9 Replies to “If It Wasn’t For Fake Hate”

  1. *
    “OTTAWA — “Hate speech, disinformation and online extremism can’t be allowed
    to prevent people from enjoying the freedom that cyberspace offers, Prime Minister
    Justin Trudeau said Thursday at an international discussion on the internet.”

    MAYBE PIERRE-LITE HAS A POINT: Remember Toronto’s Hijab Hoax?

    “Now Khawlah Noman is an 11-year-old, so would not be charged. But what did
    her mother know?”

    It all went away so quickly, I guess we’ll never know.


  2. Didn’t “they” try that one in Ontario too,,, remember the scissors cutting the something or other?
    Or was it a different prov.

  3. Hate crime hoaxes are what happens when the leftist demand for hate crimes far exceeds the supply of real hate crimes.

  4. What gets me is the fact that their community forces them to wear this crap. Then they blame others for the fact that they feel out of place and possibly ridiculous. I also wonder if this is the case of some random girl deciding on her own to commit a hoax, or is it organized and encouraged by the community leaders?
