19 Replies to “Today At Justin’s CBC”

    1. Defunding is pointless, because the Libtards will just fund it again when they are in power again. Dismantle it and sell off the parts.

  1. CBC Arts-the bought-and-paid-for arm of the libranos-commenting on politics. Oh my, they are sensitive snowflakes.

    First-there are no artists worthy of the word in canaduh, has not been a one since the group of seven back in the 1920’s, so who needs CBC arts? Second-what does a CBC producer actually produce? Apparently just expensive librano-approved hot air.

  2. The leftist institutional cesspool of the CBC is torqued that a guy like Rogan can reach millions more viewers than they can despite their mentality that their captured Canadian audience should not be allowed to hear or view any alternate source than their warped and degenerate view of reality. They know that they are nothing but propaganda but because they believe that the ends justify their delusional “utopia-at-gunpoint” statist ends, it’s justified. They are the Spawn’s Brown shirts trying to defend and further his agenda and narratives (particularly his Covid Stalinism) and its just not fair to them that people still have the residual freedom to choose what to watch and consume.

  3. CBC whores attacking Joe Rogan only confirms he’s on to something. And I’m not young + not take health advice from him. I am only very PISSED OFF that governments + Media/BigTech + pharma are trying to shove down my throat all kind of crap pretending it’s for the ‘common good’. Anyway this CBC hit-piece just got me more intrigued actually. So far I only saw the 3hr14min with dr Malone (BTW, it’s still available on odysee.com and on Rumble.com) but I will also watch the interview with dr McCullough.

  4. The CBC are the macaroni and gold paint of the media/arts world.

    Once thought crafty, now out of favor.

  5. “Breaking something we can’t fix”? That was Prime Minister Richardpate’s objective all along when he openly and giddily declared us to be a “post-national” state which had no core beliefs or identity.

    He wanted Canada to be a massive dunghill and he has overwhelmingly succeeded. He must be getting frustrated now as he’s running out of things to damage beyond repair.

  6. Oh Jordan ! Banks of today are in position what mass media were yesterday. For some new system to be born , the old has to go into agony before dying.

  7. The CBC has since the middle 60’after Pierre’s Ascension, been nothing BUT SOCIAL Engineering spewing said Assholes Marxist Devists Communist Agenda.

    Once the prodigal son came on the scene and particularly during the 2015 Election… it’s been pure Marxist deviant perversions all geared to keep that fucking pedophilic snowflake firmly ensconced as PM.

    Am Nearly 99% of time enjoying JRE and particularly now with very good believable guests and excellent Information..something the Islamic faggots at the CBC know squat about.

    Asteroid pls…downtown Tirana.

  8. I have a theory; (don’t bet the farm on it…) Australia’s exploding Covid case numbers may well be, in part at least, due to their not having ANY national immunity due to their hugely over the top restrictive actions during the first three waves.
    This Omicron has found a very fertile field to graze on. Sound reasonable?

    1. Yup. It’s also lucky for them that the coronavirus isn’t as deadly as it was made out to be. Even grouping all of the comorbidities as “Covid deaths” couldn’t get it any better than a distant #3 in terms of total deaths in Canada.

      I’m alarmed at what the life insurance company CEO from Pennsylvania was noting about the increase in 20-65 year old mortality, year over year. Total mortality up 40%, less than a 1 in 1000 chance of happening in a given year. And Covid deaths are an insignificant portion of the total, apparently.

    2. Partially, and partially because they are 95% vaxxed or some such, so their adaptive immunity is trained to look for one thing, and only one thing, which omicron doesn’t have. All that’s left is innate immunity, and that would be rusty fro the removal of contact with others, etc. Happy hunting ground indeed. Is the Buck Tooth Bitch from new Zealand suffering this too? I so hope.

  9. Joe Rogan has more viewers in 5 minutes than the CBC has in a week.

    I doubt he’s too concerned with what they think.

  10. Presumably both articles will be in tomorrow’s National Post as the Monday paper was excised quite a long time ago. Thankfully I’m retired and not traveling much at all now.

  11. Rogan has a better track record treating Covid than virtually every “expert” you see on the Canadian media as well. At this point, based on merit, I figure we might as well make him PM. He’s accomplished more than the twit we’re currently stuck with as well as the opposition leaders(?).

  12. this guy is a critic with an opinion – which is fine by me; however, it’s obvious he also reviews books he hasn’t read.
    i can’t believe he gets paid for it.
