26 Replies to “Everyone On Turtle Island Is Going To Die!”

  1. Running around with your hair on fire screaming for mommy — it’s a Canadian thing.

  2. Oh FFS…just be done with it and spare us the Kabuki theatre. Parents start making arrangements, there won’t be any school for the kiddies on Jan.5

  3. 16,700 cases in a population of 14,177,572. 0.01% affected. Run, hide, panic!!!

    Global/UNIFOR loves to throw BIG SCARY numbers around. Makes the brain dead sheeple more compliant.

    1. Cut that number in half – at least – to account for the false positive rate of the PCR tests.

    2. The proper response to that 16,700 new cases should be..

      In a panicked shrieking voice, ask how many have died?
      The answer will be, well, none yet.
      Then scream in their face ..what the f*** is wrong with you?
      Both a mocking and hateful tone is required.
      Worked great on the neighbor the other day with only 10,000 cases reported.

  4. With the provincial election coming up, the media reminds everyone that only the Ontario Liberals can save us.

  5. Has anyone else figured out that the so-called “public health authorities” don’t have the first damn clue what the f*** they are doing?

    1. But they are going to make us miserable regardless. They were nobodies before. Now they’re gonna leave their mark. Like the dog that urinated on the corner of your couch. It will be indelible.

    2. The inevitable outcome operating under government witless protection where you can profit from been wrong and never held accountable.

    3. I didn’t figure it out, I just assumed that’s how it is and am still waiting for them to contradict me.

  6. The more people you have looking or Easter Eggs the more you’ll find.

    Free testing kits provided by the Alberta government should have the same result.

    1. Yes indeed, The Blackface groper tells everyone else that if they don’t believe his endless LIES they are Racist & Misogynist. The Parliamentary Ethics Commission is utterly useless, and in fact nothing more than a “legal” cover-up for Liberal corruption.

  7. Just like Joe, AOC is a whore.
    And when she’s old she’ll be even more like Joe, an old whore.
    And nothing more.

  8. Ontario government now differentiating between hospitalizations with Covid as opposed to hospitalizations because of Covid.

    Two years too late.

  9. Alberta news conference today.

    “We can expect that we will all be exposed to Omicron in the next 4-8 weeks”

    So we realized that we can’t control a virus but there will always be our deepest obsession, the climate — we can still control that weather.

  10. Or stay with Doug Ford at his cottage.
    You do know Rideau Cottage is actually a house a mile from Parliament Hill, right?
