18 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

    1. smollett is obviously a nutbar. seriously. so deep in the lies he truly has lost his bearing, the link to actuality aka reality. the lie meter broke the needle on dat boy. lies lies lies. l suppose borne at least partly out of an occupation largely based on fiction.

  1. There are three kinds of anti-Negro “hate crime.” The fictional, the wildly exaggerated, and the consequences of the Negro’s own poor choice of target for rape, loot or murder.

    Contrast anti-Semitic hate crimes. Violent attacks against Jewish life and property actually take place daily across North America
    , and are carried out with the full approval of a sickeningly anti-Semitic media.

  2. What he did was a hate crime. He hates whites and straight people. He is a hater and should be punished accordingly.

  3. Black on black violence is rampant in the US, hate crimes are so rare against that protected group they have to fake them for the slime stream media. I guess I’m getting mean in ole age, I enjoyed watching his down fall greatly.

  4. We all know what he is.

    An equally vociferous and opposite narrative isn’t needed to counter smollett’s shitfuckery.

    He’s slime with a trained seal media that must be paid by the word.

  5. re smollett, note the stark ABSENCE of any entries *post* 2 a.m. racist attack:
    also noteworthy, the LAST 2 entries ‘credit only’ aka he was NOT in those episodes either.
    toast toast toast. yo, smollett, yer career is in the ‘penny stock’ category lying prick.
