“as 5 new American projects, including expansions to existing facilities, are to be greenlit in the next 2 to 3 years”

Jas Johal;

If you think the vandalism and violence witnessed at the CGL pipeline isn’t an economic hostage taking, similar to the yahoos who shut down our border crossings, give your head a shake. Let’s look at how hard and fast Canada has fallen when it comes to LNG investment.

The US was behind Canada when it comes to LNG planning a decade ago. Now it has lapped Canada many times. While we struggle to build one large scale LNG plant, the US and world have moved on.

In response Its not rocket science. This is an example of many Gofundme accounts they operate & continue to receive funds from to pay for illegal activity. Millions have been raised over the last decade by Eco Activists. They use our language& sacred terminology to get taxpayers to send money

21 Replies to ““as 5 new American projects, including expansions to existing facilities, are to be greenlit in the next 2 to 3 years””

  1. Kenney swore to go after them, instead did nothing, Harper swore to go after them instead he did nothing. US Trust Funds have been paying millions to Indian Bands, and even candidates in Municipal elections and nothing has been done.
    Even the POS Fruit Fly Guy Suzuki got millions.
    Even Gerald Butts groups were funded.

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  2. And while eco-terrorists can collect funding from *gasp* foreign sources, law-abiding, honest mom and pop Canadians who cherish freedom are treated like terrorists by our fascist government. It’s easy – if you vote liberal, you’re an enemy of all that is good, beautiful and right.

    1. Let me rephrase … if you are on the woke left, you’re PURE EVIL. You are Satan’s little handmaidens. Sorry. There is no such thing as moral relativism. We are all born with a keen sense of morality … of Right and Wrong … until the public schools and colleges brainwash it right out of everyone who fails to keep thinking for themselves.

  3. I was joking some years ago that the first LNG cargos of Canadian gas would be via the Sabine Pass Gulf region and it’s in fact true. I think Tourmaline and other Canadian companies send gas down there to be exported as NGL. At the present pace don’t be surprised if the first Canadian NGL facility is Peridae’s project in Nova Scotia.

    The BC version should have been built 8 years ago, and it is absolutely true the US has eaten our lunch. Last I read the US will be the number one NGL exporter in the world in the next few years. That’s an impressive feat considering BC plants were proposed before any US builds.

  4. I support the people vandalizing the pipeline and hope it spreads. As the saying goes enemy of my enemy is my friend. Canada needs to be dismantled or bankrupted. The 3 major parties are all garbage. I can’t stand the sight of it on a map, the sight of the flag makes me sick.

    1. Give your head a shake.
      There are other ways to bring THEM down.
      Many , many ways that are much more pleasurable for the odd psyco or masochist on our side.
      Destroying our current and future prosperity is akin to chopping your nose off to spite your face.

  5. Canada should be re-named, “Arrested Development”. I predict that the auto sector will be completely gone from Canada within 15 years as ICE vehicles will no longer be built and the power grid expansion required for battery cars will have gone nowhere except expanded wind and solar which are essentially useless. Canada can no longer build anything of major significance to the economy. The forces of parasitism, green theocracy, law-fair stasis, and bureaucracy is overwhelming.

    1. Amen, I fear what Canada will look like in 5, or even 10 years. Heck 2038 with the 32bit time clock expiring will be a dangerous time to live in Canada.

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  6. Um those kind of protesters are the kind the leftwingers always show support for, I mean our own Justine Stalin took a knee at a BLM rally. We all know they support the most vile groups, they wouldn’t dare take their funding away would ya Justine? Saving the planet is noble, saving freedom and liberty makes you an enemy of the Justin Stalin state.

    1. Our lieberal government probably also bankrolls them. Hence the lackadaisical effort to investigate.

  7. So protest at an approved by government economic blockade and you get a tax deduction if you support said “Charities”
    Protest government thuggery and you get indefinite sentence and stripped of your wealth.
    These are the current official rules of Can Ahh Duh.
    Who do yah think is going to shriek the loudest?
    those being attacked today?
    Or their attackers when the worm turns?
    The Men Who just Wanted To Be Left Alone.
    Now there is an Alphabet soup almost as good as the “We sexual deviants are so special” alphabet soup.

    I am still in awe.The weapons Grade stupidity of our “intellectual Elite”.
    Proving there really are ideas so stupid that only an educated person would believe them.
    And only a Progressive,would be so crazy as to actually go there.

    These Authoritarian Geniuses,are taking action to impose their rule and prevent any reprisals .
    But they have no idea how anything works.
    Non tool users have no idea what else you can do with those tools.
    This is on you,my progressive comrades.
    Your rules.

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  8. Think about it. How much money would it take for you to torch and vandalize your town your roads. Not all the foreign bucks in the world . That’s my price. I would not.
    So. Maybe the timberrunners Who Live There are fed up. A tad. A wee bit. The bought and paid for chiefs said sure , the actual chiefs and people who live there said no, but, have been told its settled. Coastal Gas head office Calgary, isn’t their Lord and master.
    Suppose we drop the injustice angle , and then also the vile othering in the press.
    Look at the economics
    Can the pipeline be defended from determined attacks for 300 km. Id say no.
    If you beat your dog and turns and savages you , why do you blame America.
    Some people cant be trusted to care for goldfish. These geniuses( your geniuses) are rather poor at projects
