Wuhan Flu: Here We Go Again

You might pick up some Benadryl before they ban it.

A pair of over-the-counter compounds has been found in preliminary tests to inhibit the virus that causes COVID-19, University of Florida Health researchers have found.

The combination includes diphenhydramine, an antihistamine used for allergy symptoms. When paired with lactoferrin, a protein found in cow and human milk, the compounds were found to hinder the SARS-CoV-2 virus during tests in monkey cells and human lung cells.

The findings by David A. Ostrov, Ph.D., an immunologist and associate professor in the UF College of Medicine’s department of pathology, immunology and laboratory medicine and his colleagues, are published in the journal Pathogens.

And maybe a cow.

Like diphenhydramine, lactoferrin is available without a prescription. Ostrov thought about pairing it with diphenhydramine and ran with the idea. In lab tests on human and monkey cells, the combination was particularly potent: Individually, the two compounds each inhibited SARS-CoV-2 virus replication by about 30%. Together, they reduced virus replication by 99%.

Because there are no limits to how far they’ll go.

55 Replies to “Wuhan Flu: Here We Go Again”

  1. This cannot be possibly true.

    Anyone who might read this information must be locked down, quarantined from the internet, given their twelve boosters, made to wear three masks, say four “Hail, Marys”, and kneel down before Fauci (praise be to Him) for forgiveness.

    1. Since our politicians and mainstream media are lying sacks of shit and are not reporting what is REALLY going on, I look to other avenues to see what has them spooked to wanting Ontario back into a lockdowns and ramping up these heart defect causing ‘Boosters’.

      5 avenues of different avenues that I see could cause their panic.
      Hyperinflation is here whether the media wants to report it or not. So, everything will be costing higher each time you go to the store as supply adjusts.
      The change of US currency from reserve status as the SWIFT system no longer is a weapon for the US to use in cracking down on countries to obey as they decimate their currencies.
      A massive fuel supply shortages as Germany is refusing to use Russian natural gas to stop the fuel price inflation.
      The imminent closure of line 5 for Ontario fuel supply is still active and coming soon.
      The coal shortages in China has closed many manufacturing facilities as they even ration diesel fuel.

      Our Ontario health ‘experts’ are screaming that Omicron has taken over and is at 50% and we need emergency ‘Boosters’ for all…by the time they get this 3rd jab, the virus will have already past into everyone…by their calculations…
      So why do we really ‘need’ the ‘Boosters’?

      1. Ontario has a DR Mengele wannabe as its Health Mouth Piece
        And an utter Fking MORON as Premier. Too Stupid to open his eyes and see something not pushed in front of him.

        A Province like many for that matter, filling up with more n more brain dead indoctrinated NPC’s who will always vote Leftist.

        This is why PUBLIC SERVICE UNIONS and Communist Parties (NDP-GRNS-LIBs-CONS)….should be outright BANNED..!!

        LOL….once I got started, I just couldn’t help myself..!!. but y’all get my point.

      1. Rusty..

        NYQUILL…about as good as smoking a fatty to get to sleep (add raised pillow)..!!
        And I near always take Tylenol Cold tabs day/night only as needed.

    1. John the regular formula Benadryl, pink tablet that cautions drowsiness may occur, usually does help promote sleep. The formulas that are non-drowsy might keep one awake.

      1. Yeah I know, but it had that effect on me. To be honest, taking stuff like that when you are sick with something unpredictable like covid confuses the issue. I should have said I THINK it kept me awake, who knows what actually caused it

    2. Benedryl shouldn’t do that. It’s a CNS depressant, so you should get sleepy with it. Pseudophed, on the other hand, will keep you awake.

  2. I saw somewhere that some brands of Colgate toothpaste have this characteristic. I use one of the brands, so that’s a bonus.

    They will discover, eventually, that every substance known to man neutralizes the China virus.

    Except for the ‘vaccines’.

      1. +++++/\Lew

        Which is a great reminder that for this boy, pancakes w/said syrup and a batch of Sausages sounds pretty good here in an hour or so..!! Add Glass of Milk small one of OJ, Daily meds ….Good to go.!!

        -20C this AM..clear skies.
        Typical Calgary…

    1. Yup, almost everything can cure COVID except for what the gov’t tells you.

      I think I am going to change career into law, there are going to be lawsuits on this crap for years and years and years.

  3. Two pancakes
    Two sunny side up eggs
    Three strips of bacon
    Fries (or Taters… not picky)
    Planty of ketchup!
    Small OJ
    I’m missing something!

    1. Captain Morgan Spiced rum in that OJ
      Butter on the pancakes and/or a little chokecherry syrup on those cakes.

        1. Made a batch of choke cherry wine once and it was REALLY GOOD!
          Too bad the container burst when it was being made and lost all but a little taster.

          1. AHHHHH!!! Alcohol abuse!!!

            Growing up we had a neighbour who was famous locally for making wine. He’d make wine out of anything that would ferment and his basement was fully stocked. His chokecherry was among the best.

            Our chokecherry syrup supply is getting low. We’ll have to hit the coulees next summer & do some picking.

    2. +++++/\Fedup

      Damn, all this talk of food…gonna have to get busy here right quick and make some.!!

  4. From the article “The type of lactoferrin used in the research differs slightly from the type that is commonly available to consumers”

    My quick perusal of the study found ” Lactoferrin from human milk was obtained from ”

    A check of Amazon suggests they don’t have the human kind, just bovine. But it should be ok they marked it gluten free and vegeterian.

  5. I’ve kept a supply of Benadryl ever since a fellow SDAer posted this from MarketTicker on the Spanish senior home that developed this protocol they used since April 2020. ALL 85 residents caught Covid and 96.5% seroconverted.
    The colostrum connection is new to me. Is this where infants receive a boosted innate immunity that GVB refers to frequently??

  6. Most of the bottles I checked on Amazon read “Each capsule contains: Bovine Colostrum”.

    Huh. Colostrum is the first milk produced upon birth. We used to reserve it from our milk cows, freeze it & use as needed when one of the range cattle refused their calves or the calves came down sick. Warm it up in a hot water bath, fill a bottle & pour it down their throats.

  7. From the article:

    “University of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency collaborated on the research.”

    Chairman Moe won’t be pleased: “Horse paste? Cow’s milk? What’s next? Vitamin D? VACCINATIONS!!!”

  8. Dr. Peter McCullough mentioned (on joe rogan) spraying a diluted betadine solution into the nose and then gargling with the rest when coming home. He said it would pretty much kill anything in your nasal cavity.

  9. there is an endless number of nasal sprays that can be made at home, I’ll try to find the link again but a spray made with (crazy Trump talk) small % of bleach or peroxide are extremely effective. as are those silly nasal pump doo-dads that circulate a fluid (with bleach or peroxide at the appropritate %) around your sinuses. This type of home remedy is going to be more crucial to know as the sky people eliminate our access to corporate products.

    1. A 3% solution of medical grade hydrogen peroxide supplied by a nebulizer has been shown to be safe and effective. Prophylaxis and early treatment would have saved hundreds of thousands of people.

      Look to the FLCCC for the latest knowledge on effective covid treatments.

    2. Got a little hesitancy about mucking around with my sinus flora and fauna unless it’s absolutely necessary.
      How soon after exposure do you have to bleach yourself to prevent uptake and infection? How many booster bleaches? What are the chances of getting a nice fungal infection if you get rid of your friends up there?

  10. Dr. Shankara Chetty of Port Edward, South Africa has treated over 7000 Covid patients successfully using antihistamines and Prednisone. He has developed a theory as to why this works: many people are simply allergic to the Covid spike protein. He believes that severe Covid is similar to anaphylactic shock.

    He posits that the most severe cases were probably exposed to a similar virus at some point in the past. The first infection was mild, just like someone getting one bee sting. But the second infection with Covid, just like a second bee sting, provokes a severe allergic reaction.

    The prior infection theory could also explain why severe disease is prevalent in the elderly: they have been alive long enough to have been infected once before.

    1. Treatment with steroids (prednisone, etc) is standard operating procedure most places. Fighting inflammation caused by the body’s immune response and the virus itself being the goal. They add a blood thinner (injected) to fight clots and especially micro lots in the lungs.
      As you can see, you can do these things at home with aspirin and ibuprophen if you get covid and don’t need into the hospital. Best of all, with a little care they are pretty safe.

    1. This might not be control. It is treatment though.you get two of em if you go to emerge with covid, even if they don’t admit you. Opens the moderate and large airways.

  11. What happened to the miracle cure Ivermectin? With all the anti vaxers and relatives dying or intubated after taking Ivermectin the truth finally surfaces. Ivermectin does not work.
    Don’t tell me about India. If you trust the literature coming out of India you are a fool.

    1. What happened to medical innovation and entrepreneurship? Oh, that got progressively submerged in Canada once we started down the path to Soviet medicine.

    2. You choose not to read the stories that are out there, there are more than ever. But you are a troll and troll makes lazy statements in order to send folk scurrying around to find. Facts for you.

    3. Oh look. Saskatchewan’s village idiot laureate finally hauled his lazy ass out of bed.

  12. People, have you noticed that since covid-19 began as a big deal within society that some people are saying, “Stay Safe” as a sign off goodbye instead of the overused, “Have a nice day?” or simply “Bye” or even “Love You”? Usually, one would’ve said things like “have a safe trip” or something like that if one were wishing someone leaving to go on a long trip, or even, in many Latin languages, a “bon voyage”…???

    I think “Stay Safe” is a secret code from the vaxxed to the vaxxed. They are letting each other know that they have been vaxxed.

    Any opinions?
