35 Replies to “A Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds Survey Goes Horribly Wrong”

  1. I couldn’t submit the survey (I don’t live in SK.). Is there a place where the results are listed?

    1. It didn’t like my saying I got all my info from all of the above regarding climate change. Would not let me submit survey with that answer there, so no go.

  2. I figure they use the answers to such polls to help design the next round of cult propaganda.

  3. Survey sucks, punted me out when answers submitted Sid not fit some matrix. Once again, a joke, some window dressing, and built for purpose. Not actual responses and calling BS on the Climate/UN/wealth redistribution/social equity plan.

    Oh well, grab a chair and watch the show. Between that and Covid show, the Emperors etal are showing up naked, and fools.

    All the best, throw another log on the fire.

    1. I agree…The answers I gave the system did not like it so FORCED ME to check off something else……..What kind of a freaking survey is that>>>>>>>>. what a joke……..

  4. Question 20.

    When you hit your spouse is it
    A As hard as you can
    B As hard as you can without hurting them
    C sort of hard
    D gently.

    But it let me enter answers. Climate may or may not be changing but eff all we can do about it here.
    Although it could be argued that the carbon taxes are working because we didn’t have a tornado in Sask in December.

  5. Second sentence in
    “At each wateshed distribution”

    They’re not smart enough to tell us what to do.

  6. If you don’t give the ‘correct’ answers it won’t accept them.

    ‘Raise A Flag’ again?

  7. Funny how this charade, Covid, etc, etc is of no consequence or impact to China/Russia??

    They have subverted and conquered the Free Worl without a shot, using “usefull idiots” as Stalin would say. Very well played without doubt.

    Biden, EU, and Ottawa Mutt, totally clueless of chess game being played out. Grab a chair, cause pansies in elected office are clueless and feeding their pantry/accounts/ideals etc.

    Again, well done Russia/China, well played. The targets are/were/will be accomplices to own demise.

    Just saying

  8. had no problem with giving many answers that they won’t like….

    like: the great big fusion reactor at the center of our solar system is responsible for climate change

    1. When an option was a blank box, I wrote “Patrick Moore.”
      If you never hear from me again you will know the laurentien elites sent their goons.

    1. Exactly right. Nothing in nature is static, and believing that it “should be” demonstrates the level of popular ignorance.

  9. Well, as a former tree planter for years, circa 1970S, all over BC, I will say this, after slamming in at least a hundred thousand trees or more…
    My “QR” back then stood for “Quit and Rest” after each long day.
    We planted some sideways and steep terrain back then, from Coal Harbour to Burns Lake and wilderness beyond.
    I saw watersheds and know how they work.
    Oh, and my back still hurts.

  10. We would like to hear your opinion…….but only if it fits with our bias.

    Complete waste of time.

  11. I couldn’t find what watershed we live in. Mostly because it hasn’t rained in 5 years.
    We have fish that are four years old, and they still can’t swim.
    There’s only one way to solve climate change. Just wait until things cool down.
    We’ve had -36°c more than once this winter. That’s a good start.

    Just look at the mess they made trying to control Covid. Do you really trust a government to try and control climate??

  12. I was able to complete the biased survey.
    I mentioned that climate change has been happening for thousands of years.
    At one time Manitoba and Saskatchewan were covered by a glacier 2 miles thick.

    1. Agree, Arnie. I had mentioned that at one time this area was tropical.
      The “Climate change does not exist” option was there, hidden amongst the other choices.
      Not a totally accurate choice, as our climate is constantly changing, but AGW does not exist. I forget where to put the C. So hard to keep up on the latest alphabet issues.

      1. Seems like the survey was to find out what were the hot topics within their base. It was designed based on the assumption that you believe AGW (at its most apocalyptic) is a real existential threat. Presumably they will use the answers to charge the troops.

        I had major issues with much of it, for example.
        Q. Where do you get your information on climate change?
        A. History books (write in answer as was not provided).
        Q. Who should speak about climate change?
        A. Historians (write in answer again.)

  13. Survey is Bogus,It wouldn’t let me say,

    The Sun is the cause of our climate and it is constantly changing

  14. Seriously!!

    The best is the set of questions that ask us to select ”deforestation” as an answer to avoid spam??

    How effing stupid can they get!!

    I couldn’t finish it either, simply because I refuse to believe that the human race is totally responsible for climate change. We’re not the cause of climate change, we’re the result of it. ” WE the people” evolved because of a favorable climate for reproduction and highly nourishing diets. That’s to say that we can’t clean up some of our messes, however we did not cause climate change.
