Windsor is a Big Deal

The Food Professor;

This is just not good. Bridge cams show zero traffic going either way. We estimate that agri-food imports through the Windsor/Detroit border crossing are about 45% of all agri-food imports to Ontario every year.

The Ambassador Bridge is the single busiest international border crossing in North America, handling about 25% of all US-Canada trade.

Anywhere between $8b to 12b$ worth of agri-food products go through the Ambassador Bridge/Detroit-Windsor Tunnel each year, both ways combined.

27 Replies to “Windsor is a Big Deal”

  1. And the Freedom Rally finally wraps its fingers around the Canadian economy’s throat. Excellent. The cross border movement of goods is the schwerpunkt in this battle for freedom. Not downtown Ottawa or downtown Toronto. Time to surrender, Dougie. Time to resign, Justin. Short of sending in masses of cops this country simply doesn’t have, the war is over. You lost.

    1. Trudeau will not surrender. His pride’s too wrapped up in his vaccine solution to COVID-19. What he wants is for the situation to escalate, so that he can claim that the trucker convoys are holding Canadians hostage. If the food prices go up too much, public support will turn against the truckers, as the media will demonize them for blocking parents from feeding their infants.

      Second, the bigger danger comes if Trudeau decides that these people are terrorists and orders the military to engage. At that point, all bets are off as to what the Liberal party could do at that point, as the Canadian military is now being wielded against its own people.

      Third, the better solution is to remove him from the decision making process. If we can get 1 province to remove the mandate requirement, then another (against the federal government’s mandate) we might make progress. Trudeau can whine and complain about the provinces posing a danger to public health by removing the mandates, but he cannot stop them; public health is a provincial policy. The more provinces that ignore the mandate and remove the masking and social distancing requirements, the more impotent Trudeau’s authority becomes.

      1. That was the fig leaf Holland was clutching yesterday: that all these mandates are provincial and the honkers need to leave the poor feds alone. Well, except for the border mandate. That one he blamed on the Americans. Ain’t nothing we can do, he claims, to help these racists.

        1. That’s not a Figleaf. It’s ok then why aren’t they lifting the bans?

          Since Justin is not in charge then he shouldn’t be listened to and yesterday was kabuki. He can go back in his Bolthole.

          The bat signal went out to most of the Democrat governors because the election is coming they’re loosening restrictions here.

          If they’re following the United States, then they should follow the United States.

          1. Everything Trudeau says and does is kabuki theater. His spoiled upbringing as a trust fund brat has given him no real world experience, let alone empathy. It’s all portrayal. It’s all he knows.

        2. Canada lobbied for the Americans to put in the vaccine mandate for truckers and the Biden administration agreed. This is all on Justine. The US did not start the problem, we did.

        3. If the U.S. vaccine requirement is in place then we don’t need one in Canada. Lift it and then wait until the U.S. lifts theirs. And then they can blame it on the Americans. Win-win for Trudy.

          Why is this so hard to understand?

      2. Just one point of order. Trudeau cannot order the military to engage. Period. Provinces have to ask for aid to civil power, and if the Chief of the Defense Staff judges military assistance to provincial authorities is appropriate, he will respond. In matters of law enforcement, the military will never take on the policing role. Trudeau has no way of wielding military power domestically. And if he tries, the CDS will simply say no. Because the grunts in the front ranks will not obey orders to use force against the truckers.

        1. You and Joe are correct. When troops were dispatched to Quebec (soldiers in the streets) during the FLQ issue, it was premier Bourassa who asked Pierre Trudeau (Just watch me) for the troops. Trudeau happily complied.

      3. Trudeau can’t send the military even if he wanted to.
        The request for military intervention would have to be sent from the mayor of Windsor to the premier of Ontario. If Doug agreed, he would instruct the Solicitor General of Ontario to send the request to the Chief of Defence Staff not to the federal government or any of its ministers, and the chief of the defence staff would be “required” to designate forces “to be called out on service in aid of the civil power.”

      4. What he wants is for the situation to escalate, so that he can claim that the trucker convoys are holding Canadians hostage.

        He’s hoping that the deplorables come begging to him to do something about those mean, nasty truckers. He, then, will find a convenient nearby phone booth, take off his clothes to reveal his true identity as Son of Superman, and rescue us, after which, we’ll make him king for life out of gratitude.

        1. I heard yesterday about a bin load of rocks of “throwable size” was delivered somewhere in Ottawa. Has anyone heard about this? Antifa tactics?

          1. Truckers complained and the police came and removed it while the truckers video-ed it all.

      5. have you heard what Carney said…….worse than Trudeau considering he is on the sidelines

    2. Well … Sundance at CTH warned us all about the coming supply chain issues after Jan. 15 and the sweeping vaccine mandates. He warned us to stock up on food (I did). But I forgot to order my case of all-dressed chips … LOL!

    1. Now that horns are illegal, I think a call should be put out to all accordian players to assemble on Parliament Hill for a rousing dusk to dawn medley of The Bird Dance.

      1. How about bag pipes.

        I would have to put my house up for sale and move if I had to listen to pipes for more than half an hour.

        No offense intended to my Scottish father-in-law.

  2. PM Zoolander was so looking forward to imposing climate mandates. Windsor blockades might just be the straw necessary to break the government’s resolve.

  3. I have so much respect for the people running this protest. They haven’t run right to the biggest tools they have and they are just slowly turning up the heat. I’m pleased to see the Ambassador bridge being closed. It’s another level.

    I really don’t believe the government has the manpower to stop this even if they wanted to. They keep on with the threats. It tells me they aren’t sure they have the means and they want to try and make the protesters blink without using whatever they do have. Even If you arrest all of these guys though, can you run logistics through the border after that? They will all be excluded from the US at that point. You’d have to replace them. Good luck!

    Praying for all of you in Canada. May this end peacefully. God bless you patriots!

  4. For every minor inconvenience the elite subject the truckers to, another strategic blockade should be set up, until the whole machine grinds to a halt.

  5. Leningrad… there’s the model. When the store shelves start cleaning out, the panic will ensue. And in the appropriate part of the country as well! Now we just need to turn off the oil and gas pipelines.

  6. Guess they should have talked to the truckers.
    Arrogant pricks are going to learn the hard way.
    Frankly, I want Ford’s head on a stick.

  7. The above didn’t think that the convoy was a way to protest so forget him.

    Now trending, Randy Hillier is a Russian Asset.

    I swear to God.

    These people are insane.
