O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas

Hear my prayer;

Shoplifters casually walk into Walgreens stores in San Francisco filling garbage bags full of merchandise. They’ve spat on, bitten, assaulted, and thrown bottles of urine at employees.

The flashmob-style “smash and grab” robberies that originated here — in places like Union Square in San Francisco and the shopping plaza in affluent Walnut Creek—have now spread across the country.

Asian seniors are brazenly assaulted in the street; one octogenarian was body slammed to death. This week, an Afghan refugee — a father of three who had worked as a translator for the U.S. army — was shot dead near a playground in San Francisco’s Potrero Hill neighborhood.

And now freeway shootings are a thing.

29 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. Damn those white settlers and their violent racist tendencies.
    Oh crap…their not the race doing this…hmmmm.

  2. And George Soros couldn’t be happier. A terrorism financier one might say.

    And here in nearby Philly, the death toll is the highest in 30 years. Even the previous mayor (who is black) has called out the insanity of the DA’s policies (another Soros flunkie):

    “Former Philadelphia mayor calls out ‘White wokeness’ as city’s homicide rate goes up” (headline from CNN if you can believe it).

    1. I will raise a glass when that evil scumbag croaks. His time on this earth has been far too damaging for much too long.

      Not sure even hell will take him.


  3. “And progressives—I count myself as one of them—do ruin cities. Or, at least, they put in place policies that cause profound harm to the people living in them.”

    So despite all of that, the author STILL considers themselves a “progressive”. Well they are only getting what they voted for, good and hard. Now shut-up and take your medicine, its YOUR RX.

    1. Let’s recap; Defund the police so career black criminals who resist arrest don’t get kilt by police so often. Once the police are defunded, crime rises and innocent blacks are victimized at 100x the rate of police killing black criminals. So. To save a handful of black criminals from police use of force … the entire black community pays a MUCH higher price.

      Math is hard. Colin Kaepernick didn’t think this through

        1. We do Scissor,in the first stage of social indoctrination the poor bastards do 12 years,just for the crime of being born.
          Another “Public Good” dedicated to enforcing that message,you are cattle,obey.

          Now some people insist that this is really “Public Education”
          But the product tends to cast doubt upon that “explanation”.
          For there is truly no evidence any education has been provided,at least in our current “leadership”.
          And now we jab jab jab..
          Cattle of the human herd,line up for your “booster shots”,for you must arrive at processing in the finest physical shape..?
          We ,your owners,will be the judge of just what ,that shape shall be!.

    2. Buzzard, bingo.

      I was thinking that too: damn, after all that he has to make it very clear that he is a progressive and we must infer that he’s gonna remain one. To the bitter end. YES, progressives have nice lovely thoughts and it must feel wonderful to have them; but they live in a world of wishes and they conflate an oughta be world with the real one.

      He makes a good point tho about libertarians. I once disputed the idea of left libertarianism as a thing. But, especially after all the ignorant slams against libertarians (including from the estimable Kathy Shaidle, RIP), I began identifying as a “pragmatic libertarian”, I guess a “right libertarian”. I say if mentally ill people on the street (euphemistically denoted as homeless) are causing chaos and mayhem then subject them to involuntary treatment for they are aggressing against the law-abiding community. He wants something more humane which amounts to assuring them their “dignity” as grotesque failures in the streets.

    3. And that, my fine feathered friend, is why we, the real working class and peasantry of the western world, hate the goddamn sight of them.

      They know exactly the harm they are doing. Unless it inconveniences them personally, they visibly could not care less.

      One fine day I can guarantee we will make them cut this out. What I can’t guarantee is that they’ll live long enough to learn the appropriate lesson.

  4. My sister and I will not be visiting New York City any time soon, as she read that prospective gang members are asked to kill a random person on the street as part of their initiation.

    1. Happens everywhere, the homeless here fear the gangs the most because if a homeless one is the victim, no one seems to notice them suddenly missing.

  5. We’re looking at it all wrong. It isn’t theft or shoplifting they’re committing. It’s helping themselves to the reparations bounty that the lefties have promised them and demand that the rest of us have to pay for slavery.

  6. Kenji said it well,

    Let’s recap; Defund the police so career black criminals who resist arrest don’t get kilt by police so often. Once the police are defunded, crime rises and innocent blacks are victimized at 100x the rate of police killing black criminals. So. To save a handful of black criminals from police use of force … the entire black community pays a MUCH higher price.

    But now the crime the Progressive White Liberal Democrats thought they safely kept in the “Urban Neighborhoods” (poor neighborhoods AKA The Ghetto) is spreading to their lily white affluent shopping districts and neighborhoods too. Union Square and Walnut Creek are only minutes away by carjacked auto, and the plunder is fantastic. Home invasions will be the next new social justice fad. The only good thing about the coming wave of affluent neighborhood home invasions is it will bring the folly of the Liberal Social Justice Policies HOME to the white liberal progressives that idiotically agitated and voted for them.

    There will be much wailing and lamentations as these “oh so progressive, oh so woke, oh so foolish” white liberal idiots soon suffer from the same violent criminal predations the poor working class Black, Hispanic, White and Asian neighborhoods have suffered during these years of progressive blue state governance.

  7. I’m guessing these things are not happening anywhere near where Harry and Megsy live in Califortification.
    Even so, their security tab must be close to a King’s ransom. They’ll need to write a few more books.

  8. Can we agree that:

    1. turning the American Negroes loose was a catastrophic blunder in the interest only of Northern bankers in search of cheap labour and of cheerleaders for the destruction of capitalism (Karl Marx being the most notorious).

    2. the correct solution to the Negro problem, supported by all who meant America well, was colonization—deporting the Negroes to Liberia. where their lack of fitness for anything resembling civilization would henceforth be entirely their own problem.

  9. Sure, but think of all the progress that’s been made on this problem. For example, we know longer call it “looting” because that had racist implications. /S
    Soon “smash and grab” is going to sound racist. They never see it coming.

  10. Want to fix looting? It’s easy.

    Shoot them on site. No hand-wringing needed, just sight and shoot.

    There’s a reason for martial law; it’s time to use it. And it doesn’t matter a damn what skin color they have: any color of dead looter is a good one.


  11. In the past,the reward for being a bandit,was to be found hanging out at intersections.
    Crows are smarter than people.
    It only takes one hanging in the breeze to get your point across..
