8 Replies to “The Politics Of Fear”

  1. Finland’s PM is pretty hot! Wonder if we should import her in place of our turd? She can’t be worse!

  2. Every time I see an elite party without a face mask and social distancing it reinforces my belief that the virus is political and not based on medical science. Those tasdards have been exploiting and abusing us for two years, while they live like kings we are forced to live like convicted criminals. It’s time to turn the table and criminalize what they done to we the people.

  3. Imagine if this disease was actually serious. Our whole society would have collapsed if it was like mers where 40% died instead of the 0.002%.

  4. The average sheeple puts no thought into it. Whatever the outer party members in the MSM tell them it is deemed valid.
    That is why Blinky got away with flaunting her $10,000 refrigerator-freezer and her $12/pint ice cream. The sheeple thought, “Oh, isn’t that so wonderful.”

    When the MSM tells them to hide in the basement, they don’t question it. If you point out the absurdity of it, they start bleating at you about how you’re selfish and don’t care about anyone. They really believe it is okay for Dear Leader and the rest to party while they are locked down.

  5. Vaccination appears to prolong the pandemic. The unvaccinated and natural immunity are the only hope for a return to pre-Covid normality.

    1. roaddog, as I said at the beginning if nothing had been done this would have been over in Late April 2020, just like the flu that it is. All the shit done prolonged the ability of the virus to stick around.
