6 Replies to “Pollspotting”

  1. Read an article in the Guardian recently (yes, I know, shouldn’t really be reading that rag..) which featured three unfortunate “shielders”, people who lived alone, mostly seriously ill with various debilitations, all of whom wanted the masking and social distancing regulations to last basically forever.

    These poor souls, deserving of society’s support (and undoubtedly our individual sympathy) had been reluctant to leave their homes before the pandemic began, due to varying vulnerabilities and susceptibilities to disease. They actually felt safer going out into the world with the restrictions imposed by the UK government, and regret the ending of said restrictions.

    I am aware of people like that in my city, and I’m sure they are to be found everywhere humans live. I’m trying not to “otherwise” them, and feel much sympathy for their predicaments. But I’m not convinced that we should shut down vast swathes of society for them, sorry to be so blunt.

    I was most taken with the naming of them as a sociological phenomena: Shielders…

    A new word for me…
