This Is CNN

Mostly rubberneckers: In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey previewed for Secrets, just 8% said they watch the network “every day.” Many more, 48%, said they never or rarely tune in, and a combined 71% said they are in the “occasional” to “never” category.

7 Replies to “This Is CNN”

      1. At least CNN will probably die or be reformed…CBC will keep getting the 1.5 billion from the Feds…Queerbec loves it’s Radio-Canada so much, no Fed leader will ever stop their gravy train.

        This is CBC, the most tax funded in news

    1. Have you noticed the banner at cbc,…. cbcnn? as in cbcnewsnetwork, but with the nn in red?

  1. Perhaps the title of this post should be “This WAS CNN”.

    They are now the Corpse News Network. Good riddance. I am enjoying watching every new story of their ongoing implosion. May the ashes of this abominable propaganda machine be inhaled up the noses of their globalist-Marxist money men and become an allergy no medicine can cure.
