16 Replies to “Its A Good Thing The CBC Stated That They Are Unbiased”

    1. Their indicates possession:
      It’s their position.

      There indicates location, or presence:
      There’s nothing there. It’s over there.

      They’re is a contraction of “they are”:
      They’re highly biased.

    1. Not so much a CBC hanging as the CBC and Alberta agreeing that some lawyers need a slice of that sweet, sweet taxpayer pie.

    2. I wasn’t mocking. I just wanted to pint it out to be corrected. Thats why I asked for my comment to be deleted. I am guessing they saw the mistake without my help

  1. Nothing like an anarchist who makes movies for a massive, authoritarian, governmental media giant…

  2. The Ceeb will regurgitate the regular response. We’re just paying for it (actually the taxpayers) so we can’t tell them what to say.
    Sue them just like they did in Britain to that BS movie Algore made.
    Insist that is screened befire going to air. Make sure it doesn’t see the airwaves. And make sure anyone who plays it will get sued as well because we know most of it will be BS.

  3. When the CBC hive says they’re not biased it needs to be understood they can’t imagine there is any alternative. Can’t be biased when there is only one choice.

  4. Well I sure hope they have room for Saint Suzuki to strut back and forth at our expense as well.
    I figure we need some new terms,when these State Activists are producing such propaganda,lying about everything and slandering over half the citizenry…They are CBCing.

  5. Why would there be any expectation of the CBC being anything but an agent of leftist political action and propaganda – defending all LPC and NDP narratives and policy while attacking all things conservative or liberty oriented. Bias is what one would be critical of for a media institution that exhibited at least a pretense of objectivity. Why didn’t they use David Suzuki for their brand of documentary?

    1. Or. why is there no Halal Pork at the butchers? Try finding some decent Kosher Pork, none to be found in the entire country!

      (sarc.) for those of you perpetually offended types.

  6. That’s what opened my eyes about the CBC was a documentary by a “CBC reporter” called “Blockade”, about where I grew up. It was a masterwork of propaganda, Michael Moore probably learned how to cut tape by watching it be made. Cut-and-splice words about 14 year olds “they don’t know what they’re doing here or what the end-game will be” with images of the elders. Everyone outside of the reserve (even the full-blooded Indians) are stupid racists.

    Ever since that came out I assume that CBC reports are lying by intent.
