6 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. New Zealand is on my Fuckit List.

    Buttsplug uses typical Prog logic – retarded.

    If you criticize something its because you have another motive rather than the explicit motive described in the criticism.
    Cutting taxes means you hate families.
    Testing in schools means you hate children.
    Minimum mandatory sentencing for gun crimes means you’re a racist.

    Buttsplug may regret not ignoring somebody far better than he in a public debate.
    Or in Buddy speak, You should have STFU, dickhead.

    1. Joseph

      Why the Fk anyone would be surprised by this is beyond me.

      This is your LIBERAL Party at work. The only thing they give a fk about is POWER PERIOD.
      FRENCH Canadian Political LEADERS are 100% flat out Fucking anti military Cowards:

      All they have done over the past 6-7 decades is to slowly financially strangle and destroy our Armed Forces – in Numbers and Morale.

  2. Re: Tick Tock Trudles being jeered:

    “Trudeau’s long absence amid what opponents of the protest movement have called a crisis and occupation has prompted criticism of the prime minister from his left, accusing him of leaving a “leadership void” that has allowed the protests to grow.”

    There’s been a leadership void since 2015.
