39 Replies to “Don’t Worry Doug, It’ll Just Be Two Weeks to Open the Bridge”

  1. End the Branch Covidian Church of Demented Karens shitshow, Dougie. All of it. Then we’ll talk. Otherwise, fuck off you useless tub of lard.

    1. I didn’t bother clicking through but I’m guessing he’s not being shown any love in the replies/retweets from the Leftists he’s been aping over the past two years.

    2. *
      Lemme see… the Tool just got shanked for trying to
      be Justin’s alter-ego
      … but Dougie still thinks running
      toward the mushy, woke middle is actually a viable
      strategy. Maybe he doesn’t realise the folks who sit
      for government commissioned push-polls
      aren’t really
      typical, workaday Canadians.

      I guess he really is as dim as people say.


  2. Doug, your statements are just a Wiki overview. Stuff we already know. Can you address the REASON it’s in this blockage?

  3. Someone should tweet him follow the science from John Hopkins university. Lift the lockdowns now. The science is clear.

    Add the link

    1. I sent the full document to Ford by email, as well to my MPP, Ted Arnott along with the advice to “Take the hint”. No response, ever.

      1. Arnott is my MPP also (we must be neighbours). I agree that he is another globalist waste of space. I was especially appalled at his treatment of Belinda Karahalios, and Rick Nicholls.

        There’s an election coming, if any of his canvassers knock on my door (never happened before) they will get my unexpurgated opinion.

  4. Is anyone worried that this is starting to go to far and the convoy will start losing the public support? I still support what they are doing, but worry they are going to lose momentum. Granted you would think the public would reflect on who really has inflicted all this pain, however, it’s easier to deflect and blame the convoy than really hold our politicians to any account. Any thoughts on this? Just a lil ole gal asking from Alberta.

    1. What are they gonna say if it’s blocked from our side?

      Which way are these workers going?

        1. I work with a guy who lives in Windsor. No issues crossing either way today or yesterday. There’s a way to get to the bridge for cars.

    2. The protests and blockades are overdue and necessary.

      We are seeing the most courageous step forward and laying it on the line.

      Freedom’s just another word for NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE!

    3. My personal opinion is that blockades of critical trade arteries should be of short duration. A warning shot across the bow. Much like rotating strikes in labor disputes – not knowing when, where or how long a blockade will happen puts government on their back foot. Will the next blockade be in a city, at a border, at a bridge, a freeway, a port?

      A reminder though: this political protest could end tomorrow if politicians do the right thing and follow the lead of other modern countries by removing covid restrictions. The simplest solution is to restore Canadians charter rights, human rights, civil rights, rights to medical and bodily autonomy.

      1. To be clear, the blockade in Coutts, Alberta is perfect as is and putting immense pressure on Premier Kenney and the UCP. A truly fantastic display of unity by truckers, farmers, ranchers and all other supporters.

        Better than any professional labor organizers I’ve ever seen. Note to the federal and provincial NDP party – these demographics at Coutts were not only your bedrock supporters once upon a time but they were the salt of the earth people who founded your party.

      2. We are over two years in, and politicians are still talking about cautiously considering making changes. The last two weeks WAS the “shot across the bow”, and the governments…every single one of them…just ignored it, and in fact seems to be doubling down on stupid.

        If shots across the bow are continually ignored, you need to step it up.

        1. Some people play chess while others play checkers. Then there’s those who are only capable of playing Simon Says or beer pong.

          1. What choices do you have when you are dealing with a self centered semi dictator who has acted more like an Emperor than a Prime Minister for the past two years. When things get tough he slinks away to his hidy spot instead of conferring with citizens who have legitimate reasons and concerns. Instead he gets two underling flunkies to do his dirty work and create a crisis that was created by himself alone.

        2. @GerryK. — Justin destroyed his brain’s higher cognitive abilities through extensive use of marijuana and mind-altering drugs. I wouldn’t doubt that he has LSD flashbacks daily. Furthermore, his mother was quite the party girl in New York back in the 60s and 70s…he could’ve been ingesting hard drugs as an embryo as well. That’s why something that’s simple to understand for us–might be very hard to comprehend for him and his minders/advisors are diametrically opposed to allowing us plebes to take back our power.

    4. Dear blissfullyignorant: I’m going to rename you “Nervous Nellie.” Please get a pair.

    5. No. Most people follow the herd. They don’t know what they think, until they get a sense of what others are thinking. Drop the mandates has had good momentum. The ” science” is also on our side as people realize the vaccines are not doing much to stop illness and that the lockdowns did not prevent deaths (Johns Hopkins recent study). As individual politicians move to dropping the mandates, I think it increases momentum for the trucker cause. We need only get to a certain level and many more people will climb on board. I am surprised that Doug is still holding out.

    6. When you control the media both electronic and print its not difficult to have your “Presstitutes” come to your defense and deflect the blame to your adversaries. Then you get a couple of your favorite flunkies to do what you don t have the stones to do yourself. Then you can show up in Parliament and lecture the great unwashed as you have done for the past two years. Your greatness will then be apparent to all.

  5. The Frontline healthcare workers that have been fired???

    The FAT man, more prone to Covid than any other, speaks up when key Ontario industries are threatened.

    One’s freedom doesn’t rate a mention.

  6. Both Doug Ford and John Tory are beating this dead horse of “our health care workers”, “path to hospitals” etc.

    Meanwhile all health care workers are forced to take the booster shot or be fired. Even when it’s known it is not effective. You can still get the virus and transmit the virus even if you’re 3x/4x jabbed. Oh, staffing issues in healthcare? Not our pbm, we’re only doing the right thing! They’re driving in reverse on the wrong side of the road and they don’t get it. And no one is honking, hence that’s why Honking will continue until Freedom improves. Not only the bridges should be blocked, a national strike should come to effect asap.

  7. Yup, stop blocking the bridge, and HANG FFF (fat fucking ford) john tory, andy scheep, and erin O’Stool off the god damn thing!

  8. What’s the problem? Isn’t that crossing in Quebec still open? Roxam road? You know, the one where the RCMP carry your luggage for you?
