20 Replies to “The Banality Of Evil”

  1. This is appalling, I can hardly believe this is in North Carolina. I think educators, like Mr Koh, are setting up many children for failure and that he should know better.
    Above and beyond the issues of emotional/social development, masking young children has consequences for their neuro-cognitive development. Reading is the foundation of Education, Phonemic (sounds of language) awareness is the foundation of Reading. This is not to be trifled with. The science of reading, has established that young children must see the faces, lip and mouth movements of their care givers. They should hear the sounds of language as crisply and distinctly as possible, not muffled by a mask. Failure in this, leads to deficits in “phonemic awareness”, which is highly correlated to the emergence of dyslexia and other learning disorders.
    In the USA, 30 % of children have significant reading disabilities, including dyslexia. I expect that covid policies will greatly expand these numbers. While it’s possible to intervene, there is a window of opportunity to do so effectively and efficiently; it becomes more difficult overtime.
    Consider also that children with reading disabilities are more often than not undermined by shame and humiliation that is not only difficult to overcome but emerges more intensely and earlier and earlier with each defeat.
    Why didn’t the Early childhood experts, Pediatricians, Psychologists, Educators, Speech Pathologists, Reading Specialists point out the risks of masking young children and exposing them to masked teachers and day care personnel? They just stood by without even issuing warnings or PSAs to parents, so that the parents could attempt to remediate at home.
    Did you know that the majority of prisoners have reading difficulties, almost half are dyslexic. Some state corrections agencies use grade school reading scores to plan for future prison capacity.
    I’m linking a talk on some of the latest research on teaching Reading. In this talk, Michelle Elia is only addressing Literacy in general. Dyslexia and reading disabilities present a more difficult approach. Sorry for the jargon but it is still understandable.

    1. Why didn’t the Early childhood experts, Pediatricians, Psychologists, Educators, Speech Pathologists, Reading Specialists point out the risks of masking young children and exposing them to masked teachers and day care personnel?

      Because they’re all terrified Karens?

  2. The mask makes him sound like he’s got a tracheotomy. That should be a warning for anyone.

  3. People this evil with this much power cannot be swayed by reason or debate. They must be dealt with by a terminal dose to the cranium of plumbum. About 235 gr. at high velocity.

  4. Language retardation, psychological damage, brain damage from a lack of oxygen and increase in CO2, shall I go on. My level of anger is such that if I could get my hands on these a holes I would choke the life right out of them.

    1. “lack of oxygen… “

      In Massachusetts indoor youth athletes (through high school age) are required to wear masks WHILE THEY ARE PLAYING. Mostly this is hoops, hockey, and indoor track. Madness.

  5. Doesn’t it seem to anyone with any common sense at all that everything that the authorities have been doing are NOT to the benefit of public health? Quite the contrary, really…

    (Just to be explicitly clear in case I’m being too subtle, It appears to me that everything that the authorities have been doing, and continue to do, have been to the DETRIMENT of public health… or worse…)

  6. You’ll find them at the local clinic waiting in line to inject “vaccines” into their helpless 6-yr-old. Or back there in a month with their infant.

    Sacrificing the innocent youth is an ancient practice to ask the blessings of pagan gods; in this case secular Marxist “elites”.


  7. Yesterday, I watched David Freiheit, of the YouTube channel Viva/Barnes Law, for a couple of hours. He circulated among the truckers while live streaming. He happened to interview a fourth grader, who reported that he had to wear a mask all day and while eating lunch the children had to reposition the mask between bites.
    In addition, these children wear coats and hats to class because the windows are open, even in the cold. Did you ever hear that before? Is it common place in Canada? The interview of the child starts at around the 50 minute mark.

  8. I’m sorry … but this man claims, in his bio. to be “proud of his Korean immigrant status”. And he is obviously proud of his culture which includes endemic mask-wearing. Uh Oh Mr. Koh! … our American culture is NOT your Korean culture. We don’t walk-around in masks with the misbegotten notion they’ll “save” us from anything. That’s YOUR culture. Stop trying to impose YOUR culture on our children. You should be FIRED for child abuse, and made to stay 1,000 ft from any child or school.

  9. I am pleased to report that I have found a new species of humanoid!
    The distinguishing feature is that the gastric channel is built upside down.

    The excreta exits from the mouth.

    Note: It must be admitted that there is a the possibility that it is in fact a cleverly disguised lizard alien. The process to determine whether this is in fact correct will require a suspension of the individual, from a lamp post, followed by dissection. Try this at home!

  10. This is abhorrent, and honestly, the same kind of logic I hear at my kid’s school as well. My kid is the ONLY kid in a class of 20 that doesn’t wear a mask. We just tell her to say “no thank you.” I am sure they treat her differently and I resent anyone that does at the school, however, we still think it’s an important lesson to teach a 5 year old… because these “educators” are clearly trying to condition kids. Teach the dog to like the cage is the analogy that comes to mind.
