voiceforscienceandsolidarity.substack.com/p/will-mass-vaccination-against-omicron

            Then, the optimistic one. This is the “if we can stop the mass vaccination now we can escape a much worse fate with Omicron’s help” message: https://voiceforscienceandsolidarity.substack.com/p/the-way-out

          2. CM, ADE was brought up and exposed when the not vaccines were first put out. AIDs would be what you are looking at but hell, don’t look too hard.

        2. My hope is that it will take long enough to develop and roll out any Omicron vaccine that we get time for public skepticism to grow sufficiently that uptake will be far less than with the initial vaccine. My sense is that public distrust of the vaccine program is already growing since its becoming quite obvious that these vaccines are nothing like the Polio or Measles vaxxes that they were initially promoted as.

  8. MSM will ensure that the public is kept living in terror and fear, this ends when we remove the doctors/politicians responsible the covid hysteria.

  9. Interesting bit on Glenn Beck’s show this morning. Apparently NIAID and some employees have some proprietary interest in (I believe I heard) Moderna that will continue even after they are dead – their heirs will reap the benefits as well. No conflict there. FDA also said they had reviewed all documents related to the vaccines in 180 days but these documents will only be released over a period of 75 years – convenient that everyone who has had the vaccines will be dead by then. Huge conflict when the government (taxpayer) pays for the research but taxpayers cannot access the documents. Since the government is involved up the wazoo in all of this, FDA, CDA, etc. will never admit any culpability if adverse reactions and deaths continue to accelerate. Anyway, lawsuit to access the documents in a more timely manner commencing next week. I will have to listen to it in full later in the day when I have time.

  10. While I too am optimistic about the potential for omicron to get us through the pandemic ( or at least to turn the tide) I do still believe in the cautious approach.
    If we had been careful and actually scientific from the start of this thing instead of precipitous and fearful….
    Anyway, while indications are that severity is very low, there are factors that might be affecting this. (I won’t bore you unless you want to know them.)
    Let’s watch, hope and see!

  11. I think I can compare the Government to a bully and the citizens to the bullied. No one wants to admit they are being bullied. Some people agree with the mandates and join the bully to escape, others go along to get along with the bully hoping he eventually will just go away. These are the cowards. The rest are inclined to resist the bully and are persecuted further.

    1. True enough, but let’s not forget the role of the public itself in bullying it’s fellow citizens. There isn’t a lot of ” live and let live” out there. Never has been.

  12. “They” being EVERY Sniveling POS Politician in the Entire Western Hemisphere could give a RATS (_I_) about you or anyone elses HEALTH.

    The entire GLOBAL Body politic are in on this PROFIT SCHEME with a side dose of Genocide. All of them….to date I’ve heard only a cpl mouse squeaks from 2 other politicians in this Fkd up country….MAX is alone in that. The REST.?? NAZI Filth IMO….Future TARGETS.

    This shitshow will NOT end with omicron…it will continue until the people REVOLT..and I dont (at least right now), see that happening in my remaining lifetime.

    1. Sharp observation
      ““They” being EVERY Sniveling POS Politician in the Entire Western Hemisphere could give a RATS (_I_) about you or anyone elses HEALTH.”

      They never talk about people that have serious illness.
      All the talk about is keeping the hospitals empty as though they are being told that the extermination experiment will get out of hand and the politicians, Calgary mass media and the rest of the ruling class need the space for themselves.

  13. The real problem in practical terms is the constant testing required in many jurisdictions. This Omicron is so benign and so transmissible that the whole world will likely be “infected”. For those of us who want to travel to see our families for Christmas, we may not be able to avoid a positive test even if asymptomatic or only slightly under the weather. That will result in an inability to complete our travels as planned thanks to the needless and draconian restrictions on our civil liberties.

  14. Where does someone intentionally get the Omicron variant?

    I’m double vaxed plus I had Covid a year ago, so I don’t think I would feel ill effects.

    But, if I get a positive test results, I can cross the border without further test results.

  15. As I said way back in ancient times (2020), “The fastest way to end the pandemic is for everyone to go out and French kiss everybody they meet. It will be over and done in a few months.”

      1. You know what they say. If you swing both ways you double your chances of getting a date.

        1. Nothing personal, but I don’t know how many of you bastards I wanna swap spit with. And if you saw my ugly, bushy mug, damn sure you’d reconsider as well. You read my post yesterday about botoxing a camel? There’s a reason I’ve had a beard since 1979…

  16. The Covid we’ve all been waiting for.

    Governments everywhere: “Natural immunity must be stopped at all costs.”
