34 Replies to “Accelerating The Decline”

  1. “When I started at the national public broadcaster in 2013, the network produced some of the best journalism in the country.”

    Uhhh, what?
    Rose colored glasses is better than Woke colored glasses, I guess.

    1. She also talks about “cognitive dissonance”, but it isn’t directed inwards, rather onto others!

    2. In 2010 I went on a motorcycle rally with 7 other riders from Regina to Nogales, Mexico. One of the other riders was a freshly retired MotherCorpse urnalist. For 10 evenings straight we tried to show this idiot that MotherCorpse is neither fair, nor balanced and certainly not worth a dime of taxpayer cash. May as well have been barking up a dead horse’s ass.

        1. In the mid-1960s, one of my aunts in Berlin came for a visit. She mentioned that The Forest Rangers was quite popular in parts of Europe.

          It must have been Gordon Pinsent’s portrayal of a Mountie, complete with scarlet tunic.

          1. Or it could have been the handsome Indian Joe Two Rivers. Lessee,or Ralph Endersby,Rex Hagen, Graydon Gould,and that’s all I can remember.

            CBC was our only TV channel,came on for us in 1962, we watched everything and especially liked the Forest Rangers. If I remember correctly,it was supposed to take place in Shamattawa, which we kids all thought was in Quebec, but was actually in northern Manitoba.

      1. “I would add Adventures in Rainbow Country and The Forest Rangers to that.”

        Ah yes, Rainbow Country. One of the very first windows into the world beyond where I lived. Might have to see if I can find it in the Garden of Torrents.

    1. I’d say the decline on TV began when “Don Messer’s Jubilee” was cancelled. I rather liked the folk duo that succeeded them, but hated the mindset at CBC headquarters which sneered at the “Jubilee”. On radio, it began in the late ’80s to early ’90s. We did listen to CBC a fair bit, but that I noticed that – particularly on Sundays – they chose to broadcast plays which were notable for their blasphemy, obscenity, and general topics unsuited to supper hour where there were children around. The radio was turned off. I will still listen to Radio Two’s classical offerings, but the rest is a wasteland, though Radio One’s local late afternoon show is okay.

      1. From about the early 1970s to the mid-1980s, the CBC used to extensively revise its radio programming schedule every 5 years. I remember listening to Ninety Minutes With A Bullet Wednesday nights before it was moved to Saturday mornings and became Sixty Minutes With A Bullet. It was a pop music show and it played whatever happened to be on the charts. (It was through that show that I first heard songs from Fleetwood Mac’s album Rumors and that made me a fan.)

        Saturday nights used to be interesting. Early in the evening, it presented Ideas and, later, there was a show about Canadian literature Anthology. I think its timeslot was eventually taken over by Music From The Shows, which featured film music, and that helped make me a movie soundtrack buff.

        The decline of CBC’s radio programming started for me in the early 1980s when it started moving its Saturday opera programming from the AM frequencies over to FM. The car I was driving at the time had a radio that didn’t receive FM, so I missed being able to listen to, say, the Metropolitan Opera while driving.

        About 10 years later, the FM service started its change to become “relevant”. I used to listen to the old Stereo Morning, Mostly Music, and, of course, Bob Kerr’s Off the Record. When the last two shows went off the air, I started losing interest in what was then called CBC Stereo.

  2. A CBC writer taking the red pill, first surprise of 2022. Enjoy Substack while it lasts Ms. Henley, the government you voted for will surely be outlawing it shortly.

  3. If she aspires to be the next Glenn Greenwald she will have to pivot further than her pre-woke progressivism. Her current “conservative progressivism” may keep her in a lonely place or perhaps right at home in O’Toole’s party. She may be on the road to salvation as maturity replaces the idealistic delusions of youth but she will find that today’s leftists will treat her no differently than they do the so-called right wingers. And yes, the CBC has been unworthy of any public funding for at least 6 decades. Francisco’s comment says it all.

  4. This is remarkable.
    Not that the lady abandoned her socialism.
    It is that she became aware of the world around, outside of the socialist cocoon that does not, absolutely, allow independent thought.
    Perhaps its happening more often than it used to.
    Though as with the lady, those of socialist mind are not abandoning it, they just realize that what they thought of it because they were under severe pressure to submit to it, they want to speak the truth to power and be free to say what they want. Not follow the socialist collective dogma.
    There are many examples of those recently liberated.
    Those that are interested in the affairs of men, know some of them, maybe most of them.

    What’s troublesome is that the masses are still stuck with the stupid. Things are unlikely to change until the masses realize the dogma is a lie.

    1. It’s worth reading some of the comments over there.
      Some of them can almost begin to understand that there is a problem.

  5. Note that she stated that her politics or point of view has not changed. I would say that she is far from being “red pilled”. Just the point of view of everyone around her has changed.

    That she would now be considered a conservative is a stark reminder of how far left the majority of Canadians have gone.

    1. No regrets about her role in creating the mess.
      Too stupid to understand her part in it, probably.

      Liberals can never understand cause and effect.

      1. I read the thing and that’s what I was thinking. No ownership. People too far Right, she complains. Now they’re too far Left, she complains.

        Fairly typical for a Toronto Princess. Tons of ’em out there.

    2. Yes,that’s very true. The Left has moved way farther left in the last 20 years. Tommy Douglas would probably qualify as a fellow Diefenbaker Conservative by modern Left standards.

  6. “..When I started at the national public broadcaster in 2013, the network produced some of the best journalism in the country…”

    Laughable Comment:
    CBC has been a SOCIAL ENGINEERING company for at least 6-7 Decades. May have been trusted in 1963, but upon arrival of that colossal ASSHOLE Pierre Trudeau…went completely off the rails with his and their ensuing MARXIST jihad.

    Fuck the CBC FOREVER.

    1. Actually, upon reflection, suspect the rot was setting in as early as the 1950’s. We lived in a small town which had a nearby CBC affiliate. This meant we received a mixture of local programming and feeds from CBC such as “The Happy Gang”, the six o’clock national news, and the weekly Metropolitan Opera broadcasts. One time was in a more rural area with Dad and we were tuned in to the “real” CBC. Don’t remember the show, but it featured a “tribute” to the late Ellen Fairclough, who was at that time the Conservative Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. A recent immigrant, grateful to her for letting him in, had composed a song to the tune of the “Volga Boatman”. It was something like “Ellen Fairclough, ugh; Ellen Fairclough, ugh” and went on from there. It was clever but, even then, it stuck in my craw as being very mean-spirited and not something that would be penned for a Liberal cabinet minister.

  7. Leftism has become a cult just as Raelism is a cult.

    The main stream media, including the CBC of course, with their IMMENSE power to shape how the masses think, is how they brainwash people into joining the cult of leftism.

    Pardon my pessimism, but I think we are f***ed.

    Leftists control almost everything now, things will get crazier until there is nothing left for the left to infect and destroy, and then western civilization will crumble to dust.

    PS; You think we can vote ourselves out of that? well leftists control how votes are counted and control the judges that refuse to prosecute those caught doing voting fraud…so forget voting…something bigger will be required…or western civilization is finished

  8. Poetry in motion.
    Socialism rising to a crest.
    Progressives always eat their own.
    It is no longer :”I am Napoleon”.
    It is “I am the best victim here.”
    When parasites reach peak population,strange games begin.

    1. It is “I am the best victim here.”

      It’s more like “I am the most entitled victim here.”

  9. Colostomy Bag Catastrophe.

    She has some startling epiphanies about blindingly obvious points that any normal person could see years ago.

    Still, every commie conversion…..

  10. Good news! The National Post reprinted (three hours ago) the article online, which will give it wider circulation.

    The article already has over 250 comments, with the most liked being:

    “The CBC employs about 7500, mostly unionized, highly paid Canadians. The CBC is a drain on the taxpayer in excess of $ one billion . That alone should be an indictment to shutter it for good. Kudos to the author of this piece for pointing out that the CBC is more than a money pit. It’s a cesspool of wokeness and it creates a victim vs oppressor narrative based on race. Worse, it’s the Pravda like organ of the Liberal party. The Berlin Wall fell down. So must the CBC. But that requires a big push from responsible Canadians.”


    1. I made a bunch of comments on the National Post article and then logged out and refreshed the page and oddly enough none of my comments show up.
      In fact they show ‘one reply’ but if you click on ‘reply’ or ‘show older replies’ nothing happens.
      I log back in and voila! my comments are back.
      My tax dollars at work.

      Post Media is the discount CBC.
      Lower priced scumbags.

      1. Post Media is Canada’s Main Conservative (ahem) media outlet.
        Of course it is in debt up to its eyeballs and hoovering all the government cash it can to remain barely alive.

        Gettr done!

  11. I’d just like to point out that Tara Henley’s “Canadian Best Seller!” has fifteen (15) Amazon reviews.

    My first book, “Unfair Advantage” by Edward Thomas, has twelve reviews. I did not know that dozens of sales makes you a Canadian best seller. Shameless plug: https://www.amazon.com/Edward-Thomas/e/B084ZH2GZL%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share Most commenters here will probably like it, there are giant tanks.

    Still, it is nice to know that even thick-as-a-brick Toronto media types have limits to the amount of straight BS they’re willing to put up with.

  12. There seems to be hope as more and more people from all sides continue to call out the woke culture. The awakening is spreading.

  13. After a perusal of the comments the prevailing theme of these refugees of progressive is that the CBC went too far.
    Well golly gee wiz, it was all good and well when it was those conservatives getting bashed and dehumanized, but now they come for you and you have no one to speak up for you.
    Ah but there is a silver lining here.
    The CBC and the ever shrinking demographic that will still listen to it are attacking their own and painting them as deplorables.
    Those refugees are looking for a new home and it’s not one where progressive philosophy is.
    At some point they will come to the conclusion “so I’m a knuckle dragging conservative am I? Ok I’ll be a conservative, all I need is an actual conservative to vote for”.
    Only needs one piece of the puzzle.
