It’s Not Our Problem

Blacklocks- Not Our Jurisdiction Say Feds

Cabinet has no role in forcing an end to growing Freedom Convoy blockades, Transport Minister Omar Alghabra said yesterday. “ It continues to be municipal and provincial jurisdiction.”

Seventy trade groups petitioned cabinet to force an end to border blockades at Windsor and Coutts, Alta.: “I hope the blockaders or occupiers or protesters stop their protesting.”

Liberal Leadership at its finest.

52 Replies to “It’s Not Our Problem”

  1. Just so I understand…

    Indians create blockades that hurt our economy… Liberals say negotiate – Conservatives say arrest them.

    Truckers create blockades that hurt our economy…Conservatives say negotiate – Liberals say arrest them.

    1. Here’s the difference:

      Chief Big Screen and his braves pose no genuine threat to globalism. It’s been generations since their tribes posed a real military threat to western civilization in North America. What remains of their culture (such as it ever was) is kept on life support with your money The Libranos see an opportunity to buy votes with your money, so they never tire of giving Big Screen what he wants.

      The truckers mean business about taking back control of their own country, and replacing the Libranos with people not in the pocket of the globalists.

      Our masters only see you as a problem to be solved if you could possibly survive without them.

        1. Bullet wounds incompatible with life if Chrystia Donaldovna has anything to do with it.

        2. The truckers aren’t asking for any money. In fact, when all the restrictions end, that’ll be a net profit for both the government and the taxpayer.

    2. You understand correctly, conservatives are right on both counts.
      Thank you for calling.

        1. …except, unlike Antifa or BLM, we haven’t assaulted anyone, burned down any buildings, killed anyone, and all we ask for is to be left alone to live our lives without vid restrictions.
          Seems you’re too stupid to tell the difference between a man who fights off an intruder in his home, and an intruder who assaults a man in his home, they’re both fighters, just different sides of the same coin, right?
          You are proof that post-modernism is a mental illness.

        2. Except that we aren’t. You have to be absolutely stupid and willfully blind to even try playing this game. One side fights for freedom, the other fights for racism, marxism and special treatment. One side is peaceful, shovels snow and honks horns, the other side assaults, occupies and tries to derail trains. Most importantly one side for civilization, other side for anti-civilization. Film at 11.

    3. You nailed it billy. With your razor sharp mind you’ve managed, in two lines no less, drill down to the very core of the problem. I take my hat off sir……. outstanding!

        1. Agreed. Canadians are, in general, too cowardly to actually fight for their freedom.
          I’m still hopeful that the truckers cause enough damage to the economy that the PTBs will have no choice but to end all the restrictions; I think most people will blame their respective governments rather than the truckers, after all, its easy to get them to leave: Just end all restrictions.

    1. Get pipelines to tidewater billly and you and your commie buds will have lots of resource royalties to piss into the wind.

    2. Precious… the federal government willingly destroys Canada’s energy sector, and you moron think we give a sh@t about Ontario auto plants?! As far as we are concerned, Ontario can drop dead – until it changes its tune. Boy, children these days!

      1. This. In spades.

        First they came for Alberta petroleum jobs & I was silent, ’cause I wasn’t an oilman. Then the coof regulations shut down Mom & Pop businesses everywhere & I still said nothing, ’cause I wasn’t an entreprenuer. Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed down, millions of jobs lost, suicides up, alcohol & drug abuse peaking, our “leaders” conducting themselves like tin pot dictators. And now that the truckers are here at the Alamo, fighting for jobs, Canadians, democracy & freedom, instead of joining the fight, I piss & moan about the poor auto sector closing down for a week.

        Classic NIMBYism. Never cared about any of this before, but now that it’s inconveniencing me

        Get a grip.

  2. Translation: this is Alberta, and any diversity hires in uniform daft enough to try to use force to move the truckers will be massacred by civilians who know how to shoot straight.

    The men in uniform know that. Only a few incredibly stupid hajjis disguised as Canadian police or soldiers would be tempted to try it just to please Brother Omar.

    Canada, Allahu akbar.

  3. Bwahahahahaha * gasp* hahahahahahaha

    Honour among thieving politicians


  4. This is the standard position: the feds will not take charge of the effort to dislodge the protesters out of fear of being blamed should anything go wrong or descend into violence.

    The province clearly doesn’t want any of the blame either. So they put all the pressure on the police, who are reluctant to engage in anything more than a Mexican standoff / whack-a-mole festival.

    On and on it goes; where it stops, nobody knows.

    1. The only radicals urging violence appears to be the Ottawa Police Advisory Board. And it seems to be nasty women to boot!

    1. Like Gerry Diaz threatening not to do 69’s with TurdHole anymore if he doesn’t do something.

  5. Will history record how Trudeau sent in the tanks to end The Bouncy Castle Rebellion Of 2022?

    Branding matters.

    1. In Canadian dollars. Their goal is $16M USD.
      Having said that, the fund is continuing to grow. Hope they reach their goal.

  6. It could have been over just a day after it started if the Trudeau Liberals admitted they were wrong in their vaccine mandate for truckers and backed off.

    This is all on the Liberals absolutely failed leadership since 2015!

      1. Viva and Barnes interviewed Dr Francais Christian this evening.
        Its on Rumble to avoid censorship
        Current linked video on Rumble doesn’t work.
        Look for it later

  7. Liberals for ya! Gutless idiots.

    Counting on others to do their dirty work.

    It’s amazing what little communication it would take to resolve this. Liberals appear incapable of living up to the Canadian political tradition of COMPROMISE.


    1. Its the World Economic Forum and the Globalist elites pulling the puppet strings of the fake all show-no go politicians.
      The truckers have pulled back the curtain on the (not so) great whizzards of Canada.

      1. great whizzards of Canada

        They certainly like whizzing on us, don’t they?

  8. When this is over, there will be investigations and recriminations. The Liberals need more time to cover up their corrupt activities. Ignoring troubles like this suggests they are into something very big and ugly.

    1. Paper shredder go brrrr!
      Its gonna be fun watching the Turd and Butts struggle to scapegoat each other.

    2. “When this is over, there will be investigations and recriminations.”

      cc, you have more faith in the system than me. I see this disappearing under the carpet just like WE, SNC Lavalin, etc. I hope I’m wrong & you’re right.

  9. Excellent.
    let us take them at their word.
    So Federal Government serves no function,abolish them.

    As for “Forcing an end to the protests”..OK.
    Can I force an end to Government By Thugs?
    This is Justine’s Post National Can Ahh Duh,which is a nation of systemic racism,genocidal toward our We were here first peoples..
    So how can any upstanding citizen continue to support this Genocidal State of Thuggery?
    Seems to me Justine is repeatedly having a “Feed the World” moment.
    “Every time I clap my hands,a child dies in Africa”.
    “Then stop clapping ,you wanker”.
    For everything the idiot accuses the Truckers of,is what his Thugs have been doing.

    1. Wouldn’t it be nice if Canada morphed into the 1st region of AnCapistan?
      A man can dream.

    2. The Liberals only caused the problem so now it’s up to the City of Ottawa to solve it because the Grits don’t want to butt in. LOL.
      Pass the buck leadership, neo-liberalism, aka progressivism, aka cultural Marxism, aka totalitarianism. Tried and true; inevitable.
      A trail revealed by a history of collectivist collaboration and coercive consolidation. The madness over vaccine mandates reveals all.
      All ingredients in the witch’s depraved brew of power, intervention, taxation, inflation and war.
      It seems everybody but the truckers are fleeing Ottawa, in reality and metaphor. Can this end well for Grit grifters and boy blunder? Water cannons stand at the ready? No?
      But we do know what a collectivist would do. They would double down, get nastier, listen less and act ever more hastily to hold power.
      Cabin boy was sure the protest, and the country, ended at Manitoba’s eastern border. Now he sits on a powder keg of his own making.

  10. It’s over.

    The Feds had two principal responsibilities when C-19 started: to control the borders and secure a timely vaccine supply. Regardless of what one thinks of vaccines, those were federal responsibilities, and Trudeau and his gang of dimwits fucked them both up.

    Now here’s the Minister of Transport, federal so border control is explicitly his responsibility, saying that it’s provincial responsibility. This means that the feds can and will do nothing to end blockades at the borders. That means Ontario’s auto industries are and will be starved of parts. That means that Canada will be starved of food imports during winter. That’s twice the feds have fucked up on what is their area under the division of powers.

    It’s been obvious ever since he was in cabinet, but Algebra is a fucking moron. None of them have the slightest clue as to how to handle the situation in which they find themselves. If the federal government abstains from its responsibilities, what’s the point of having confederation at all?

  11. 70 trade groups huh? I get the feeling they pulled that number out of the same ass as the 90% of truckers are vaccinated.

  12. I never thought Fidel was that smart. He was a soviet puppet. His illegitimate spawn is a sub-standard substitute teacher.

    1. Fidel was smart. He had an entire nation trained to be doctors so he could pick the best of them to take care of him in his old age.
