It’s Probably Nothing, You Fringe Haters With Unacceptable Opinions-UPDATED

PM Hairdo and the Trudeau-funded media are accusing the truckers of stealing from the homeless (!). If that’s true, it’s obviously bad.


But, an interesting Twitter thread questions if the shelter has any ties to the Trudeau Foundation?

Personally, I am offended by the lack of diversity on their Board of Directors.

They should really think of replacing all these whiter than whitey whiteys with a more diverse bunch of Directors. You know, for diversity! I mean HOW DARE THEY??

Anyway, I don’t know if there are ties to the Trudeau Foundation, but I know that math is hard. I mean, it is like so, so hard. The struggle is real.

But doesn’t $9,013,071 salary expenditures out of $14,545,644 in revenue seem a wee bit high? Percent me, people!!

It also looks like they have $437,926 in expenditures for groceries. Does that seem a little low? For soup kitchen? I mean compared to salaries of course!

The shelter’s Ottawa neighbours don’t seem too thrilled with it.

Covid “social distancing” rules did not apply to “safe injection” sites, because, you know “balancing risk”. 

Just wondering if there is more to the story than “truckers stole food from the homeless”.

As the Tweet up top notes, let’s wait and see if there’s video and if any charges are pressed by Ottawa police.

UPDATE: Much more VERY interesting information about this place. Kind of looks like the only ones “stealing from the homeless” might be this organization itself. Or as another commenter on Twitter put it:




47 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing, You Fringe Haters With Unacceptable Opinions-UPDATED”

    1. I used to listen to him occasionally, many many years ago. Until one day.

      It was during the Terry Schiavo controversy. Her family wanted to keep her on life support; her husband wanted to turn off the machines. There was a court battle. Regardless of one’s view on a contentious and unhappy subject, one didn’t have to go psycho about expressing it.

      Adler came on the air snorting and yelling and spittle hitting the mike; screaming G. W. Bush was a moron, he was done with him over his Schiavo remarks, etc. etc. Strange subject to break with Bush over, I must say. I guess it was an act. Radio jockeys are just paid performers; they change their opinions and scripts with changes of ownership. But Adler’s was a very strange act. I thought at the time that the guy wasn’t right in the head. Never listened to him again. Never missed it.

      Stopped listening/watching to corporate anything pretty much after that. If I want to know my bank’s opinion, I’ll go directly to the source and ask.

      1. I guess it was an act. Radio jockeys are just paid performers; they change their opinions and scripts with changes of ownership

        Very much this. I listened to the same two morning DJs for a local radio station switch from classic rock booze-and-party-hounds to concrete cowboys to easy listening mellow voices as the station switched owners and formats over five years.

    2. Adler has a punch worthy throat.
      His face would be the bonus punch.
      He single handedly cured me of talk radio in this benighted country.
      Oh, for a feeling, for a Rush.

    1. All the CPC MP’s are cowards for not standing against O’toole earlier, and anyone who still supported the CPC in the last election is naive or not legitimately a Conservative.

      The CPC can rot in hell with the rest of the federalist parties in Soviet Canuckistan.

      P.S. stay the eff off the roads tonight, based on social media there’s a lot of bone heads out driving in this storm.

  1. Adler? That bloviating buffoon in love with the sound of his own voice? F&$k him. He’s now a predictable tool of the left.

  2. What on earth happened to Charles Adler?! If it turns out that this was yet another Fake News Story, will Adler apologize on Twitter?

      1. Well if you were really hungry, and the homeless guy was old, blind or passed out is it really such a reach to take that half a hot-dog from between his fingers?

        Asking for a friend.

  3. Adler is a vile, mendacious, lying piece of excrement. I hope he catches COVID and chokes on his bile. Fcking subhuman trash.

  4. Anybody noticed that all the people on the librano twitter feed have been instructed to use-desecrate the war memorial. Original thinking is hard for the libranos.

  5. To deface something is to damage it, as with paint. It doesn’t mean put a hat or flag on a statue. The former obviously shows contempt for the statue and the latter does not.

    There was a time when journalists used words to provide knowledge. Now it’s to lie and spread disinformation.

    Hacks, all of them.

    1. For the record, when the time comes, you can “deface” my statue with an upside down flag and a “Mandate Freedom” sign with my full support.

      And place it to stand on the battle line.

  6. Adler and Coren both lost their minds at the same time. Frankly, I think someone has a compromising video of the two of them.

  7. So what has Trudeau and his loving media focused on:
    The 2 nazi flags, likely plants (by Butts??)
    The Terry Fox memorial, that has been ‘desecrated’ many times, conveniently ignored by Trudeau media.
    And now this ‘stealing from the homeless’, at a well funded (Trudeau foundation?) organisation.
    Media coverage around the world have mentioned none of these incidents.

  8. A lot of those “groceries” are the free wine they give out to Ottawa derelicts, supposedly to stop them DTing. They make a good living “managing” a problem that the city fathers simply refuse to solve.

    I live near Shepherds. I never approach it on foot if I have any choice. Murray and King Edward is an open-air drug market. Even when driving I think twice. I can never be sure that a derelict won’t walk in front of my car without warning.

    When I am king I will do a few things:

    1. Expropriate both Shepherds and the Sally Ann, and send demolition teams to tear both facilities down. Management will be given 24 hours to vacate the premises and get the derelicts out. No compensation will be offered. Lots to be re-sold on condition that no “homeless shelter” be built there.

    2. Hire a few of the truckers to transport the derelicts in their cabs at least 100km from Parliament Hill to the sparsely populated area of the truckers’ choosing.

    3. Tear down the LCBO at Rideau and King Edward. It attracts derelicts like pig shit attracts flies.

  9. Can’t listen to Charles Asshole anymore. Can hardly wait to watch the house of cards collapse on them all. There’ll be no safe refuge!

  10. Any bets when we get more info on the ‘stealing food from the homeless’ that the truth will have a Jussie Smollett theme to it?

    Thank you Laura for your research into this ‘homeless’ shelter/soup kitchen.

    1. Yup. That “charity” took in $14 million last fiscal, spent $9 million on salaries, $3 million on other line item shit, and a whopping $500 k on food.
      Look at their website.
      More predictable sleaze.

      1. Charities and foundations are how the rich launder their filthy lucre nice and clean and keep it free from the contamination of taxes.

        They chortle to themselves in their private clubs and gated estate communities how we plebeians are so stupid we’ll never catch on. They are probably right.

  11. “Personally, I am offended by the lack of diversity on their Board of Directors. They should really think of replacing all these whiter than whitey whiteys with a more diverse bunch of Directors. You know, for diversity! I mean HOW DARE THEY??”

    It’s worse than that! It appears that one of their board members is in fact a minority. Louisa Ibhaze listed second to last I believe is an author of Nigerian descent…and is the only person on the board not worthy of a photograph! All she gets is a crappy gray silhouette of a man. Wow. Who exactly are the white supremacists? SHAME ON THEM!

  12. The RCMP probably got their ideas from the FBI and provided the National Socialist flags and any other scullduggery .The truckers found one who had a Confederate flag and sent him packing. If there was one paid bad actor there were more and they should be ferreted out and exposed.

  13. Are these state operatives so stupid that they all reveal their daily talking points?
    An Addled State best describes this Fake.
    The Reverend Al?Minister of What?
    The Church of Lies?
    Cause this clown has exposed his hatred of truth and light for over a decade now..

    “Stealing food from the homeless”,that must of looked so good when they wargamed it,too bad it now exposes their “Charity” as just another bunch of Liberal Scum profiteering off of the human misery they create.
    And as for those evil flag wavers,you notice the complete lack of investigative journalism attached to the claims of these “events”?
    Our government funded media is almost as retarded as our government..
    Am I to assume they have the same ethical standards and work ethic?
    Some things are so idiotic and against human nature,that only a bureaucrat could believe them.

  14. Now when Chucky lost all that weight he was on something that loosened a screw or two?
    That or the lack of proper nutrients….just asking for a friend.

  15. “Resistance received from other protestors: None,” says Adler. That is categorically untrue.

    They found Confederate Charlie, and gave him the heave-ho. Of course, the dude was wearing a ski mask. Nothing suspicious about that, no-sir-ee-bob.

    Mr. Nazi is obviously a false-flag, and True North has a bounty on him. Last I heard, it’s over $6500, but you won’t hear Chuckie talk about that now, would you?

    As for the “desecration” of the Terry Fox statue? Right. Someone hung a Canadian flag and stuck a sign on the statue. Compare that with decapitating John A. in Montreal, or dethroning Queen Victoria in Winnipeg.

    And what do we see the real protestors doing? They removed the accoutrements from the statue, and actually cleaned it up with loving care.

    I don’t know much about the soup kitchen fiasco yet, but I’m willing to bet my house that there’s something fishy about that as well.

    These lie-beral bastards have no shame, and that Includes YOU, Mr. Adler.

  16. $9,013,071 salary expenditures out of $14,545,644 comes to salaries taking 61.2% of receipts.

    By way of comparison, in Fiscal Year 2020, the Canadian Salvation Army spent 17.5% of its receipts on overhead (salaries, expenses, fundraising) with the remaining 85% going to spending on its mission-related activities.

    1. A big FOI request and an investigation into who got all that money, and why the numbers are so lop-sided, is in order. The Libtards may have another scandal on their hands, one that they themselves brought to attention with their hubris and greed.
      I’m confident that Ezra can smell the blood in the water already.

  17. They continue continue their slander program while they have no clue who the people are nor their motivation. Similar to the accusations that people who question the jab are anti science while presenting no evidence to support their claims. I saw a video of the war memorial. They treat with such reverence that they don’t even bother to remove the snow.

  18. Standard play book for smearing any rally, protest or organisation not endorsed by ‘The Left’.

    If they go remotely near any location of cultural significance, then you make claims it was ‘desecrated’. The point isn’t that the Left actually cares about the location – indeed most are openly against it at any other time – but that they know Conservatives care.

    It is an attempt to wedge. They know Conservatives won’t accept desecration, so they make the claims that it happened and then challenge the Conservatives to either support desecration, or force them to denounce the protest movement.

    Standard Playbook.

    Proof never provided.

    Protests in Melbourne Australia were smeared in the same fashion. The protesters had urinated on the War Memorial. FACT! One tear filled veteran had seen it happening and desperately donned his medals before rushing to the protest to beg them to stop. Because of course he did. He made the media.

    Photos of men making puddles in public? Yeah… they never turned up ANYWHERE, buy rest assured it totally happened cause Conservatives do that sort of thing. Media said so and the Media are the only people qualified to guard the truth.

    As for stealing from the homeless? Yeah, right.

    (also, maybe if the LEFT who seem to run all these cities actually CARED FOR the homeless and, I don’t know, helped get them off the streets and into some sort of self control type lifestyle then they wouldn’t be there to steal from in the first place. Almost as if the Left LIKE having homeless around as it gives them someone to ‘care’ for.)

  19. Funny/not the theme from Trudeau about small business when it wasn’t that long ago he was claiming small business owners were …… What was it again……Oh was it tax dodgers!

    Liberal voters are below maggots on the food chain and the Dippers aren’t any better. In the future they should be treated as such. This NAZI style of governing has no place in Canada, socialism/fascism builds nothing but hatred and divisiveness, these past two years have proved that point beyond any doubt.

  20. Pretty obvious that the “vaccines” have melted what little there was left of Adler’s brain.

  21. I was disappointed when Adler was dropped by Rawlco a few years ago. Then ended up being glad he wasn’t on local radio anymore after he seemed to turn Liberal after the failure of SUN News.

    Now if only Rawlco would sack Gormley, he’s past his expiration date and already spoiled by going Liberal. Speaking of Gormley, he said today that the Freedom Convoy is unsupportable if it lasts a month. What a piece of filth he’s become.

  22. Explaining why the truckers have “Marie-Antoinette Trudeau” by the short and curlies

    And bumped

    From Noel Barber’s “War of the Running Dogs” on the Malaysian Emergency

    “The answer in not in pouring more troops into the jungle, but in the hearts and minds of the people”.

    General Templer, Malaya, 1952″

    And it doesn’t look like MAT’s got a snowflakes chance of that (IMO of course)
