35 Replies to “Careful Now-People Will Say We Are Paranoid”

  1. A favourite tactic of authoritarian regimes is to accuse their opponents of mental illness. The Soviet Union had their state psychiatrists commit thousands of rationally-minded dissidents to insane asylums, never to be heard from again. Their justification was that, in a workers’ paradise where every good thing derives from a kind, loving, and beneficent state, only a crazy person would reject such beneficence and dissent from it.

    CTV-Izvestia Propaganda Hour yesterday kept playing a short video clip of a female protestor shouting at a Trudeau Regime enforcer that the Covid was a “bad cold from which people can develop natural immunity — the vaccines aren’t necessary!” And the essence of the network’s response to this woman’s speech was that she was either a mental defective, or else incurably insane. The network then took pains to provide their viewers with the Accepted Truth about the virus.

    To paraphrase Orwell: “sanity is treason, in an empire ruled by the insane.”

    1. Who’s checking identification to see if they’re lawfully there?
      Trudeau has identification orders in it of exemptions list.
      Can you guess who the fall guys are going to be ?
      Certainly not our government.

    1. Herr Klaus: “What we at the World Economic Forum are so proud of, with our young global leaders program, like Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, is that we have penetrated the cabinets…..”

      Clearly disinformation being put out by the WEF itself to mislead the world as to its influence.

      Charlie Angus, Globalist Stooge Party, Speaker of the House of Common Whores.

  2. That’s what hundreds of millions of dollars buys you.

    “The press of Italy is free, freer than the press of any other country, so long as it supports the regime.” – Benito Mussolini

  3. Yea we are the paranoid ones, the media and the goberment assured us one single jabba would save you from the covid-then they told us opps better get two just in case. Oh we’re sorry following our fabricated science we now believe a third shot will be needed to fight some illness we haven’t identified yet-onto get the fourth shot and you’ll be safe from hospitalization and it will save your life from the aformentioned mystery diseases. Mean while big pharma has become rich beyond compare, it’s always been about the money. 1-300 will die from the flue, 1-1000 will die of covid. Those are the facts dear hysterical media you can make fun of those who challenges your propaganda but you can’t rebut evidence and facts.

  4. British Medical Journal

    “Big pharma is the least trusted industry. At least three of the many companies making covid-19 vaccines have past criminal and civil settlements costing them billions of dollars. One pleaded guilty to fraud. Other companies have no pre-covid track record. Now the covid pandemic has minted many new pharma billionaires, and vaccine manufacturers have reported tens of billions in revenue.

    The BMJ supports vaccination policies based on sound evidence. As the global vaccine rollout continues, it cannot be justifiable or in the best interests of patients and the public that we are left to just trust “in the system,” with the distant hope that the underlying data may become available for independent scrutiny at some point in the future. The same applies to treatments for covid-19. Transparency is the key to building trust and an important route to answering people’s legitimate questions about the efficacy and safety of vaccines and treatments and the clinical and public health policies established for their use.

    Twelve years ago we called for the immediate release of raw data from clinical trials. We reiterate that call now. Data must be available when trial results are announced, published, or used to justify regulatory decisions. There is no place for wholesale exemptions from good practice during a pandemic. The public has paid for covid-19 vaccines through vast public funding of research, and it is the public that takes on the balance of benefits and harms that accompany vaccination. The public, therefore, has a right and entitlement to those data, as well as to the interrogation of those data by experts.”

    Oh…and Kate….somehow your comment system automatically stops any link to the BMJ website. Weird.

    1. It may have nothing to do with that. I’ve noticed that sometimes things I post don’t seem to post. In fact it just happened to me a minute ago and there was no link included. It is weird.

    1. leftists were supposed to believe in power to the people

      Leftists believe that they should hold power in trust of “the people”, and that they will be the unchallenged arbiters of what “the people” think, want, and deserve.

      When out of power, leftists always make themselves appear to be anti-authoritarian, because they understand no one would find their true fascistic impulses to be appealing.

    2. “Peoples Republic”
      “Democratic Peoples Republic”

      Funny how something that says it belongs to the people, doesn’t. If it is also democratic, it’s authoritarian.

      Power to the people was a leftist deception as is a “workers’ paradise.”

  5. Pharma deserves their share of the blame, but it was governments that legalized direct to consumer advertising for pharmaceuticals. Brilliant. Have patients tell their physicians what to prescribe. It’s exactly the same as trying to solve drug addiction by supplying addicts with free drugs, only in this case the drug is otherwise unobtainable sales & profits.
    Watch. As soon as Pfizer’s stock starts to tank a new variant will appear to prop it back up again.

    1. Dave’s not here, man.

      Was saying to my better half recently that if they can justify banning tobacco ads, they can triple-justify direct pharma ads all of which end with “Ask your doctor if ______ is right for you?”. And pssst, if NO get another doc.

  6. Kate, I’m about to try to send through 13 cabinet minister names + titles, their URL’s to their pages at “pm.gc.ca” and their matching link at http://www.weforum.org (the WEF).

    As that’s going to be 26 links in succession, I suspect my post (or posts) if I need to split them up will get spam bit-bucketed immediately. I’d appreciate if that happens (as I suspect) if you could dig those out, approve them, and rescue me from whatever bitbucket I personally end up in as well.

    Here goes… (starting with my next reply)

  7. Well it doesn’t appear to have shown up. I’ll wait a while before retrying.

  8. Freeland’s assertion that FINTRAC/Gov needs to monitor social crowdfunding is ludicrous, given the Gov’s direction to regulated banks to freeze accounts.
    Very little if any $ raised were distributed.
    And now the Libs want this “emergency power” to be day to day procedure?
    Guess that ends that service outright, except for Libranos.

  9. DrWhoFlungPoo: Freeland just wants more power to abuse. She and the rest of her ilk get off on that.

    Also I tried sending through just two ministers at a time (per my post above) but it mangled the line breaks I’d put in, and that post is stuck in moderation. *deep sigh* As Sarah Hoyt is fond of saying: WordPress delenda est!

  10. I just wanted to say that I believe every word from Big Pharma about the jabs and the boosters, and thanks to them, I have this wonderful extra limb that is ever so useful.

    1. But where on your body is it?
      On your head is great for reaching. Other potential locations, not so much.

      1. I’d urge the DJ to play “Jake the Peg” by Rolf Harris, but I’m not sure we’re allowed to hear Rolf Harris any more.

  11. The Canadian government was forced to admit it tracked 33 million citizens mobile phones. They ARE watching you without your consent or knowledge. Now they’re also monitoring and seizing your charitable donations, bank accounts and cryptocurrency if they object to your political views. In what way is Canada not a surveillance state?

  12. Time for a montage of Trudeau’s goons beating on reporters that don’t get paid by him.
    Keenan has taken a few punches, David Menzies has gone a few rounds with them….

    “We need a montage….”
