10 Replies to “The University of Guelph: Where “Inclusive” Means Elitist and Exclusive”

  1. We can now sleep peacefully, knowing how safe we are thanks to all those people being fired or otherwise banned from campus, right?

    1. Strange that university folks would not be aware that the vaxxes don’t work, can’t work, and will never work. Science is obviously not their strong suit.

  2. My son is living this nightmare at Guelph. He deferred acceptance last year believing that this year would be back to normal. He came home for Christmas distraught and stressed out beyond belief.

    He lives in residence where the Stasi RAs patrol the rooms on an hourly basis ensuring that no more than 4 people are in one room at a time. This is an illegal lockdown and is taking an emotional toll on the kids who live there.

    He has been doing online learning despite being in a program that relies heavily on labs. They were told that they would go back to in class learning in the second semester. That is now off the table and he’s waiting to see whether they’ll even allow him back into residence.

    1. Steve E,

      You must be so proud of your son. I know I am. It is EXTREMELY difficult for these young people to stand against the crowd of peers and the majority of the world. The narrative is already starting to fall apart, it won’t be too much longer (hopefully) before most will see that those persecuted, shunned, ridiculed and discriminated against, who endured all of this were indeed wise. Being correct will never make up for the damage these young people have endured. But ones health is not to be taken lightly.

      Those who went along may end up with long term health problems.


      Give your son a big hug, he deserves respect as does anyone who was brave enough to stand up. Dr. Julie Ponesse is correct, “Compliance is not a virtue.”

  3. Waterloo announced yesterday that January classes will be online-only for at least the first month of the semester, thereby screwing over every student who rented so their could go to in-person classes. It’s a new lockdown/lockout.

    Students, unsurprisingly, are not amused. This is costing them an entire month of rent, at least. These are kids, they’re not made of money.

  4. Seems like a waiting game to me and the authorities own the clocks.
    Writing letters, suing, protesting, going away and even submitting will not change that.
    There is only one thing tyrants recognize and that is a threat to their authority/existence.
    Not advocating, just stating the obvious.

  5. These universities have just taught all of these individuals one of the most valuable lessons they will ever receive. Quite unintentionally.
    Lindsay Shepherd and Jordan Peterson were canaries in the coal mine. If you didn’t figure it out then, I really don’t know what to say.

  6. Well kharma will take care of this.

    These institutions are notoriously ingrained by socialist ideology and putting these “mandates” in place ensures that the number of indoctrinated professionals entering the public service, media, and government will decrease.
    It’s the thatcher theory in practice.
    They lose enrolment they lose funding.
    They lose funding, they have to eliminate the programs not paying the bills.
    That means more STEM less arts.

    Two more years of this should make the institutional cull complete.
    And they voted for it.

    It’s Kharma, and like sunlight can be a disinfectant.
