They’re Not Going To Stop

Rupa Subramanya- What Truckers Want

I’ve spoken to 100 of the protestors gathered in the Canadian capital. What’s happening is far bigger than the vaccine mandates.

In the latest press release video from the trucker/protester movement last night their spokesperson spelled it out in as plain and as simple a way a possible. It’s not complicated you just have to listen.

Update: In case there’s any lingering doubt, they started a “slow roll” at the Ottawa airport this morning.

48 Replies to “They’re Not Going To Stop”

  1. What is currently terrifying our politicians is the Unintended Consequences of products rotting and rerouted products rerouted again is adding more delays and businesses are bankrupt and collapsing.
    Leaving the products in abandonment due to even greater costs.
    Logistics must be a nightmare right now trying to keep track of individual products.

    Being independent protesters in different localities is driving the cops crazy too.

    1. I am currently waiting on 3 Canadian-made Julien stainless steel sinks and accessories for my remodel project. They were due to be shipped from Canada early next week. I’ve been waiting 8-weeks for them already.
      I cannot install countertops and finish my Kitchen until I receive these sinks.

      Frankly … I’ll keep eating Jack-in-the-Box dinners until The Truckers all go home Winners. And like it. Go CANADA! Go Freedom!!

  2. “So it’s about something else. Or many things: a sense that things will never go back to normal, a sense that they are being ganged up on by the government, the media, Big Tech, Big Pharma.”

    It occurred to me that mass protest and civil disobedience is the *only way* citizens can compete with lobbyists and other power brokers like Big Tech and Big Pharma.

    We can’t get private meetings to lobby for boutique, self-serving laws like SNC Lavlin. We can’t attend expensive fund raising galas to network with the political class. We don’t have VIP connections to power. We aren’t invited to international gatherings.

    The only avenue the political class has left average Joes to get their concerns taken seriously is to show up on Parliament’s doorstep with big rigs. The truckers truly are an unstoppable force with an immovable object.

    Trudeau needs to start a dialogue and negotiate with these citizens in the same way he has meetings with lobbyists and power brokers.

    1. “….negotiate with these citizens in the same way he ….”

      No, I’d say “….listen and respond to these citizens in a even better way than ….”

      He works for us, not the lobbyists – they have all forgotten that.

      1. You’re right. All levels of government seem to have forgotten that and a reminder to them is long overdue.

    2. Something else we can’t do. We can’t easily cut off government credit lines and make it impossible to pay the big men with guns.

      We can demonstrate that bank-confetti can’t be eaten and doesn’t make great fuel.

      Dialogue? We get our country back, he gets a fair trial. That’s the only worthwhile negotiation.

  3. Beautiful.

    And of course our overlords will not listen. To them, these people are mere serfs, subjects to be ruled, whose pain & suffering is to be ignored in the name of the “greater good.”

    I still can’t see how this will play out. I feel like it’s still precarious, that Trudeau, Ford, Watson et al may yet pull the trigger and unleash a wave of police and/or military action the likes of which will put this country to shame for generations to come. And seal Canada’s fate as a kleptocracy forevermore.

    If there were 10,000, or 20,000, or more, people in Ottawa, if the protest were consistently so large that such a move could not dare be contemplated, I’d feel better about it.

    1. If you want a comparison look no further than the protests in Moscow that preceded the end of the Soviet Union.

      When the foot soldiers decide on mass that the orders are illegal and tell their bosses “if you want the protesters removed you can do it yourself”.

      1. Thing is, we don’t yet know if the foot soldiers will rebel. We’ve already seen the police try to take fuel, and firewood, from the protestors, essentially trying to condemn them to freeze. We’ve seen & heard the rumblings about getting child services involved and going after the kids who are there with their parents. We’ve seen them manhandle a senior citizen. Do these things inspire confidence that, if & when the order comes, they’ll refuse to obey?

        1. If child services actually cared about the children, there wouldn’t be any more lockdowns now with there? What child services has done to the children of Canada and to what we are doing to the children of the US with this mask mandate is horrendous.

          Just watch “the science” come out after lockdowns and we’re going to need more money because they’re traumatized. The government is traumatizing the children deliberately and willfully and maliciously.

          I’m stealing this from somebody else. When the adults in the pictures are unmasked and the children are masked, they’re raising servants. My child is not a servant.

          The schools got big money and the hammer was The children have to stay masked. That’s one reason the school boards are fighting so hard to keep the masks on kids.

          1. ASking

            1000% AGREE. It is ON PURPOSE…

            To Kill people
            To Maim people
            To Demoralize people
            To strip away away personal identity
            To ensure all require boosters shots (for remaining lifespans)
            To make the entire population into digitally controlled serfs

            Fake testing protocol – trashed proven treatments …all to push the HERD to the Vax as their salvation. (ergo the blatant in yer face & Continuing Coercion ffs), all to ensure each and everyone has a Digital QR Code – that would:

            A: Ensure you would need Booster Shots for life (Pharma PROFITS..)
            B: Transform you into a Digitally monitored DRONE – ALL to do their bidding.

            THAT WAS THE PLAN People….

            They forgot one thing. We the people outnumber them by factor of
            1 – 100,000

            Govt – Health Officials – MSM – Big Pharma – Big Tech – Gates – WHO – Fauci – CDC – NIH – NIAID – Klaus Schwab etc. etc. etc.
            All GUILTY 100% of Crimes Against Humanity.
            The entire lot of de-facto NAZI’s requires a ROPE.

          2. 100% Asking … !!

            And here in brain dead CA … Gavin Newsom is SUDDENLY (read: political life-saving) lifting the mask mandate for adults … but our children remain imprisoned behind masks. Their growth is being stunted, and their minds permanently scarred. It’s sick. Sick in the head, what we are doing to our children. We ALL KNOW this is simply political theatre. Their masks are useless. Asymptomatic spread of COVID has been PROVEN to be a farce. This is a BAD JOKE.

            But it’s the Teachers UNIONS who have Newsom by the shriveled balls. The Teachers UNIONS who are force-feeding CRT down the gullets of our children. Yes … the Trucker Revolution needs to target our Public Schools as part of their little “sanitation” project. Take the TRASH out of our society and let our children remain children … not pawns to be cynically sacrificed on the BIG Chessboard of Leftist domination.

          3. I didn’t say child services care about the children. In this case they would clearly be weaponized in order to attempt to remove the children from the protestors, which would almost certainly provoke a response by protestors, giving the state their pretext to give the order to remove the protestors by force.

            Even just bringing child services onto the scene risks provoking that response. It’s a dangerous move for the state to take knowing where it could lead. Which is exactly why they might do it.

            If child services has any good sense, they ought to stay out of it. But as you say, they probably don’t.

    2. I still can’t see how this will play out. I feel like it’s still precarious

      You and me both. As proud as I am of Canadians today – a group I am ashamed to admit that as recently as two weeks ago I considered irredeeemable sheep and bootlickers – and as optimistic as I am as a result, I feel like we are balanced on a knife edge right now. As regional and national jurisdictions around the world abandon their Kung Flu laws, central Canada is doubling down. Something’s got to give.

      1. And let me suggest the protest’s knife edge is the transportation blockages. The question is will “the inconvenienced” people side with the Truckers? Or will they blame the Truckers for their temporary inconveniences? That is the question.

        How will the public react when we all become Ottawans now … ?

        1. Kenji, Re your other post above, there was no reply button. You stated… “This is a bad Joke”.
          It’s no joke Kenji, but it is bad. They, the elite trash, are going for all the marbles, if we lose to the political class now, we lose it all. It is not just the truckers in Ottawa, it’s all of us. The truckers have just been the catalyst, that started the ball rolling, but now it’s snowballing around the world. How it ends will tell the tale. They, and all of us, must hold the line.

          Honk Honk!

  4. The Anointed and Appointed know exactly what this is. And in the fashion of terrified tyrants throughout history, they lash and crucify those who dare to escape their yoke.

  5. Apparently, YouTube is now limiting livestreams, reports:

    “You tube is limiting the number of people able to watch live streaming from Ottawa. To which I am not surprised. What is the latest? Anybody know?”

    “Just found out that they are limiting the number of viewers to subscribers plus 25… by subscribing, you can let viewers in…”

    Noose tightening? Cell phone service cut soon? Unrelated?

  6. Truckers have arrived at the Ottawa Airport! They are asking supporters to go there and drive around in circles. I’m in!!

  7. “B.J. Dichter, a spokesman for the Freedom Convoy, is vaccinated, and he estimates that many—maybe most—of the truckers at the protest are, too. ‘I’m Jewish. I have family in mass graves in Europe. And apparently I’m a white supremacist…'”

    To paraphrase Donald Trump in a slightly different context:

    Our masters don’t hate the Jews.

    They hate God and want His name stamped out.

    They hate you and everyone you love, and want you tossed without ceremony into a mass grave.

    The Jews are just in the way.

    1. AT

      Spot on..!!
      For that is EXACTLY the boiled down essence of the past 2 years.
      They want most of us DEAD and of those that survive ..?
      Digitally controlled drones…who will pay 2-3 times annually for their required boosters.

    2. Yup Awful Truth, and Ezra is a thorn in Trudeau’s side, and I love him for it, It also appears as if Laura Rosen Cohen is coming on board as well. I am not Jewish, and am an atheist, but your people will always have my respect and support!

  8. The protests have become a classic insurgency. The political authorities initially respond by instructing the security forces to engage in a game of whack-a-mole of dubious legal standing. Before long, the protesters vastly outnumber the security forces who find themselves unable to be everywhere at once. Like 90% of insurgencies, this one is going to have to end with a negotiated settlement.

  9. Trudeau keeps resorting to calling protesters nasty names. Many among the protesters are not adults, quite young actually. What do they think of a leader of a country who calls them racists and Nazi’s etc?

  10. What’s happening is far bigger than the vaccine mandates.

    It shouldn’t be too much bigger than the vaccine mandates; it should be pretty much limited to the Covid restrictions. If the protest becomes about myriad other disgruntlements then it will become illegitimate and it will fracture and collapse.

    Keep it simple – stop, permanently, this outrageous and unjustified government overeach into freedoms and rights. Once that’s done, pack up, clean up, and go home.

    1. It should be about the entire supposed BULLSHIT of this plandemic and its Tyrannical restrictions…but also, and much more importantly, about Ensuring the destruction / deletion of all the QR Code Data Collected. (If that’s even remotely possible..?)

      THAT was to be the basis of Trudeaus very own Social Credit Score system of 100% surveillance on 100% of the population….just like his CHICOMM & WEF advisors have TOLD him to do.

  11. Canadian Truckers: you have taken on a monumental task and have done so in the most positive way. In no uncertain terms, YOU are the ones setting in motion the effort to free people all around the world from the chains of big government globalist tyranny. We are SO PROUD of you and stand behind you with our money, thoughts, voices and prayers. DO NOT GIVE UP!

  12. – Nazi and Condeferate flags flying
    – Autistic children having seizures and local babies suffering permanent damage from nonstop blaring of horns
    – Masked residents being spat on and drunkenly harassed
    – Emergency services being blocked and innocent residents being held hostage for weeks by right wing crazies

    If you’ve been wondering why Democrats are less than 2 points behind on the generic congressional ballot, this is one more reason why. Please proceed, conservatives. Public opinion is about to turn even harder against radical right extremist antivax crazies even more.

    1. Um… this is Canada. Right now, we don’t give a fuck about Democrats. Our opponents are liberals (and conservative premiers). But nice try, lefty troll. You really need to work on your delivery a bit more though. You come across as generic and insincere. And American. Question, though. Does DK stand for Dumb Karen?

    2. Dumb Kevin/Karen

      That’s quite the pile of utter BULLSHIT you’ve got there…typical garbage fed to you by the View no doubt. No surprise there…

      All of the above is flat out LIE, perpetuated by low info goofs such as MSM pie holes spewing it and those that buy their propaganda.

      PROVE it ..?? or STFU

    3. Thank you for agreeing the lockdowns and masking need to end for the children.

      What do you think the last two years has done?

      Or that’s for the good of the people?

      If you cannot condemn the last 2 years for the children, you’re a poseur. Or as Stalin said, useful idiot or true believer. Bye, Felicia.

      I should have read the whole thing. You know this is happening in Canada, right? They have a different system, right?

      And you wonder why Trudeau can’t negotiate. They are this stupid.

    4. I think you are out of touch. Probably an avid CBC watcher. They are bound and determined to smear the truckers with every last minor incident. Regarding the seizures from the horns, we must also ask if any of the children had a recent vaccine as seizures are a known side effect. So is autism. Mentioning the non- existent Nazi flags, shows desperation.

  13. The spokesperson for the convoy mentions that the judge who issued the injunction against honking stated in his decision that the truckers have the right to protest. I haven’t seen or heard that mentioned anywhere else. Has anyone seen the text of the decision?

  14. Here in Nova Scotia they are holding rallies in the valley in support of the truckers, yes you heard that right the heart-land of BLM and Panitifa supporters there is going to be a truckers rally. LOL when you start losing the loppy left Trudope you are in serious political trouble.

    1. Annapolis Valley? That’s not BLM country. That’s farming country.

      Halifax is looney-left, no question about it. The rural parts of NS are more Red Tory than anything. They’re not so far gone that they can’t recognize BS when they’re fed it; they’re just outnumbered by the urban fools in the capital.

  15. Do we know who the speaker is in the trucker interview? I have not followed a lot of the videos, so am not totally familiar with who is who. He is excellent.

  16. Their press speaker doesn’t seem to be enjoying himself very much, he looks like he urgently needs a vacation. That’s not good. It would be better to be a little less restrained and more enjoyable.
