Hide Your Children

The ban on conversion therapy was all about pleasing the alphabet people and making the Conservatives look bad. It had nothing to do with science. Other Western countries are studying the issue rather than jumping on the bandwagon. But then we have a leader who thinks prancing in homosexual parades is normal.

Canada just banned clinical therapy for children thinking of transitioning

And speaking of child abuse.

Meanwhile CNN has some explaining to do.

42 Replies to “Hide Your Children”

  1. What?
    You don’t want your children to be professional protesters who have no clue in what items are made from?
    Government gonna be on your ass…

    1. Grey, according to Revelation it is going to get much worse. Having observed our slide into hell for decades now, it is looking like the Book is closer to fact than ever before.

      1. REVELATIONS brother VOWG….no question it’s looking like that.

        NERO had squat on the utter lunacy we see daily emanating from our “official” sources….epitomized by what I think may well come out of the Epstein beotches trial.

      2. VOWG … and Revelation had a very detailed prescription for lukewarm GOPes and the lukewarm dominant Canadian “conservative” Party. Spit!

    1. Great point, V10, it could be easily argued that much of the Dem and Lib policies of the past many years are “conversion therapies”, in themselves.

      Typical leftarded duplicity… conversion therapy is evil… unless WE are the ones doing it!

  2. It won’t stop until enough parents see what’s happening, and most are too busy coddling their kids and afraid of rocking the boat.

    1. Oh, enough of them see what’s happening, Mugs. But they lack the spine to speak out and stand up against it.

      They have the Canadian disease: shake, rattle, then roll.

    2. One problem is that we all think it isn’t happening where we are, to our kids. We have alittle gay/transgender wave of girls that went through girls at my kids school. I knew about it but talking about the subject with a couple of other dad’s, they were shocked to find it here. Of course, as others have pointed out, they likely proceeded to do nothing.

  3. I can remember two years ago, before covshit, going to my kids’ school for some event… kids running around. And I saw a boy running around in a pink tutu.. I’m almost afraid to go in there again, two years later. I can actually picture putting my house up for sale the day they tell me my kid is “transitioning.” Over my dead body.

    1. That won’t be necessary. Teach your kids early on what’s true and what’s not. Actively point out lies, errors and manipulation when your kids see it at school. Teach your kids above all that teachers are not their friends, mentors or even masters.
      My own position was that school is like prison. Respect the wardens as much as you need to to make the time passable, but other than that take no s#$@ from the bastards. I had some teacher conferences over the years but I am 6 for 6 graduated so far, and they pretty much all did better than I did!

      1. “My own position was that school is like prison. ”

        Indeed. And I (only somewhat) jokingly say that the only thing that kept me out of jail was the thought that prison would be a lot like school.

      2. Schools today practice “zero tolerance” for all behavior they deem “unhealthy” … while practicing “maximum tolerance” for every deviancy and perversion imaginable.

        I am committed to home schooling or Private schooling my grandchildren.

        What made my own public schooling so positive and rewarding? Well, other than academic excellence … my schools practiced “relationships”. My schools took pride in KNOWINg their student body. There was no such thing as “zero tolerance” … rather, each kid was taken as a WHOLE person. Case in point, I was a “good” kid who did some “bad” things from time to time. Each “bad” time … I was called on the carpet … told to my face that I was being a knucklehead … and told to “go and sin no more”. In today’s Public Schools I would have been expelled long ago. The teachers and administrators today are cowards. They wouldn’t dare speak to a child as a mentor and advisor … nope … they hide behind “policy”. Public Schools have become dehumanizing Prisons. Indeed.

      3. When I was in university I volunteered with a group that provided support to teens that were struggling in high school due to behavioural or social problems. The admins didn’t much like the advice I was giving, which was “High school is not to be rebelled against because it doesn’t matter very much. To you it’s a third of your life, but to the teachers and administrators it’s just another bunch of teens they won’t remember six months after you graduate. High school is to be gotten through. Keep your head down, work hard enough to get decent grades, and bide your time until graduation. That’s when you get to decide for yourself what your life is going to be. At that point, if you still feel the school system needs to be reformed run for school board trustee and do it.”

  4. The ban on conversion therapy was all about pleasing the alphabet people and making the Conservatives look bad.

    Correction: it was just about pleasing the alphabet people. The Libranos know very well that the “Conservatives” can make themselves look bad all on their own. No other help needed.

  5. If this was designed to make Conservatives look bad why did they unanimously support it acting like dancing monkeys upon it’s passage. They looked bad alright, all on their own,

  6. How do fags reproduce? Hint: They CAN’T! Therefore they have to recruit.
    Government just made it safe for them to do so, and made it illegal for you to try to stop them.

    1. Comparing the Great British Baking Show and the Great Canadian Baking Show is instructive.

      GBBS: Here’s a history of this baked good over the last 2000 years of British history, from the Roman occupation down to the modern day
      GCBS: Here’s a bunch of flamboyantly gay people with ridiculous hair. Including the hosts.

    1. Alan S, please share with us what is wrong with providing responsible adult guidance to confused children .. in time to prevent irreversible harm coming to them. This “gender” – actually “sex” – dysphoria issue is a deliberate campaign to corrupt youth by the degenerate Left. The heartless b*st*rds who promote such exploitation of youths will not weep over the ruined lives, often suicides, that inevitably follow upon deviations from natural sex roles.

      1. Gender dysphoria is a long-recognized mental disorder. It STILL appears on the American Psychiatric Association website, although much of the language used shows that that institution is also becoming overrun with SJW leftards.

        It is criminal malpractice to help someone succumb to a mental disease as opposed to helping them heal from it. To do this to children in particular, who the APA itself says can be rather easily cured, is miles and miles beyond the pale.

        As for today’s woke medical zealots… Why are we allowing the mentally ill to treat the mentally ill?

      2. Come now, how could therapy delivered in a clinic possibly be “clinical therapy”? The very idea is madness.

    2. @Allan S.

      Nothing you need to fear, friend. Your bälls disappeared years ago. Assuming they dropped in the first place.


    3. 95-100% of people with sexual dysmorphia so severe they seek surgery were sexually abused as children. The dysmorphia has all the characteristics of a self-destructive coping mechanism for Complex PTSD (have you noticed that teenagers aren’t cutting themselves any more?).

      You’re cheering a ban on child rape victims getting therapy for their trauma.

      1. No. You need to look up what conversion therapy is. It is not anywhere near treatment for PTSD. Or regular psychiatric visits.

        1. Again, are you going to ban reiki or acupuncture?

          Daniel Ream is right. People who act this way because of sexual abuse will not seek the help they need because no one is allowed to merely point out that groomers want children and that maybe, just maybe, cutting off bits of you is unhealthy.

  7. And what did Canadians say and do about this?

    Did they protest in the streets? Did they vote for someone who would actually fight this? Are they going to home-school?

    Canadians are culpable in the abuse of children.
