9 Replies to “A Nashville Twofer”

  1. “Ben Shapiro wrote a new book telling us the real enemy we face, which is the “authoritarians,” both on the left and on the right, like the Jan 6th protestors who tried to overthrow our government so they could personally seize power over all of us. Nobody buys these books. I’ll bet Ben Shapiro has fewer honest fans than I do. But he has a $24 million dollar budget for his website, to run a massive staff, to spew all of this. And he does that all while a grossly criminal, illegal conspiracy, commits crimes which are not just technically illegal, but which utterly savages the very essence of the concepts of American freedom, privacy, and the United States Constitution. And Shapiro is a knowing paid agent of this enemy. And he is getting paid very well for it.”
    – Anonymous Conservative

  2. “Ben Shapiro hates Christ, rejects Christ, and is therefore by definition Anti-Christ. Christians should not be lending their time and money to this man. They should be sharing the Gospel with him instead and praying for his acceptance of Jesus Christ the King of Kings.”
    – Andrew Torba

    As Lauren Witzke explains: THIS is why Ben Shapiro is promoted on all platforms. Little Ben is the official damage-control spokesman for the wicked Globalist Oligarchy.


    1. Anti-Semitism is an un-Christian doctrine promoted by the clergy of the Church of Rome, the official Church of a declining Roman Empire whose elite’s hatred of Jews and their God long pre-dated the birth of Christ.

      Those who fear the God of Israel and keep His Law will accept His Son as Messiah when He returns.

      And they loathe the globalists (Jewish and Gentile) at least as much as any Christian.

  3. Crowhouse, all this trolling over a ride in a beautiful old car? Are you getting paid by the Democrats or Antifa?

  4. I have noticed that whenever any group has approached a point where they are making any kind of difference or swaying opinion that group gets flooded with sock puppets and trolls. One of the first things is a wave of absolutely disgusting antiSemitism. I guess the purpose of that is to discredit the group so decent people can point and say this is just a bunch of weird antisemites not worth listening to. And second, it gives the government an excuse to come in and shut them down by claiming it’s a group full of hate speech. It’s an extremely effective tactic.

    And what happens here? Suddenly just because Shapiro is an obvious Jew all the old hate filled canards about Jews get pulled out and spread around. It can’t be because he has great cutting wit or makes excellent points or that he’s entertaining. That’s a Jew, and an obvious one, so he simply must be part of the enemy. Torba can’t seem to keep straight the leftist nuts like the ACLU from the Jewish religion. He gets attacked for allowing a flourishing band of Jew haters to spread Jew hate in the name of free speech on Gab and he thinks therefore everyone Jewish is after him. He is totally ignorant of what Judaism is.

    As for believe Jesus or you’re the enemy, well your devil is sure laughing at you for that one. Because the typical types of Christians pulling that kind of thinking also immediately turn on fellow Christians around them as them as well. I am true Christian because I believe in the rapture but you’re not a true Christian because you don’t believe in the rapture. I’m a true Christian because I baptize infants. No, you’re not because true Christians don’t baptize infants. This is why your Lord and Saviour warned you against judging others because you’re in danger of being judged yourself. Every time Christians start to get organized in a fashion that might save the world, the doctrinalists among them start lobbing shells at each other instead of at the enemy. And there is no way a bunch of Jews is ruling the world because Jews do it this lobbing shells at each other even better than your average group of self righteous Christians.

    All over the US you pull into town and there is the First Baptist Church and THE Baptist Church and the Second Baptist Church, I even saw one church called the Fourth Baptist church, in a town of like 120 people and no doubt the devil loves it that way. The Christians in that town are too busy being self righteous to do anything about him.
