26 Replies to “New Rules”

    1. Only to have him called a __________ (insert your favourite Liberal insult), because words hurt.

      1. james

        The Corpse and other in-pocket bought media outlets here would sing that very same chorus to protect the narrative of dear leader should it been in Canada. Brave man there and saying what needs to be said more often.

        Don’t expect that kind of language should the O’Stool be asked to respond in the house.


    1. Oh, but that’s known as “being nice”. Of course, by kissing one’s opponents boots, presumably with that opponent wearing them, makes it easy for said opponent to spit–or worse–on one’s head.

      That, of course, is the whole objective behind forcing one to “be nice”.

  1. This is pretty timely as yesterday, I released an open letter to some 700 members of my professional organization which of late, has gone very, very woke. Just one example: hiring a university professor (appeal to authority) to provide diversity and tolerance training. She describes herself as an ““intersectional antiracist, disruptor, anti-oppression educator… uninvited settler” and her apparent objective was to help us see the racist and oppressive practices we inflict on our willing and paying clients.

    The gist of my well reasoned treatise was that their assumed ‘good intent’ policies were resulting in unintended consequences and very bad outcomes for society at large. Replies fell into (1) we agree with you whole-heartedly and you’re very brave (2) how did you get my e-mail, don’t bother me (3) you’re a mean, racist and bigoted old white man, shut up. Apparently I’m not allowed to question our organization supporting BLM or questioning the evidence of the terrible injustices against [victim group here] that must apparently, be rooted out of our professional body.

    My letter did exactly what they always claim to want. It started a ‘dialogue’ or a ‘conversation’, Calling me out as a bigoted racist is just being conversational, I guess. The vitriol and nastiness is something to behold. Luckily I’m financially and morally independent, so if they want to haul me before the ethics committee that’s fine. As someone said, “If you wouldn’t go to them for advice, why would you consider their criticism.”

  2. Delegate Freitas genuinely does not know any elected Democrat who is un-Christian, racist or sexist?

    I don’t believe that for a second and neither does he.

  3. Most distressingly, in Canada, it is our Prime Minister calling ordinary Canadians racists and bigots. That crosses a line. He is totally unqualified to govern Candians. His party should remove him.

    1. His party should remove him.

      It won’t because he’s putting into words what the rest of the party thinks. Hey, it worked for his boyfriend Barry O’Bummer, didn’t it?

      1. Why is the mechanism of a no confidence vote, especially with a Minority Government, unable to gain traction with Blackie.
        Last time it worked to get Mittens Joe Clark out of office over a tiny little thing of some few cents a gallon gas increase.
        And dear Pa Pa , PeeAir was able to get back in the driver’s seat and finish implementation of his grand new Constitution.

        Although looking back on it , it was probably instigated and steered by the Puppet Masters of Canaduh.
        No chance we get a repeat with Blackie.

    2. You don’t get it I think. That’s what his party thinks about us. Trudeau is the Liberal party and they worship him and agree with him. In other words they hate us, act accordingly.

      1. Even if there were MP’s who didn’t think like the Turd, he controls their livelihood so they aren’t going to cross him. He’s tossed a Justice Minister under the bus in the most underhanded and illegal way and walked away scot free so what makes anyone think that the lemmings are going to stand up to him on anything.

  4. Well. That didn’t take long. I just received official notice that following an “emergency meeting” of the national board of my professional organization, steps will be taken to squash me like a bug…. because they won’t tolerate racism and bigotry.

    Apparently my words were so barbed that they caused pain and suffering from coast to coast.

    1. When my time comes I’m going to read to them selected works from Heather MacDonald, Thomas Sowell, James Lindsay, Jordan Peterson, etc

    2. Find the book SJWs always lie and read it. It’s a practical battle plan for fighting these devils.

  5. Update: Just got a letter from the Chair of my professional organization. Less than 24 hrs. after sending my letter of concern, the national board has “struck an ad hoc ethics committee” to investigate me.

    I replied that while I’m fine with their decision, I formally request ‘inclusion’ in the Zoom ethics committee meeting in order to speak in my own defense and that the meeting be recorded for accuracy and transparency.

    I will not be bullied. Their move.

    1. Talk to Ezra Levant.
      He might be able to help out and put a spot light on these cockroaches.
