30 Replies to “When the Canadian Police Do It, That Means It’s Not Illegal”

  1. Next alternative…burn buildings to stay warm.
    Obviously the cops don’t want this done legally.

  2. $100,000 a year apiece and they have nothing better to do than that. At what point does a decent person say to the Mayor and the Chief, “Do it yourself, asshole!”

  3. The Chief of Police and politicians are directing this. Individual cops are following orders.
    Under these circumstances this nonsense ranks right up there with assault.
    The social contract between the coppers and the people may be irreparably damaged.

    1. Supporters of the convoy should start bringing sticks of firewood in just like they carried jerrycans.

      They can call it…

      Birnam Wood.

  4. Maybe it’s emergency action against wood smoke due to the Liberals’ Climate Emergency, they might as well get rolling on those emergency measures now that Pandemic Emergency suspension of constitutional and human rights is fading.
    By the way, on the inflation fighting front, doesn’t the Liberals’ carbon tax automatically go up on April 1st?

    1. That’s EXACTLY the justification … “Public Health”. Yep. The irony. This entire protest is about “Public Health” run amok and empowered to trample all other human rights (such as NOT freezing to death). Yes, these wood piles were a “fire hazard”. Yes, the wood smoke is a “health hazard” … esp. for “all those chillllllldren living in squalor” with the Truckers, Right? Thank you, Jack-booted, government for saving us!! Yeayyy!!!

      But the REAL reason for removing the wood? The government simply HAD to SHUT DOWN the Truckers wood-fired pizza ovens. It appears as though handing out FREE oven-baked pizzas was becoming far too popular. No Trucker obtained “Health” Dept. approval to sell, err give-away pizzas …

    1. Ahhhh … but it COULD be!!! Just as you COULD catch COVID if you don’t mask-up and vaccinate (again and again). Nevermind that COULD catch COVID … after … doing those things.

  5. The price of gas is already obscene. The last thing we need is for the carbon tax to go up. Not that Blackie cares.

  6. This is what occurs when the Mayor, still lamenting the passing of Jimmy Savile, references ‘bouncy castles’.

  7. They’re taking firewood because an Ontario judge ruled that the police had to return the fuel they confiscated from the trucker’s convoy. The firewood confiscation is theater to make it look like the police leadership is doing something but it also makes the leadership look like petty tyrants.

    The jerry can protest after the fuel confiscation fiasco was brilliant and funny. Hope that type of reaction to political law enforcement continues.

  8. How many arrests have their been in the vandalism and destruction of 73 churches?

    Why so much focus on The Bouncy Castle Rebellion?

    Has PM Trudy made a speech about ‘We will fight them in their Bouncy Castles, we will fight them at their street hockey games, we will fight them when the dance the Macarena….’ yet?

    1. But those churches are only buildings. Nobody was hurt. Insurance will pay for the buildings. Hence … burning churches (by leftists and Indians) is a mostly-peaceful protest. Right? Isn’t that the narrative you’re supposed to swallow?

      It’s just like looting … it’s only “things” not people. It’s only “profits” … not people.

      Yes, our Western culture has utterly degenerated

  9. His very next tweet is on point as well: “there are still some of you out there who believe these cops wouldn’t shoot the truckers if that was the order they were given”

  10. If there is one thing Trudeau, the premiers, the MSM, the police, many politicians, etc, have shown me, is that to them our rights and freedoms, as laid down by the charter of rights and freedoms, mean absolutely nothing.
    The charter of rights and freedoms needs an addendum where anyone found abusing or ignoring these rights, especially our political and enforcement class, must face criminal prosecution, with extreme prejudice. I can dream can’t I?

    1. What do you expect from a Liberal Librano Trudeau Constitution?
      Nothing but lies and politics.

      If nothing comes from this, which is likely, at least some more Canadians will realize just how Librano that Canada has become!
      Not a single Institution in this country is worth the powder to blow it to hell.
      Nothing but lies in the lyingest country this side of Liarstan.

      Something missing.
      And it’s not Justino. (well, he’s missing also)

      The world’s top 10 most democratic places:
      1 Norway
      2 New Zealand
      3 Finland
      4 Sweden
      5 Iceland
      6 Denmark
      7 Ireland
      8 Taiwan
      9 Australia
      10 Switzerland

      Read more at: https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics/these-are-the-world-s-most-and-least-democratic-countries

      1. The world’s top 10 most democratic places:

        The right needs to stop lionizing democracy. That’s the left’s Trojan Horse. Democracy is populism, mob rule, and the tyranny of the majority. It’s how Rome turned into an oligarchy and subsequently an autocracy.

        It’s republicanism, the rule of law, that best preserves the rights and freedoms of all.

        1. That’s right. As the saying goes “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch”.

          1. An excellent presentation … which should be taught, at ALL grade levels in school starting in the third grade.

            Fascism is a LEFT Wing form of government … never a “Right wing” one.

  11. $567.00 Ticket for sporting a Flag in the box of your PU Truck. Distracting to other Drivers. Wow, there’s a million things in the back of trucks that attract attention.

  12. Why are we surprised that the police abandoned their humanity, Ottawa has dictated how we in rural communities across Canada can live for decades. The war on guns is nothing more than the war on hunters, this is just another page from the book of liberal fascism. Perhaps people can donate propane out door heaters?

  13. If this was a black lives matter, or ANTIF protest it would be different. They would use the burning buildings to keep warm.

    And Justin would step out and take a knee for them.

  14. In Alberta if you drive around with a big Canadian flag in the back of your pickup, cops are handing out $500+ “stunting” tickets.

    They seem to think the way to convince the public that the truckers are out of line in protesting the removal of freedoms…is to ramp up their attack on freedoms.
