10 Replies to “The Handwringing Doom-Mongers”

  1. The one thing Trudeau and his globalists agenda did show us…
    We have alot of shit to shovel and toss out by way of our failed institutions, media and politicians that all aligned themselves to the government gravy train of funding.

  2. It’s kind of interesting to compare and contrast the battle in different countries. What was the catalyst that prompted the roll back by the British authorities? Why the difference between OZ and Canada? Why didn’t similar efforts in OZ, over the past several months, get any traction. After all, the arrogance of the Australian authorities was even more outrageous and in your face. So why Canada, why now? I’ve borrowed and abbreviated the thoughts of Yeah Well and Dan BC to riff on my question.
    Yeah Well :
    ” It seems the renaissance and the enlightenment may have actually worked, and our culture may actually have a deeply ingrained self-correction and protection mechanism,….. and the elites just jumped the gun, and tried to force things before our culture was watered-down enough.”
    Dan BC :
    “Trucker protest is more than a random, lucky protest……..It’s 4 dimensional chess.
    My thoughts:
    So why Canada, why now? I bounce between the thoughts that it was just a spontaneous movement, whose time had come, or that there was a greater strategic/logistical mind behind the Canadian convoy. If it is down to planning and intelligence. was it a single person or the leadership team? the bouncy house was genius, the participants were disciplined and cheerful, the activities were wholesome, the blockades were strategic,
    is the success of the Canadian convoy down to the ham handedness of the government? The success could have been amplified by the initial failure of the authorities to respond effectively. They could have seized the high ground and coopted the energy of the resistance. Too late, now. Clearly, they never anticipated a spontaneous populist pushback. Did they imagine they had the full support of the public? Did they believe their own bought and paid for media? I think they actually convinced themselves that it was a fringe movement. Their flailing and cheesy response enabled the convoy to gain even more momentum. Safe to say, there are no savy, quick thinking, adroit statesmen in the government camp. The Resistance didn’t turn Trudeau et al, into a worldwide laughingstock; they did it to themselves.

    One last thought. The independent media and the live streamers paid a huge role in getting the truth out. This was critical. How did that come about?

  3. Sure wish we had some broadcasters like her in Canada (notwithstanding that True North and Rebel News are great!).

  4. I heard recently some city councillor talking about the rule of law. I think most people in canada have heard of it . It goes something like this

    “The rule or supremacy of law is a political ideal requiring that the authority of the political community be exercised only within the confines of ordained structures, established procedures, and known legal rules and standards, creating reasonable expectations on the part of those subject to the law. ”
    the Canadian Journal of Jurisprudence
    I think most canadians believe this, but they also believe it goes both ways. It isn’t just that some are subject to the law, it’s that all are subject to the law. I cannot say that every canadian believes this, there are alot of variations on just what the rule of law is, at it’s core though it is not about blind obedience, but rational thought, not emotion, not coercion. It’s a shared concept, not imposed.
    Francisco, this is a good topic.

    1. Sometimes those who make the laws make bad laws. And it is the duty and the responsibility of the citizens to let the elected who were elected with the consent of the governed know it.

      Or “unintended consequences” and “unexpectedly” when things don’t turn out like they’re supposed to.

      Like letting people come in to steal up to $900 worth of goods for social justice.

      But that carnage is deliberate Which is why there are 11 million new first- time gun owners in America and a lot of them are women and people of color.

      After this watch all the new laws they’ll put in place so this doesn’t happen again. watch the boa constrictor start to squeeze again.

        1. That report has been pigeon holed by almost all media.

          Only a few in the “fringe minority” bother looking for outside sources of information that could upset the governments agenda. You must be on of “them”.

  5. America has been through this in my lifetime with Clinton and Obama. The left always overreaches. Castreau did the same thing after the last election. The boa constrictor tightened his grip. Or General Tarkin.

    Because of the way we are set up, we get to let them know in two years how we think they’re doing. Look what happened 1993 contract with America, the white man’s tantrum. Obama lost big time he even lost governors. The problem is they ignore it and they keep on doing what they’re doing, and and steal to get total ultimate power. that’s how they got Trump. What’s happening now is total payback for not acknowledging their greatness. Their expertise. Their ability to run our lives. Because they care. This is nothing more than what humans do. People think humanity has come a long way because technology has come a long way. But look at what they’re doing; there is no difference between Trudeau and Pharoah. There is no difference between Trudeau and King George. I am a citizen, not a serf. They’re just going to suck you dry live off your bones while they party and you suffer. This climate change is the next thing. Don’t do as I do do as I say. You can’t fly but they’re going to fly to all their conferences. You have to eat pink sludge, but we get A5.

    After Obama was elected, The crowing started. We’re all socialist now, the new new deal, the Dems are gonna rule for a lifetime articles, all that happened.

    And inevitably when they don’t Get Their Way, America is too big to run. Trump had no problem we are actually pretty easy to run, we are 50 states 50 different rules under an umbrella. That is why Florida’s been open and unmasked over 18 months.

    You have the same problem we do: why weren’t ivermectin and HCQ being prescribed? Ivermectin is sold over the counter and in vending machines in Mexico. It was used successfully in Utter Praresh, India, which has a population of 242 million people. It was you successfully in Japan. If you go online you will find out in the poor countries ivermectin was part of an over-the-counter Covid kit. But doctors were threatened with revoking their licenses if they prescribed it here. There was at least one article asking why Africa wasn’t having the same issues the Anglosphere countries were. (It must have been malaria.) Where is the science from those countries? In some states it is taking the legislatures passing laws that are allowing hospitals to use ivermectin, in Iowa only as a last resort. It’s insane.

    Your choice was to take the jab or die. There was no middle treatment for this; no going to the doctor, getting a prescription, going home isolating, take your drugs and come out when you’re done. It’s take the jab or go to the ICU. America is paying hospitals more money when the person dies from Covid when to use remdisivir. They’re putting things in us that are damaging our bodies willfully & deliberately. I wouldn’t be surprised that my Social Security will be threatened if I don’t have a vaccination. Think about that! worked for 40 years, paid into the system for 40 years, and if I don’t take a shot I don’t get what I’ve worked for and have been promised.


    And don’t forget why would we need these lockdowns if the world is going to end in 10 years according to AOC?

    1. AfaF

      I listened to a credible report from a US Based Nurse.
      Covid admissions: $ 3000. per USD
      Confirmed Deaths due to Covid. $ 30,000 per USD.

      Death Merchants is what the US hospitals became…and theres more than a few her in
      Canada too.
      Most of us listened to Funeral Director John O’looney…Full on Flat out Murder of the elderly via drugs in the UK.
      Remdisivir.?? that shit was LITERALLY Killing folks….as was Intubation.

      The Elites have much to answer for….I pray to God that they do..in Fking SPADES
