8 Replies to “New Rules”

  1. The Establishment should refrain from picking anymore fights.
    Their existence is hanging by a thread as it is.
    Let’s Go Brandon is only the beginning.

  2. We should use a rearranged order for the alphabet people. Instead GLB, use LGB plus whatever other letters are desired.

  3. Let’s not forget two things:
    1st – LGB is not just a jest directed at a senile figurehead president. It is also a fun-filled derision directed at a media that tries to cover for him. It is making fun of Them, not just Him. I don’t expect Them to get that, though.
    2nd – and this has been well noted – we just came through 6 years of unmitigated hatred aimed at a candidate, and then sitting president. From unfunny comedians holding up models of severed heads, to aging actors shouting F*** Donald Trump on national television, to the assassination in Julius Caesar done in plays to represent assassinating a sitting president, to relentless late show mockery, to the tearing of the State of the Union address, the left has now demonstrated their open hypocrisy and double standard for all but the most indoctrinated to see. LGB is now an insurrection and terrorist act? Compared to the previous 6 years?
    Maybe if we tweaked it to Let’s Go Brandon Quickly they would have a hard time deciding if they should be gaslighting it?

    1. Make it LGBTQ: Let’s Go Brandon! Today! Quickly!

      Canadian version: Let’s Go Brandon, Trudeau! Quickly!
