Hockey Night in Covid Land

CTV- Montreal Canadiens game to be played tonight without fans in Bell Centre amid COVID-19 concerns

Westphalian Times- The Montreal public health said of the 95 cases of the Omicron variant in the city of Montreal, 90% were fully vaccinated.

Quebec’s covid passport system has been going since September 1st.

Quebec’s vaccination status: 80% double, 6% triple

Over in Manitoba…

24 Replies to “Hockey Night in Covid Land”

  1. Eugyppius’ latest discussion re: the UKHSA COVID stats is also quite enlightening . . .

    What’s happening “over there” is starting to happen “over here,” and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it.

    1. Here in Manitoba, people lining up to get their 3rd. The daily case counts are showing the jabbed (1 and2) at least 60 plus percent. The shills are still screaming about the evil unvaxxed. I think Delta is on the way out, the new variant will become the new panic. The unvaxxed will probably survive it, if it is as mild as some say it is, the doubles and the triples…well…if the vax compromises the immune system as some say…2022 may be the year of death.

    2. I find it completely impossible for a variant to “Naturally” pass through the population as quickly as it allegedly has. “Some people are doing something”!

    1. It’s the puck. They keep passing it back and forth! The ‘Vid’s on the puck, dammit!

      We must stop them from using the puck any more.

      1. Nah. It’s all that body-checking that’s spreading it. Body-checking’s still allowed in hockey, isn’t it?

  2. Omicron is going to save us unless they prevent everyone from getting it. It’s going to take immunity that the vaccine does nor provide, only the disease itself.

    1. Is there a reason why people are calling seasonal flu Omicron? It is december flu season, back in the good old, bad old days we designated these flu’s by their place of origin, so call it South African flu if you must.
      Calling seasonal flu Omicron just falls into the public health nazis trap.

  3. LOL. Collected today on my free beers with a buddy who was convinced that the vaccines and passports would get everything back to normal. Tomorrow I collect on a free lunch. Sadly, they won’t take my wagers on the social credit score and climate change tracking app now….

    1. Get the most expensive beers and the most expensive lunch you possibly can. Being wrong and trusting government should hurt, otherwise the lesson will be wasted.

      1. One of my first mentors in IT liked to ensure that if people didn’t follow the security policies properly, they would get locked out or have to send an email to their supervisor or some other onerous and/or embarrassing task to get their access back. His mantra was “Being stupid has to hurt. If it doesn’t hurt, people won’t stop being stupid.”

  4. Seen on the Interwebs — a great analogy to our world-wide governments’ responses to COVID:

    “This is our Chernobyl. It’s fully indicative of the rot at the center of our society and government.”

    I’m Garth Wood, and I approve of this analogy.

  5. It’s a Stalingrad moment. And we’re the Germans.

    I saw a tweet today that this all must be due to lack of enforcement of the vaxxpass. We’re reverting back to the “rule breakers” mantra of the pre-vaccine days.

  6. The Geert Vanden Bossche thesis is that you cannot vaxx your way out of a pandemic if you start in the middle of one.

    Are the booster shots amounting to a mini-vaxx campaign in a mini-pandemic within the pandemic?

  7. Tomorrow Henry and dickhead are bringing in Christmas time restrictions. I’m not participating in this scam and I hope a good portion of BC stops too.

    1. I’ve never understood why anyone listened to these fascists in the first place.
      Comrade Dix and Bonnie Shitler have lied over and over again… the effing “pandemic” is over, but the fascism is just getting started.
      and the sheep go… more.

  8. On careful consideration,I think it is because these poor sufferers of the Dread Covid Positive Test,are alive..
    That is why they have been found to test positive.
    Life is going to kill them all.
    If only they had separated themselves from all living persons..
    Have they not been listening to the finest medical advise broadcast forth by our Public Health Experts?
    Life will kill you,therefore for your own safety,you must self isolate..
    Lock yourself away,huddle in fear of living,shun those who enjoy their diseased state..
    Remember life will kill you all.
    Soon your fearless government will have vaccines available to save you from the Dread of Living..
    Until everyone is cured of life,the lockdowns must continue…
    Beware the new variants of life,each is more contagious than the last..
    All children must be vaccinated,life is a deadly disease…

    Sarcasm is so over.
    You cannot parody the fear maddened fools.
    Nothing will reach them.
    So we must give up and play along.
    Life is so frightening,so horrific and terrifying that one must never run the risk of exposure to it.
    We must help save our enlightened do-gooders from their pain and suffering.

    So many choices.
    So many fine methods.
    So many too help…

    Back in the 80s I used to listen to a local band,they had a song with a catchy chorus..
    “Its gonna be an axe that will set you free..”

    But I will “identify” as a Brain Surgeon with limited equipment.

    And because we love theatre.
    Madame Guillotine is due to sing again.
    For how better to accommodate those too frightened to live?
    Every death Cult needs a weekly bloodbath.

    Free yourself of your fears,your self loathing and your perpetual terror,come on down…
    Madame guillotine will take a load off your shoulders.
    Free your mind of all your bodily cares..

    Hell I am almost ready for a government job.

  9. Looks like we’re on our way to another lock down by degrees. Media reporting on hospitalized numbers while people are flocking to get booster shots. Some things aren’t adding up.

    1. They’re afraid this could be the end. Trudeau especially needs this to continue to make his divorce stay hidden.
