32 Replies to “When You Make A Deal With The Devil”

    1. Actually, WJ is now owned by Onex, run by Gerry Schwartz (AKA Mr. Heather Reisman).

    2. *

      “A South African study of more than 78,000 cases
      didn’t find a single fatality.”


      1. They’re obviously not trying hard enough to find people who’ve died from it.

  1. “Air travel is the most tested and protected consumer activity in Canada, every person travelling internationally is tested on average twice throughout their travel journey,” said Harry Taylor, WestJet President and CEO. “As the only fully-vaccinated air travel sector in the world, WestJet is calling on the government to publicly share the travel related COVID-19 data that has been used to re-impose the advisory and advice targeted towards fully-vaccinated Canadians and the travel and tourism industry.”

    Well, if fully vaccinated now means 3 doses, you got hoisted by your own petard Harry.

    1. I had misread your final line, at first, to read “… got hoisted by your own hairy petard.”

      Ew. But if it’s his gunpowder, he can store it wherever he wants I guess.

  2. Personally, I am very pleased to see the push back. Government policies seem based on whim, rather than any analysis of actual risk. When more agencies become aware of this, it is all too the good.

  3. The only question that remains is “How much violence will we allow ourselves to be subjected to before we react in kind?”

  4. Maybe travel companies should, I dunno, do travel business and not medical business? I know, that’s just crazy talk.

    1. As an aside, Airline Pilot Magazine , Oct/Nov issue:
      Pilot deaths in 2019 – 1. In 2020 – 6. In 2021 in 9 months – 111
      There must be a good explanation, right?

      1. Unfortunately it’s likely similar to the engineering societies. Their magazines include a list of who has died through the year. If someone is missed in the current year, then they will only be reported the following year. Most of the deaths are retired, and died of old age.

        Total deaths could be a tell, but this particular magazine won’t catch that.

  5. next, he will be demanding state support for his airline, and massive subsidies…

    if only there was a name for that form of government…

    1. The masks that Westjet and other airlines require one to wear in accordance with government mandates are pretty much as effective as a thong. They will not allow passengers to wear proper respiratory protection.

  6. This isn’t pushback it’s WestJet wanting the government to give them a break because they mandate vaccines. Pure bullshit. Testing people makes sense, period. Acting like vaccines negate the need is pure nonsense that flies in the face of every single responsible source out there.
    Screw you WestJet.

    1. “Testing people makes sense, period.”

      No, John, it doesn’t. Not when the process they are using produces up to 93% false positives. And then all those false positive numbers are employed as fear porn to control the masses.

      1. That 93 percent false positives in not fact, not supportable anyway. I use the antigen tests as part of crew requirements in my province. Though the sample numbers are not large, they have proven to be pretty accurate so far. I don’t dispute there are false positives, on both test types, nor do I dispute that said false positives have boosted the numbers but 93 percent is balderdash.

        1. Couple articles on the topic worth reading:

          How accurate are coronavirus tests?


          The meat on PCR tests starts about 1/3 into the article. See text “Test #1”.


          Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives


          Very supportable.

    2. Well, everybody expects a favour these days.

      Athletes and illegal migrants can walk right in but don’t think that you can get your hair cut or anything.

      It’s elitism under the guise of influenza.

  7. There is a well known saying.
    Be careful what you wish for, you may get it.
    The rich socialists though don’t mind until it hits their regulated as in not free enterprise.

    1. Both. While I was still flying to and from my house in B. C., AC and WJ were sticklers for compliance. Obey, or else!

  8. It is getting to the point of too much gov’t Control over our lives. Then you have the Pharmaceuticals companies making Billions of dollars. The figure I saw was to date 69 Billion and counting. Fascism is coming for you! We as Canadians need to start to fight this Liberal gov’t taking us down this road…stop wearing a mask as is dose not protect you from dick all, neither does the Vaccine.

  9. They have only themselves to blame:

    “The airline has implemented its own measures in response to the pandemic including a zero-tolerance mask policy, enhancing health and safety measures, suspending sun flights and implementing the airline’s mandatory vaccination policy for employees and air travellers.”

    Zero tolerance as in kicking a family off a flight if a toddler doesn’t happily wear a mask.

    Suspending sun flights so nobody can relax, charge up on vitamin D and pick up covid medications not available in Canada.

    Bragging about being über vax nazis, regardless of an individual’s human rights or immunity status. BTW, how many SARS2 infected passengers has West Jet brought to Canada?

  10. Took WestJet to Maui and back (trust me, Air Canada was worse, they changed our flight a half dozen times in the 6 months we had it booked…buh bye).

    Waited over an hour each time for our luggage, obviously a staffing issue.
