30 Replies to “Breaking News: Election Earthquake in England”

    1. No, that is not how it works as there is no other conservative party. The electorate knew there was no risk to crashing the gov’t and wanted to send a message to Boris that he should resign.

      This was clearly a vote of disgust with Boris, don’t consider that they voted because they like lib dem – they don’t, they just hate Boris.

      1. There were over 14 candidates in that by election. They had plenty to choose from. Some of which were true conservative and libertarian.

    2. When the conservatives are no longer distinguishable from the marxists, it’s too late to vote for anyone … it’s time for revolution.

    1. Picture, if you will, the looney left-wing Labour Party, with slightly less anti-Semitism, and you get “Liberal-Democrat.”

  1. By electing Liberal-Democrat, aren’t they voting for a Party that “demands/stands for” even more lockdowns???

    1. The “opposition” Labour Party says on one hand they will support many of the already draconian Tory measures but on the other hand they say those same measures don’t go far enough.
      That’s some “opposition” you got there, eh?

      1. Thanks for that! Not exactly libertarians but rather less totalitarian than what’s in there now. A little hope restored this morning.

      1. It took the Greens 30 years to hit 5%.
        It took Max 2 years.

        Voting Conservative Party of Canada is voting for progressive policies. While many in the cpc would implement conservative policies if they could, they must listen to their media masters above all else.

        Though Harper had a pretty good run.

  2. I like the procedure used in the UK to announce the winning candidate. Everybody in the same room suggests the event is a public victory rather than a private one. Much better than the Canadian way of holding private drinking contests. You can go elsewhere to celebrate after the announcement.

    1. He looks like the Monster Raving Loony Party candidate (a longstanding and well established tradition in England). They have never won a seat.

  3. Conservatives are the stupid party everywhere. Boris has gone from likeable and trusted curmudgeon to detestable lying political personality in 2 years. Even Brian Mulroney took 5.

  4. Conservatives are over-occupied with power, easily dispensing with principles and usually gravitating into that crowded, totally compromised, overlapping zone amongst socialists and fascists, well distanced from libertarians. In such a place, they are essentially interchangeable with the rest.

  5. Bojo was always more jolly old elf than he was prime minister material. He’s simply not qualified – much like our own PM.

    That said, in the British system caucus picks the leader and the leader answers to them, unlike the Canadian way. So, Bojo now faces a Nick Ceausescu Christmas, ha -well maybe not with the same result. Hell they dynamited Margaret Thatcher. Bojo is small potatoes compared to her
