Papers Please

Epidemiology of myocarditis and pericarditis following mRNA vaccines in Ontario, Canada: by vaccine product, schedule and interval

There were 19,740,741 doses of mRNA vaccines administered and 297 reports of myocarditis/pericarditis meeting our inclusion criteria. Among these, 69.7% occurred following the second dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and 76.8% occurred in males. The median age of individuals with a reported event was 24 years. The highest reporting rate of myocarditis/pericarditis was observed in males aged 18-24 years following mRNA-1273 as the second dose; the rate in this age group was 5.1 times higher than the rate following BNT162b2 as the second dose.

Original Antigenic Sin is Real

Beneficial effects of a mouthwash containing an antiviral phthalocyanine derivative on the length of hospital stay for COVID-19: randomised trial

Toothpaste and mouthwash inactivate 99.9% of the virus that causes COVID-19

Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 Evolution Revealing Vaccine-Resistant Mutations in Europe and America

58 Replies to “Papers Please”

  1. You gotta laugh! OMG, why all the fuss about a virus that has yet to be found?

    I just checked my toothpaste, and it’s Colgate Total!! Woo Hoo!

    Can I get a COVID passport on the strength of my toothpaste?

  2. Our esteemed “experts” knew the hazards, yet went down that road anyways.

    This is why they now want “boosters” more frequently, to cover up their malpractice.

    ADE will be a health disaster, if you’re jabbed.

    It’s happening, you’ve been warned. This is why many of us are resisting this awful, wrongheaded strategy.

    Thank you GVB, Dr Malone and Dr Bhakti for your warnings a year ago, some of us listened to you, but certainly not the health bureaucrats, “experts”.

  3. The cetylpyridinium mouthwash has been on the FLCCc’s I-mask+ protocol for a while now. Actually, quaternary ammonium salts with long hydrocarbon chains are very effective at disrupting membranes; since SARS-2 is an enveloped virus, it’s bound to be inactivated by this class of chemicals. I use a store brand, way cheaper than Scope etc… and has the same concentration of cetylpyridinium chloride as the brand ones.

    1. Just finishing up with the flcc early treatment.
      2 semi bad nights…..broke big time
      During night#2.

      Feeling great, just have this odd desire for apples and a pretty filly.

      1. This desire for apples goes away faster if you trot around the arena twice, then canter. As for the second desire, it doesn’t happen to geldings, so giddy up! Happy to know about another FLCCC good result.

  4. What we need is a 15 year old high school dropout with serious mental problems to lecture us.
    A ‘Covid Greta’ if you will.
    Our new Covid Vaccine Goblin could come up with a nice catch phrase for the unvaccinated like, ‘How dare you!’

    1. Why? We already have !vaxx worshippers like Allan S. He obviously has serious mental issues and might even by a 15 yo dropout.

  5. There is no way you can talk rationally with the pro-vaxxers, they are obsessed with being jabbed over and over. I had a second heat pump put in my mini home yesterday, and a team of work men showed up and not one was masked up thank gawd. No way I’m putting a mask on in my own home. If I get sick so beit, it beats the tyranny the left and right gag down my throat daily. I wonder how many people those experimental non-vaccines have killed compared to covid? Oh wait they’ll never admit the truth.

    1. Is it necessary to be all or nothing? Obviously if you get sick then so be it, that’s how it works when things actually occur. I wouldn’t wear a mask in my home to protect me from unmasked workmen, but I would expect them to wear them if I felt I or someone in my family was at risk. If they didn’t want to. That is their perogative, I can hire someone else.
      I don’t know how many the vaccines have killed, no one does. I don’t know how many they have saved, even with no bias the quantitative analyses required for this question are truly daunting. The fact that answers are lacking is not an answer in itself.
      Be sensible, folks and encourage others to be.
      And one last word for those who insist this is all fake or a flu or whatever: I doubt there are many Canadians over 50 who are healthier and less obviously at risk than I was before I got this thing. I have never been hospitalized I went to hospital with covid pneumonia. I shouldn’t have to type this, and wouldn’t have to if the whole pandemic had been managed rationally.

      1. John, without being antagonistic, can I ask what happened. Were you diagnosed with a PCR test, before or after having symptoms. And what were you told to do?

        1. I was symptomatic for a few days, faked out by a common cold that my son had just before. When my partner got very sick I figured it was likely covid. Brought in from my hi school daughter ( she didn’t get very ill) .
          I tested my blood oxygen as I had read early on that this was significant. Though I felt pretty sick, I was ok but my ox drops to very low levels I knew I had pneumonia.
          It took effort to get past the er entry was but once there covid was tested for and confirmed, x-rays were confirmed and I was admitted because on my last try my blood ox was just too low for comfort.
          Treatment within is treatment for viral pneumonia: steroids for inflammation ( the actual mechanism of damage here) oxygen to protect the heart, prophylactic IV antibiotics to prevent opportunistic infection . I was put on high flow oxygen and even given monoclonal antibodies. In my case at least, and In those I saw, the standard of care was top notch
          I am going on a bit long here but I would add this: my recovery was good, very good, and the people treating me put this down to the following:
          You need to work at it. Spend as much time laying/ sleeping on your stomach. Avoid laying/ reclining on your back. Try as hard as you can to increase your inhaled volume. It’s not pleasant but you have to get your lungs open. This would apply to you whether you are at home or in hospital. Get a pulseometer. They are cheap, and it will help you manage your own health.
          I hope this is what you were asking ? Again apologies for its length.

          1. I will add my experience. I was 58 when I had Covid in January 2020. I am active, relatively healthy, and not overweight. I felt like I had a bad cold, with a cough, that would just not let up. It went three-four weeks, with only a couple of really rough days. The persistence of it did wipe me out, physically, and it took a good few months before my energy levels were back up. That included brain fog when I wore out much too early in the evenings. I also developed a heart murmur as per my next check up.

            My husband is my age, but has asthma and rheumatoid arthritis, and his experience was very different to mine. He ended up in emergency for extra oxygen. He was given azithromycin, a corticosteroid inhaler, and allowed to go home that day. He takes hydroxy-chloroquine weekly and I believe that might have been helpful. Haphazardly he had received the Zelenko protocol.

            My 26 year old son, asthmatic as well, also had a battle and ended out with bronchitis which needed to be medicated. He is STILL using his inhaler . . . longest ever consecutive need for that.

            My 24 year old had a sick day. That was it.

            This was before we were aware Covid could be here (Alberta) but my husband and sons have many work contacts who are in and out of China, regularly, and my husband spent part of November in Europe. We were suspicious, at the time, as many were talking about the illness in China.

            At the same time, just last Wednesday my neighbour had a heart attack after her third booster. Her cardiologist has told her the vaccine overly stressed her heart. She is elderly, and did previously have heart challenges.

            So, there is risk on all sides of this.

            My 26 year old has numerous allergies and has had a major vaccination reaction before. He still has antibodies (Mayo tested), has worked from home since March 2020, so has chosen to avoid the MRNA vaccines.

            My largest complaint here is that there appears to have been an obvious ‘top-down’ avoidance of the exploration of early treatments, and also an organized targeting of the non-vaccinated, without consideration of the many nuanced elements each individual is looking at in their vaccination decision. Natural immunity is, inexplicably, not being recognized!

            I greatly debated getting vaccinated, but did not have the ability to ‘confirm’ we had Covid when vaccinations were offered, so did so, reticently. I know I will not be getting a booster. 😉

          2. Arlene, I had similar symptoms in Jan 2020. I wrote it off as a bad flu. I had pericarditis in 1969 I believe. It was the result of a viral infection. Three weeks in hospital without any anti viral anything. A virus causing heart problems is not new, the vaxxes however have made it a serious problem for young men.

          3. Very old white guy, I had a bout with a viral inflammation around my heart/lungs 15 years or so ago, as well.

            The reason I reticently was vaccinated is that we didn’t yet have access to antibody testing, and we weren’t ready to conclude, for sure, we had Covid here. At the time there was more ‘hope’ these vaccines would offer better sterilizing protection, but I was aware we were running on ‘hope’ and not proof.

            I didn’t have opportunity to confirm Covid in myself, however, my oldest son has not been vaccinated and his antibodies have since been tested and confirm Covid is what was in this home. He has worked from home since March 2020 (computer programmer) and his social events have been limited to a few, always with a small crew (2-3) of people who also work from home. Covid is what he had in Jan 2020, when we were all sick here. We have not been sick since. It would be a pretty big coincidence if we were all sick at the same time, and he was the only one with Covid.

            I am fully aware of the myocarditis risk in young men. We all are (mostly) working from home here, and live in a rural area, so risk is minimal. My younger son chose vaccination against my advise, received two rounds of Moderna, and fortunately there has not been any problems, but I feel for the many that have not had that luck. I actually believe what has happened is criminal, at this point.

  6. In that study’s text it states “…meeting our inclusion criteria.”. Is that a reference to the twilight zone/waiting period for when you get jabbed but aren’t classed as ‘vaccinated’ (14 days?)?
    If so that case number may, and probably is, much higher than what’s included.

  7. So we have clinical trials for the effectiveness of mouth wash but nothing being done about Ivermectin? ROTFLMAO!!!!

    One of the more prominent specialists that advocated against mass injections Dr. Yeadon has stated that there is a danger of the spike protein affecting the fertility of young women and girls as this injection project continues, are there any studies being conducted on this theory? I would hazard a guess that this theory has for more reaching consequences that any toothpaste or mouthwash study has.

    On a side note it is interesting to see that Yeadon has been anointed with the title conspiracy theorist on many left leaning and supposed fact checking sites.

    1. I read a comment somewhere that 2021 is the year that all the conspiracy theories came true. I think many people do not understand how conspiracy theories really work. Many — perhaps even the most extreme sounding ones — could easily be true. Calling something a conspiracy theory is an attempt to shut down discussion when you don’t have the facts to refute something.

        1. There are no conspiracy theories about russians. There are russian conspiracy theories about Jews, Protocols of the Elders of Zion being the best known example, there were many others.

    2. There have been over 200 studies on ivermectin, the last meta analysis I read our reduction of serious disease at up to 60 percent. Concerns remain regarding how robust the studies were, as you would expect. Make of it what you will.
      It isn’t that nothing is being done, it may well be that the problem is a refusal to put the required effort into treatment/ prevention, rather than vaccination.

      1. That’s it, John. Most hospitalizations could have been avoided if the medical establishment actually TREATED the disease in the early viral phase instead of “watchfully waiting” for the moment that they can hospitalize the patient during the auto-immune inflammatory phase. I have a friend (mid-50s) living abroad that upon testing positive, was treated by a physician with some of the much maligned “drugs that must not be named” and was done with it in less than a week.

        1. I do not disagree but I am hesitant to assert that treatment possibility is as cut and dry as that. There are a lot of things one can do to strengthen oneself but when it comes to vitals diseases, there has been a spectacular lack of success over the years. Understand, I do not suggest the treatments you refer to do not work, I just say they might or might not. To my mind, so long as they do no harm, any prospective treatment would be ok by me.
          In reality, were our medical system working as I believe it should, the treatment I received would be administered earlier and as needed and I do believe many people would not have died or been disabled. It would not surprise us, however that training of care in this area has much the same effect is had been having on the rest of Canadiams access to treatment

          1. I see a real problem with the *absolute* inexistence of care between diagnostics and hospitalization in Canada, particularly in BC, where I live. My mother-in-law (whom I love very much, so back off!) was tested positive along with many residents of her retirement home late last year (she was 78 then); the standard of care was to lock them up (brings Hillary to mind…) in their apartments, with meals delivered thrice, and a wellness visit by a nurse everyday. My wife and her brothers made a point of stepping in and checking upon her with regular calls. The only medical advice we got was from an extended family relative who’s an ER physician, who suggested laying down in the supine position for 15 minutes every hour; taking aspirin to avoid blood clots; and walking to the balcony for exercise and fresh air. During the regular calls, it became noticeable that she had developed some sort of speech impairment. After a quick on-line meeting, it was decided that she should be checked into a hospital. After more calls and more back-and-forth, my mother-in-law was transferred by ambulance to the local hospital, and diagnosed as suffering from a transient ischemic attack (aka “ministroke”). The active intervention of the family, even if remotely, was essential in preserving a life. Isolating people who have no recourse to anyone outside the institution is not health care: it’s involuntary euthanasia. Hang. Them. All.

      2. John, are you referring to this very good site?
        All part of this well put together overview
        Focused on early treatment.
        Not perfect, but excellent deep dive data.

        COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 1,190 studies
        All studies Early treatment Mortality Early treatment mortality Recent studies Adoption
        Antiandrogen Aspirin Bamlanivimab Bromhexine Budesonide Casirivimab/i.. Colchicine Conv. Plasma Curcumin Favipiravir Fluvoxamine Hydroxychloro.. Iota-carragee.. Ivermectin Melatonin Metformin Molnupiravir Nigella Sativa Nitazoxanide Paxlovid Povidone-Iod.. Probiotics Proxalutamide Quercetin Remdesivir Sotrovimab Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Zinc
        Analysis of 30 COVID-19 early treatments, and database of 248 other potential treatments. 68 countries have approved early treatments. Treatments do not replace vaccines and other measures. All practical, effective, and safe means should be used. Elimination is a race against viral evolution. No treatment, vaccine, or intervention is 100% available and effective

    3. Trials are not needed for ivermectin as it is a proven anti-viral and has been on the market for over 50 years.

  8. Greatest historical case of mass hysteria ever. Way bigger than Y2K( remember jets liner computer controlled engines would stop in mid-air?)

    1. I had an apple computer, they were immune to y2k. Different programming..
      Their magic date is supposed to be 2040.

      I agree, the treatment protocols/options should have been investigated as thoroughly as the vaccine. What if it wasn’t possible to come up with a vaccine in time or at all?

      Something about too many eggs in one basket..

  9. An analogy for antigenic sin would be mandating that everyone take penicillin all the time. In the short term, bacterial infections would plummet. But that would not last for reasons that we are all very aware of.

    Why would a prophylactic treatment for a virus not end up in the same boat?

    1. Well I am hoping the tsunami doesn’t hit me ! Thank you so much for your well wishes!
      My whole family of 9 got covid . Other than how sick I got, the rest fared just as one would expect from the CDC. One thing that is present, esp in my 3 sons is obvious stress on their hearts. They are athletes but even moderate levels of exercise raise their heart rates rather alarmingly. I would caution folks to monitor this and take it easy for longer than they would think they need to, esp. Since my young adult children barely got sick.

  10. A friend’s teenage son got his first shot recently so that he could play on the high school basketball team. Four days later he wound up in hospital with myocarditis.

    His father is extremely worried. Should I tell him his son’s ailment is “fake news”?

    1. I am very sorry to hear this. I pray he will be ok . You ought to encourage him to take the utmost care that his son have time for full recovery.

  11. “Peer review”, eh? You mean PAL REVIEW, don’t you? Anyone who ignores the evidence is an idiot. Looking at you.

  12. Following Pfizer’s lead of telling us their vax works, Colgate tell us their toothpaste works.

  13. “Is it necessary to be all or nothing?”
    Forced masks for ALL including the healthy and the children.
    Forced “vaccines” for ALL including the healthy and not YET children.
    Forced stay-at-home orders for ALL including the healthy and the children.
    We didn’t have a choice in that and the majority, it seems, just went along with ALL of it.
    So yeah, it seems it has be ALL or nothing.
    We don’t deserve a free country and we’ll never have one again unless we stop it.
