Remember One and Done?

A few short months ago this was the recommendation.

CTV- Second doses of COVID-19 vaccines can be given up to 4 months after first, NACI now says

They didn’t think the second shot was particularly necessary, and now…

The Times of Israel- In world first, Israel set to give 4th COVID shot to over 60s, at-risk groups

Meanwhile … Quebec considers asking hospital workers with COVID-19 to stay on the job

Shiny Pony shows us how its done. Trudeau says three personal staff and three members of security detail are positive for COVID-19

And surprise, surprise the testing system is now getting overwhelmed. 

54 Replies to “Remember One and Done?”

    1. Theresa Tam told the National Post’s Andrew Chang that now is not the time to be gathering in numbers…..I can’t put my finger on what I find most troubling about that statement. I think this Christmas will ruin my credit score for the foreseeable future.

    2. Congratulations, Spencer, and welcome to the 20th century! Now, whaddya got to say about the last 2 decades?

      1. Spencer’s at best a semi-useful idiot. Sure he thinks the Liberals are braindead along with most of our elites. But he absolutely cannot apply that same thinking to the post-Harper Conservatives. He’s viciously, foaming-at-the-mouth, opposed to the mere existence of the PPC and the thought that conservative Canadians might find the Liberal-Lite, go-along-to-get-along CPC to be an unacceptable alternative to our Liberal overlords.

        He’s not the smart guy he thinks he is.

  1. And anybody who thinks the fourth shot is going to be the last shot needs to be asked an important question: How many times have you lost over $100 playing the milk can ring toss game at the carnival?

    1. Funny thing about that toss contest.
      Had $ 6.00 in rings and won on my 2nd toss first time out.
      Got the giant stuffed pig but that was many many moons ago when I was top of my game.
      But yeah got greedy, tried again later and lost a 50 spot.

      That’s beside the point.
      Sometimes ya get lucky , all other times you lose.

  2. Two years in and not one government public service announcement on how to strengthen your immune system.
    Two years of high volume howling and fear mongering by government and media and not one word about anything natural that would help your immune system fight off covid.
    Instead they deny that age is a risk factor and call the vitamin D advice misinformation.

    This is a cult.
    A Fascist Big Government Big Media Stupidity Cult.

    “Saskatchewan Health Authority
    · Oct 18
    Your risk from COVID-19 is not determined by age, fitness level or community…your risk is determined by vaccine status. ~78% of all new cases & hospitalizations in #Sask in Sep were unvaccinated or partially vaccinated people.…”

      1. Oh they’re meaningful alright.

        Meaningful to the media for their FEAR PORN campaign.

        Gotta continue scaring the ignorant, stupid masses. And this country has an overabundance of ignorant and stupid citizens, quite willing to be endlessly manipulated by government.

        Gotta keep those Dumb Fcks in a state of perpetual irrational fear. Witness these ridiculously long lineups for testing, currently. If that doesn’t present a clear example of the ignorance, irrational fear and stupidity of the average Canadian, nothing will.

        This would be Fecking Hilarious, if it wasn’t so Fecking sad.

        1. Plenty of long lines in parts of the States too. I’ve also read stories about how people are showing up in ERs with a cough and the sniffles in order for they or family members to get tested and are shocked, shocked to discover they’re going to be at the bottom of the priority list. Enjoy that hours-long wait.

    1. I questioned Dr. Reimer, the head of the MB Vaccine Coercion Team to explain the science behind their discrimination & segregation of Manitobans who do not comply with the jab & her very recent reply was: “People who are unvaxxed remain at a significantly higher risk to become infected and to suffer more severe outcomes than those who are fully vaxxed.”
      Meanwhile MB govt Covid data on Dec. 22, 2021 claims there are 400 new “cases” of which 19 are part vaxxed, 309 fully vaxxed & only 72 are unvaxxed.
      I am using old math, but by my calculations 80% of the new cases are vaxxed people. Full disclosure – I’m not a Dr. or medical expert like Dr. Brent Roussilini, but I am going to go out on a limb and say it appears that it is the unvaxxed that have a significantly lower risk of infection by the virus that still has a greater than 99.9% recovery rate.

    2. I believe they do not want to acknowledge that people even have immune systems. When it comes to viruses, the government is our only recourse.

  3. The shots deplete the immune system. Like a drug, people will go back to them again and again.

    The shots might be eugenic but they are also IQ tests. People have failed them.

      1. Yes. All the testing seems pretty pointless to me. If you have symptoms, isolate– otherwise, carry on. Trying to stop a virus from spreading, is not going to work. Take precautions around the old and sick, but beyond that the attempts to stop the spread are counter productive. Christine Elliot used to be smart. What happened to her?

  4. I am old enough to remember when; if A=B and B=C then A=C.
    Now A= whatever our “intellectual superiors” say it is.
    We are told the data is clear that a booster shot is necessary. Also told, we don’t have enough data to determine that the OMIGOD variant presents milder or no symptoms.

    1. FYI –the OMG quickie cold (a good name) true to what they’re saying, isn’t that bad. I believe I may’ve contracted it this week.

      On Monday of this week, suddenly, feeling chilly to the bone, with eyes watering and a nasal drip, I took to my bed with 2 Tylenol cold tabs. They did nothing to alleviate symptoms. Later I took 2 Benadryl extra strength, and felt better within the hour. Then, within 24 hours I was back to normal.

      I load up on vitamins daily so I feel they paid off too. Vitamin C and D plus a multi vitamin and B-12 and calcium are a must for me.

      I didn’t get any COVID jabs but I believe I contracted COVID before COVID was announced and the panic began. I recovered on my own with every off the shelf medication I could find, took plenty of fluids, much bed rest and healthy food. It took a long time to get better because of a lingering cough that lasted weeks.

      Covid–Shmovid. A big deal for Big Government!

      If you get sick try Benadryl– thanks to Steakman who suggested it, I bought some, just in case, and got better right away.

      Thank you Steakman dude!

        1. Thanks. I think pills are enough– I once worked with someone who kept using Dristan Nasal spray which became addictive. I guess moderation is the key, huh?

      1. “It took a long time to get better because of a lingering cough that lasted weeks.” Sounds like what I had in Feb/ March 2020. Took a long time to recover. I am pretty sure it was Covid. It was before they were testing. Other cold- type illnesses contribute to natural immunity.

        1. I had clear nasal drip and no fever but chest pain was terrible. Took Benylin cough medicine for that and it helped a lot.

      2. A recent study shows high efficacy of Benadryl and lactoferrin togther. (Lactoferrin is an immune boosting ingredient in colostrum.)

        Nancy, be careful about taking calcium when you take Vit. D. Vit. D creates calcium in your body, and if you take Vit. K2 with the D, that will make sure the calcium goes to your bones and doesn’t stay in your bloodstream. The best informed doctors no longer recommend taking calcium supplements per se.

        1. Gonna check it out, so thanks.

          As far as…your comment:

          “recent study shows high efficacy of Benadryl and lactoferrin togther. (Lactoferrin is an immune boosting ingredient in colostrum.)”

          Lucky babies who are breast fed will get a good start in their early life from their lactating moms!!!

  5. So, let’s get this straight: If you are a pure blood medical worker – you’re fired, but if you are jabbed and have the wuhuflu, that’s OK, keep on working.

    Just when I thought we had reached peak stupid, I get proven wrong yet again.

    1. There’s no end to Peak Stupid in Canaderp, so long as the sheep keep obeying Tam the Man, Bonnie Nazi, Blackie, and the rest of the moronic Liberal cabal.

  6. Sorta like being a diabetic, get your shots monthly and big pharma will keep you healthy? No thanks, two weeks to flatten the curve showed me all the evidence I need that public health is about politics not our health. I trust none of them.

  7. Today’s Saskatchewan COVID stats shows the clear trend that OMICRON is found in the vaccinated. As ususal, looking at 40+ age cohort as that is where the deaths occur.

    11 unvaccinated cases (including those partially vaccinated within 21 days of 1st dose) and 26 vaccinated cases. Most of the unvaccinated cases are those within 21 days of their 1st dose.

    Realistically, in the 40+ age cohort, we have about 4 cases from the unvaccinated pool, and 31 cases from the partially and fully vaccinated pool. Clearly, the trend shows the vaccinations do not work. The boosters do not work.

    Enough of the medical entertainers pretending to be doctors.

    Get your ivermectin. Take your vitamins. OMICRON is like a cold/flu.

  8. The vaccines are a subscription service.
    Sort of a Covid Netflix, but with a bit less pedophilia.

    How long before Big Pharma’s wet dream of monthly boosters is announced?

    Can anyone be surprised if case numbers increase with increased testing when many people won’t even know that they have it without a test?

    1. Monthly boosters but you’re counted as unvaxxed for 28 days after getting each jab. There’s gold in them there hills.

    1. No. What this is is a mutagen, defective nucleic acids supposedly into the virus as it replicates and thereby stopping replication. Two problems. 1) Unlike ivermectin is does not stop the virus from infecting cells and it does not do anything about downregualting a cytokine storm, both of which ivermectin does. 2) The same ‘whack your replication’ effect can also occur in any human cell so treated potentially leading to cancer and birth defects in pregnant woman. Ivermectin does not do either of these things.

      Bonus! This will encourage more mutations.

      1. So if you take this pill , you basically fall apart quickly ?
        Seems worse than the ” not-vaccines “.

        And what kind of mutations are we talking here.
        Frankenstein stuff ?

    1. Is Israeli reporting like in Canada where regular doctors are not permitted to report adverse reactions and if the adverse reaction occurs in days 1-14 (1-21 in Saskatchewan) it’s counted as COVID in an unvaccinated person?

    2. At first I thought, “Of all the countries that would do the most to protect their people, it’d be Israel.”
      Now I think, “Israeli public health officials are as deluded as Palestinians who pine for their “homeland” back.
      I also think, “Allan is a dick-spanking turd burglar.”
      But you knew that already

    3. Sucks if you’re one of the six taking a jab for a virus so virulent you need to take a brain-tickle test to know you’ve caught it. Grow up. This was never a pandemic except in the fevered minds of midwit twits like you.

  9. The testing is being expanded far and wide, and is being installed in schools to inflate the numbers and keep this nonsense going for as long as possible. This will not end by the government relenting willingly.

  10. Sounds terrific, right?

    Here’s the problem. Do you know what else is also the most effective protease inhibitor on the market? Ivermectin. And it also has at least 19 other mechanisms of action, which include anti-coagulant (inhibits CD147 receptor binding) and anti-inflammatory (decreases IL-6 and other inflammatory cytokines) modes of action. Paxlovid has none of these mechanisms. So why would we rely on an expensive drug with one of ivermectin’s 20 mechanisms of action – yes, 20 – that does not have an established safety profile when we can use an off-patent drug with the safest profile imaginable and mechanisms that work even in advanced stages? Also, Cole explains that because Paxlovid only has one mechanism of action, “viruses can eventually mutate around this mechanism.” Dr. John Campbell offers a superb presentation on the similarities and differences, showing why ivermectin is superior to Paxlovid.

      1. You mean a rope and a lamp post?
        That kind of campaign?
        Socialized healthcare run by our Bureaucratic overload,is not healthcare.
        If we want healthcare,we have no choice,but to destroy our government.
        Two years of stunning incompetence and stupidity after decades of lying, stealing and obstructing access to Doctors.
        Healthcare,as in Government provided “Free Healthcare” is deader than Monty Python’s Parrot.
        But they are still selling it.

  11. Another thing getting tested is my patience with the whole fucking dealy.
    Somebody at work shouted out some case numbers last week.
    I told him I don’t want to hear it and asked him who gives a fuck.
    A reply of silence. Thankfully.
    Only weirdos give a fuck and they should be slapped.

  12. I remember when they said that it provided up to 99% protection from catching Covid 19.
    Now they say that it doesn’t prevent us from getting Covid 19, but in case we should catch it, it will reduce the symptoms.
    Little comfort to families that have lost fully vaccinated loved ones due to the disease, or the vaccine itself.

  13. They can trot out all the boosters they concoct, I’m done with them.

    I haven’t seen Trudeau pop out for a photo-op with Sophie having their boosters.
