Conservatives Are Always Wrong…until they’re not

Where was this Andrew Scheer in 2019?

The left always control the narative, painting the Conservatives as conspiracy theorists, or worse.

But the truth is very different. You can go back Winston Churchill  sounding the alarm on Germany in 1933.

Or John Diefenbaker being the sole Member of Parliament opposing the internment of Japanese Canadians.

More recently Conservatives warned that Trudeau just isn’t ready.

Conservatives have always been on the wrongside of popular opinion, opposing those wonderful and progressive left wingers in the Liberal Party who just want to do so much good.

You would think they would learn to just go along with the Liberals?

Spoiler Alert: The Conservatives were right. Again.

139 Replies to “Conservatives Are Always Wrong…until they’re not”

  1. Joe W, please update your article!

    Trudeau must be asked FORCED to answer why was it necessary to make the front of the parliament looked like a civil war Friday.

    1. Trudeau has to be forced to step down or resign. I don’t know how that’s going to happen, but it must be done.
      I hope we don’t have to wait for another election for that to occur.

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      1. Nah. He’ll saunter back into the House of Commons wearing his usual oily, smug smirk and the trained seals will give him a standing ovation. To the dead souls of the Left this is the ultimate success: he did it and he got away with it!

        1. Why not?
          He has The Media to spin it anyway he needs.
          If the truckers really want change, they would visit their local media for a sustained visit.
          The Media propagate the Lies.

          The Media is the enemy.

          1. I am making $150 every hour by working on the web at home. A month ago I have gotten $19723 from this activity. This activity is exceptionally astounding and its normal income for me is superior to anything my past office work. This activity is for all and everyone can without much of a stretch join this correct now by utilize this link. Copy Here……

      2. Trudeau will have to resign, he’s got no choice.
        Who do you think will have the ‘Trudeau’s trampling of a disabled Native Elder with a walker’ on their screen saver just itching to bring it up to his face.
        Yup, China and Russia.
        Believe me the optics and narrative would be far worse in people who couldn’t get away was trampled by Trudeau’s orders. Remember, Trudeau took this personally and it shows in spades.
        Ass saving by our politicians will be on full display.
        Can’t cover video footage that available worldwide.

        1. Trudeau will have to resign, he’s got no choice.

          Uh-huh….. Far nobler men resigned for lesser offences, doing so out of a sense of honour not just for themselves but for the offices they held. Prinz Dummkopf is immune from that and we know of numerous offences which should have resulted in his packing it in. He successfully slithered out of each and every one.

          He will not resign.

        2. Turdhole isn’t going anywhere… ordering his low IQ goons to trample some old ladies with their horses is saving the country, yeah not really at all, but that is how the Turdhole Media will spin it.
          If anything the Media will paint Turdhole as a hero that saved Turdholeland from the uppity peasants.

    2. *
      ‘Trudeau must be asked FORCED to answer…”

      Forced by who? Pierre-lite shut down the House of Commons preventing
      debate on the implementation of martial law… WHERE WERE THE SUPPOSED

      There is no more Conservative Party in Canada. All sheep… all the time.


      1. NEO – That’s not what the Toronto Star is saying: “‘Yes to peaceful protests’: Pierre Poilievre doubles down on support for Ottawa demonstrators”
        The Globe and Mail says “Pierre Poilievre’s support for the convoy is not the fatal political decision it seems”

        Pierre tweeted “Conservatives say No to the Emergencies Act”.
        Where else is he going to say he supports the freedom protest, on CBC/CTV/Global? In the Parliament Trudeau shut down? He was on the street talking to the protestors. Dividing conservatives is the Liberals best trick. And it works every time.

        1. *
          Okay… so they don’t have the votes… I get it.

          How about Pierre Poilievre leads the entire Conservative caucus
          out on to the streets
          to stand in front of Justin’s jackbooted

          That’s when I’ll see my way back to the Conservatives.


      2. If a non-confidence vote cannot be moved in the House to curtail this government’s transition into a Fascist state perhaps a total resignation of all so-called conservative MP’s would trigger a total national shut down requiring an emergency election. If the Liberals and NDP were to try and continue to govern under those conditions there would be a political bloodletting the likes never before seen since the English and American Civil Wars. It is evident that the Ministry of Justice and law enforcement in Canada is as corrupt as the DOJ and the FBI are in America. The level of corruption displayed North and South of the 49th. is an indication that a peaceful solution is slowly falling off the table.

      3. I’m not sure if you are following it but in the HOC the Conservatives are trying (obviously not hard enough) to fight back and we see the videos posted every so often here on SDA. The C’s have been pounding the L’s but they don’t have the votes to do anything, so the L’s stonewall and call names.

        In fact, last week (I believe it was) there was a motion/vote by the Conservatives for the Liberals to end all federal mandates and it was voted down by L+NDP. The bigger issue is how the HOC is configured, remember the L+NDP=majority; C+BQ+G+I is not enough.

        Liberal 159
        Conservative 119
        Bloc Québécois 32
        New Democratic 25
        Green 2
        Independent 1
        Total 338

        There will be not be a non-confidence vote if it can’t be won (which is why there hasn’t been one).

        1. If the NDP continue to prop up this Fascist government they will lose more support from the working class, and it will be a generation or two before the NDP get back to the Layton level. Any MP with the modicum of political savy understands what is happening here. With the country divide caused by the PM it is a safe bet that every incumbent will be at risk in the next election. Should they choose to sit on the sidelines and allow this situation to deteriorate further the voting public will remember. The winning party coming out of the next election will be PPC and Max will hold the balance of power, no matter how many Liberal morons vote. The protests will grow as they spread across the Western democracies and at the next election the voter will decide if you were on the on the side of the governed or the side of the tyrants. Retribution is a fearful weapon when wielded by a compliant populace that has been pushed beyond the bounds of morality and justice.

        2. And right there Jerry you highlight the cowardice of our politicians.
          A no confidence vote,even if lost,places in the record who supports this State of Thuggery.
          Information that will be very useful in the coming days.

    3. As I recall, Nick and Elly Ceausescu’s final days in power were similar to what happened in Ottawa the past few days. If I recall correctly, authorities tried to control the protesting mobs by flying over them and dumping acid on the people.

      Nice people those Ceausescus…..

  2. The gods of the marketplace (progressives), vs the gods of the copybook headings (conservatives).

  3. BTW This “just not ready” was always waay too polite. I remember having back in 2015 a big argument with lots of fellow co-nationals, all from East-Europe like myself. Kept telling them early on, election time 2015 that this “not ready” thing doesn’t even begin to describe how bad is it for Canada if this guy is elected. Oh noo, everyone replying back then that I’m delusional, that Harper is not good anymore etc.

    Only a year after the Imbecile got elected 1st time, someone told me “you were right you know”.

    And now we’re here: this scumbag elected 3 (THREE!) times. Entire Parliament carrying water for this scumbag, police and RCMP doing the enforcing and being animals for this scumbag, entire MSMedia doing propaganda for him.

    He’s anything but “Right Honorable”, not ‘right’ and not ‘honorable’ at all. A traitor and a scumbag who should be in jail. I do NOT understand why emergency session in Parliament is not pushing for a no confidence motion RIGHT NOW + emergency media conference. Why GG is not firing his ass.

    A total disgrace, what is happening. Silence is deafening.

    1. You’re absolutely right, and I was saying the same thing about that weakling “Just not ready” slogan. It showed that the Conservatives were cowards at heart. They knew that the silly women of Canada were itching to cast Trudeau as their romantic boytoy, and they were scared of getting an estrogen-fueled temper tantrum if they were *mean* to the little darling. “Not ready” implicitly grants the high ground to the other side, saying that there’s nothing basically wrong with the guy, it’s just that the timing is wrong. They should have been lacerating Trudeau for his shabby, worthless life story to date, his obviously toxic upbringing as the son of a filthy communist, and his obvious incompetence at doing anything but playing dressup. Just like the Republicans felt they had to tiptoe around and not be mean to Barack Obama because they didn’t want to deal with blacks going ragehead at insults to their boyfriend, the Conservatives tried to win an election without having to do anything as vulgar as fighting for it.

      1. Thanks for those observations, Doc. Well said.
        May I add….Conservatives did not want to appear “mean” by having attack ads. They were so anxious to shed the “mean” label that they shied away from speaking the truth.
        The Libs (Lobs, actually) did not have to use attack ads. The MSM was doing that for them on the evening news every night. Every questions leveled at Scheer, every “informed commentary,” every story. Attack dogs for the Lobs.
        So the Lobs and Dippers got to pretend they were taking the high, Sunny Ways road, while the MSM did their dirty work for them.

        1. I’m old enough to remember the Northern Magus and his Canadian Camelot whilst poor Boobbie Standfield caught dozens of passes before they found one that was front page material.

          And the debonair Pierre against the luggage losing Joe. Who wasn’t sure if he was Conservative or Liberal.

          Lying Brian the Librano and le P’tit Gars from Shawinigan ensured the Quebec Mafia and regular Quebecers got their taste and then some.

          Then came Mo Strong…, I mean Paul Martin. Quebec. Again.

          Finally the West. Harper. Yay. Big disappointment. Took a knee before Trudeau and the horrible, disgusting Canadian Media. Changed absolutely nothing.

          Quebec again. Another flipping Trudeau. As if one wasn’t enough to kill the country.

          Canada won’t make it to the next Trudeau.

          Thanks ladies and media.

  4. Do you think the battle for Canada is over or do you think the last 4 weeks have been Freedom Protest 1.0? I’m asking, I don’t know. I’m guessing the promoters would have foreseen yesterday’s events, but maybe not. The Convoy promotors may not have anticipated the EA or the war on the financial underpinnings of the convoy. Is there a Freedom Protest 2.0 in the works? Any other locations for Winter Mardi Gras? In a free province perhaps. Do you have any?
    This is just my opinion, but it seems to me the anti-Freedom authorities never reckoned with synergy, as when the components compound each other, and the end result is greater than the sum of its parts. It can occur when a common interest brings together different factions: the anti-mandate trucker agenda, alarm over the damage done to children, covid fatigue, cabin fever, gawkers, taking the children to see history being made, “the All Night Long, Fiesta, Forever” party goers,

    AND the drawing power, the excitement of Solidarity and Esprit de Corps……which is uplifting, optimistic, contagious and addicting.

    Contrast that with the dour, histrionic opponents of freedom (the Der Staat Uber Alles types), who offer nothing but a constricted, grim future, dominated by vapid, shriveled up Karens (SNL’s church lady comes to mind) and Debbie Downers. Trudeau is the poster child.

    1. I suspect that they are exactly where they want to be: Canada under martial law with a populace bamboozled by a frightened, gutless, and compliant media.

      Why else would they implement a cross border vaccine mandate after two years when the pandemic is clearly over?
      They pushed until they got a reaction, and they pushed the protesters to try to get a violent reaction.

      And the pawn they installed as leader of the CPC got pushed off the board to leave the CPC leaderless.

      Two years ago I would have laughed at myself and looked for a tinfoil hat in the mirror for thinking anything like that.

      Theodore Dalymple talked about how the communist countries fed people propaganda that everyone knew was garbage but forced them to pretend to believe it.

  5. The dimwit who told him to use violence to quash a peaceful protest couldn’t be the same dimwit that ended up violating the rights of thousands during the G20? When the dust settles it will be the tax payer, you- me and other normals who’ll be financially raped to pay for Justin Stalin’s violations of human rights and chartered rights. The NDP need to wear the violence against peaceful protesters like a hair shit, they’ve propped up Justin Stalin’s abusive government for far to long without sunlight.

  6. Kurt Schlicter has it exactly right. Conservatives need to play by the rules the left has set out. I am tired of being told that Conservatives should take the “high road.” As far as I can tell, taking the high road means agreeing to everything the Liberals set out so that Conservatives are seen to be working together with them or rolling over and playing dead. Where has that gotten this country? As far as I can tell, there is very little difference between the three parties.

  7. To answer your question: leading the “ Conservatives” is where Scheer was.

    This is after-the-fact damage control, and totally meaningless.

    1. Are you guys new?

      Expecting the Conservatives to do anything is like expecting Chancellor Trudeau to explain how his Emergencies Act is any different than Hitler’s 1933 Enabling Act.

      Serfs don’t get answers. They get trampled.
      Godot will arrive to help before the Stupid Party.

      -The Enabling Act (German: Ermächtigungsgesetz) of 1933, officially titled Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich (“Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich”),[1] was a law that gave the German Cabinet—most importantly, the Chancellor—the powers to make and enforce laws without the involvement of the Reichstag or Weimar President Paul von Hindenburg. Critically, the Enabling Act allowed the Chancellor to bypass the system of checks and balances in the government and the laws created under it could explicitly violate individual rights prescribed in the Weimar Constitution.[2]

      Is there anything in the world more useless than a Constitution?
      Trudeaus and Liberals and Conservatives aside.

  8. “More recently Conservatives warned that Trudeau just isn’t ready.”

    Well now they are. There was a time some deep thinking Conservatives of note said he was ready and had earned his chance back in 2015 and all that while your average Joe Lunchbucket conservative knew we were on the cusp of electing a shit filled Twinkie.

    1. My God that was stupid. “Just not ready” implied that there would come a time when he would be ready.

      1. Yes, and it implicitly was saying “We’re perfectly happy to step aside, just not today, OK? Maybe a little later.” Why should the voters have more faith in the Conservative party than the Conservative party does?

  9. Call it Martial Law, because that is what it is.

    Or call it the Trudeau/Singh Goon Act Of 2022.
    Or the NDP/Liberal Horse Trample Act Of 2022.

    It’s not an emergency so don’t call it the Emergency Act.

  10. Be at Central Memorial Park in Calgary at 1pm today. There is a protest planned. Should be a real fun time.

  11. Oh wow. Where to begin. In the midst of the freedom convoy protests, the “conservatives” easily got sidetracked by Trudeau’s fake swastikas claim, and out pops a “conservative” dyke and ‘phake’ pharisee to showcase the irrelevance of the party. Laura Ingraham interviewed HER and not someone important.

    Ford, Hudson, Higgs, Kenney, Legault et al have all nailed the “conservative” party onto the wall of shame. They ALL violated Canada’s Charter of Rights themselves.

    Zoom Parliament was not democracy. It was a coup d’etat.


    1. Every Canadian Conservative Party should be sued for false advertising and forced by many rampaging horses to drop the Conservative sobriquet as a false, fanciful appellation.

  12. A video that relates to current events. A few language moments, but incredibly salient application for the two competing views of how to organize society.
    Socialism vs Capitalism
    Government vs individual/family to provide for your needs.
    Antifa (& other leftie) demonstrations, behaviours, and objectives vs Truckers, and the way they have conducted themselves.
    “How will the gov’t fix this?” vs “What can I do?”

  13. Why would Trudeau resign, he can and is doing whatever he wishes. We are under Martial law and who is opposing the powers this gives him?
    He has support from Jagmeet and his NDP, no one can stop him.

    1. If you want to gag read some liberal media reporters twitter feeds, full of the most loathsome crap you’ll ever read. They are practically giggling at the thought of destroying the truckers and their families. My husband suggested every single MP that votes for Justin Stalin’s power grab get boycotted by all trades at every level. Can you picture Singh fixing a toilet or Trudy using a plunger?

          1. Nah. As my late father often described people he had no respect for, Prinz Dummkopf is “zum Scheissen zu dämlich”. (Apologies for the language, but it hits the nail on the head!)

            (See? The more languages you know, the more insults you can use…..)

    2. He can’t hide The Toronto Sun’s published pictures of this woman being trampled and the rest of the media and cops says it’s fake news and didn’t happen.
      The rest of the world knows the truth and sees it as well.
      You just can’t cover it up, you look foolish and a lier if you did.
      Russia and China are just creaming their jeans with giddiness…

      1. People like us seek out the truth, liberal voters believe what CBC and Global tell them. Trust me they’re cheering on the cops like you would not believe, their gawd is Justin Stalin until told otherwise.

        1. “Tara Nelson on CTV said so. Therefore it is gospel. Do not argue with me using facts.”

          That’s how brain dead they are.

  14. I love these kinds of posts. So nakedly self-serving, so arbitrarily constructed.

    tl;dr — we’re better than our enemies, because we say so, la la la la la la la la la la la la…

  15. Scheer is the guy who runs and hides in the can when the bar room brawl breaks out and then returns after the battle to tell everyone how tough he would have been.
    Spare me the bullshit, Andrew.
    You too, Erin.

    1. “Mohawk elder? No that was a bicycle thrown at the poor horsie. Can’t you tell the difference? Just look at that picture. Would we lie to you?”

  16. Were the Conservatives right when they backed the mandates for two years? Were they right when Bergen agreed with the LPC and NDP that Friday they shouldn’t sit, and debate the Emergencies Act?

    One party stood alone against the mandates since day one: Max Bernier and the PPC.

    You can stuff your so-called “Conservatives”.

    1. I will give them some leeway for having two extremely weak and brain retarded leaders. They have a very small window of opportunity to regain some credibility. Thus far they are not putting near enough effort that they need to.
      They came out of the gate a bit lethargic. Now, why are the not milking the Mohawk elder getting trampled to the max?

      I am still not convinced they deserve my vote.

  17. A new poll shows the Cons have jumped to an 8 point lead over the Liberals. There’s never been a better opportunity to tap in to popular disgust with Trudeau, especially with inflation and the economy unravelling, so of course they will blow it.

    1. Uiparty is more accurate different faces same laws.
      Only the PPC was for actual Canadians even from this fake Pandemic that the flu had suddenly disappeared in.

      1. Here is the poll from Mainstreet research that shows CPC with an 8 point lead over Trudeau’s gang. I make no representation about its accuracy. I got it using the Brave browser’s search.
        It includes a counterpoint to the Maru poll as to the support for the emergencies act across the country. (51% in favour). Other interesting stuff in there too.

        I do agree with The Other Larry below regarding the CPC’s inability to capitalize on any advantage they may ever get.

    2. In times like these, I would not put faith in a poll. Use your senses and look around. See which way the wind is blowing across the world and ask yourself… did the conservative party do this? What did the conservative party do to earn an 8 point bounce?

      The polling companies are likely fudging conservative polling numbers so they keep quiet and malleable. The conservatives will think playing the turtle was the smart move. Later, when the pressure is off, you can show the conservatives losing support. They always do.

  18. The CPC is equally responsible for the state of the country. For two years they didn’t even question any of Justin’s policies.

    1. Thank you james- you nailed it:

      “The CPC is equally responsible for the state of the country. For two years they didn’t even question any of Justin’s policies.”

  19. How does Justin Trudeau ever appear in public again? But then his father got away with this type of action. The FLQ decamped to Cuba. Seems to me they were quickly disillusioned by the ‘socialist paradise’ and wanted to get out

    1. They came back after Rene Levesque became Quebec prime minister. Were given heroes’ welcome and cushy government jobs.

        1. I quit working at shoprite to work online and with a little effort I easily bring in around $45 to 85 per/h. Without Ret a my doubt, this is the pay easiest and most financially GFYC rewarding job I’ve ever had. I actually started 6 months ago and this has totally

          changed my life…………

    1. I started watching until the police got violent without cause. I can’t watch the mindless violence by the police, pepper spraying people and just grinding them down into the snow because Herr Leader said so. They almost ripped the pants off some man’s arse, bared his bum for all to see. I guess beating them isn’t enough- humiliating them is also part of Justin’s new police force? I don’t want to live in this new Liberal NDP run Canada, it’s to hateful and violent.

      1. While Trump was in office, I encountered a number of people who openly preferred Prinz Dummkopf over him.

        I’m sure many of them haven’t changed their opinions of DJT. The fact that he never resorted to Prinz Dummkopf tactics would indicate, in their minds, that Trump was either too stupid or too cowardly to crack down on his enemies.

  20. It’s nice to see the Conservatives now scrambling to the front of the parade (HT Lance) after the truckers awakened them from stupor. It doesn’t change that for most of the last decade they have acted as retarded Liberals.

  21. Anyone else notice that the police front line seems to be military people with their uniform information covered in green tape? Those are not police uniforms are they? The cops seem to be hiding behind the guys in military uniforms?

    1. Real military does not attack its own civilians. 1991 Russia Soviet coup attempt proves that.
      Those are likely paramilitary police from the OPP goon squad. Solid bone skulls with no intelligence. Simply there to beat civilians into powder without any moral thought.

      Expect medals of valour being issued to the worst offenders.

      1. “Expect medals of valour being issued to the worst offenders.”

        Yup. Caledonia Crosses by the bushel.

    2. I believe they are military.
      Also military looking guys searched the trucks yesterday .

      YouTube “Military Police Clear Trucks With AR-15’s Smashing Windows”

      1. Nope. The military is not only not involved, it cannot carry out searches of civilian vehicles outside DND property, let alone smash civilian vehicle windows. Not even when they’re performing aid to the civil power duties. Besides, the military wears disruptive pattern combat uniforms, not olive drab, and those goons in OD green were RCMP.

  22. Not a single MP stood with the truckers. Is it any wonder Canada makes me puke? And today Scheer wants to tell us about his sacred parliament and how Trudeau doesn’t respect it. Got news for him, many of us don’t have any respect for it. It’s just a place where westerners send our taxes to make Quebec and the maritimes appear prosperous and send supposedly conservative representatives to sell us out.

    1. Yes, some went out in the beginning. None have done so since the Turd’s edict went out. One would think getting arrested would be a badge of honour. Dippers do it for their BLM/Antifa buddies.

    2. When the going got tough, Murphy Brownshirt and her caucus got going.
      When there was trouble, you could always count on them… to run.

  23. A disturbing trend I found is people are trying to acquire caltrops. Are BLM/Antifa planning something that they need a way to disable the mounted units?

      1. Well, Chelsea that’s the problem with folks like you. You’re absolutely sure of so many things that just ain’t so. Put your mask on, eat your soy burger and keep being terrified of climate change. Oh and do try to develop a sense of humor.

    1. It’s not Blackface, he’s just a symptom of the disease. The disease being the liberal and NDP MPs and many of the conservative ones too. And the shitbags that vote for them.

  24. Canadian Conservatives are on the wrong side of every issue.
    When you have to go back to Dief speaking for Japanese Canadians in 1941, it’s pretty clear you haven’t got many good examples from the present.

    1. I agree. The conservatives are on the same side as the liberals and NDP. That’s what’s destroying the country. I just wish they’d hurry up.

      1. Yep. Might as well crush the populace into servility. They’re about 75% of the way there.

        Then “Chelsea” can have its secular paradise.

  25. If there was a SINGLE OUNCE OF FORTITUDE in any of these oily politicians the ENTIRE CPC would have marched into Parliament on Friday, declared themselves the MAJORITY party and taken over and moved into the executive offices tossing all the communist’s belongings out the windows.

  26. Why for are you still referring to the Blue Tie Wing of our Uni_Party as conservatives?
    Justine and his minions have already lost.
    “winning” a protest by assaulting the peaceful citizens and stealing their money,using the full might of the Police State..
    Too many victories like that and you hang.

    This madness preceding a civil war,is all on the Liberal and NDP supporter.Using “Government of Canada Logic”.

    If all who protest government by Thuggery are terrorists,then all who support this tyranny are as guilty as Justine and his Mindless Minions..

    And the standard of reprisal has been set.
    By our Prime Minister and His Ministers,no less.

    This is the consequence of electing fools and bandits.
    Theft and suicidal stupidity.

    The Truckers have been the only real opposition to government insanity,arrogance and ineptitude in two years.
    All 338 MPs are useless cowards.
    Name one who has stood up before the State Thugs to support peaceful protest and civil society?
    Just one?
    1/338 of Fuck All.
    They are of the enemy.

    When thugs and bandits tell me in plain English,what they will do to me,should I disobey..
    I believe them.

    Those actions are the standard to be applied.

    And now we tax paying citizens know.
    There is no great leader to save us.
    There is no sober second thought .
    There are no patriots in Ottawa’s elected and appointed class.

    We have a 9 trillion dollar mess.
    And we have an enormous number of freeloading troughers who resist any attempt to fix this mess.

    We have now had confirmed what we always suspected,Pierre the Idiots Charter of Rights and Freedoms is pure farce.
    A screed used to deprive us of British Common law and Magna Carta Rights.
    A careful lie,stripping us of inherent God Given Rights,replacing them with privileges at the whim of bureaucracy.

    And no one in elected office gives a damn or shows the guts to attempt a return to sanity in our “Ruling Class”.
    If you want Canada cleaned up?
    Do it yourself.
    Welcome to 2022.

    And there is the terrifying message from the Bouncy Castle Rebellion to Ottawa.
    We are going to clean this mess,you created,up.

    Every politician and every minion dependent on taking tax payer wealth,have united and seek to crush the messengers.
    Beautiful Public Relations.
    An open declaration of war,upon the producers of wealth,by the oxygen thieves of society.

      1. Proof?

        A video link would be nice.

        ‘Cause, y’know, reporters of all stripes aren’t normally known for attacking cops during demonstrations.

          1. Nuisance?

            I think it’s totes adorbs. Watching it flail ineffectually makes my day. Realizing that it thinks that it’s smart, that what it’s doing is important and brave and stunning makes my day even more.

      2. Bull shit.But then you think you magically went from “XY” to “XX”.

        The video says otherwise. But you go xher

    1. The video didn’t capture the incident well other than the cop cross-checking her with his stick. What was with all those dropped hand guns? Regardless of the specifics, the Fuhrer’s goons are doing his bidding. It isn’t wise to frontally take them on unless you want to be a martyr. Rather then let the goons beat the protesters up, they should retreat, regroup and protest somewhere else keeping away from the much less agile institutional goons. The protest has their own media so there is no need to allow your people to be used as CBC/Global/CTV fodder by the goons.

      1. Oh, c’mon, John! ”Chelsea” knows better! That Rebel News chick violently attacked the cop’s riot stick with her face! REPEATEDLY!

        Why do you hate Western Democracy?!?

  27. Canada’s Conservative Parties suffer from chronic mediaphobia. They cower, cringe, and ultimately conform to the directions of the urban press. And it’s been going on for a long time.

    A long time ago, when the Ontario Landowner’s Association was in full swing, about half a dozen if us attended a meeting in the GTA with the PC Party brass. We had been assured that newly-appointed leader Tory would to be there to meet us. Surprise, surprise. When we all sat down with the PC movers and shakers – two former ministers from the Harris cabinets and a couple of slimy advisors – we were told that Tory wouldn’t be able to make it. They assured us that Tory supported our goals 100%, but explained his absence on these grounds: since the press had billed us as ‘militant’, it would not be a good time for him to rub shoulders with us. Far better for us to work to get him elected and then he’d have no problem standing on the hayracks with us.

    We immediately called ‘bullshit’, and accused them of cowardice and duplicity. And our accusations were entirely confirmed when one of them, a former Minister, hung his head and said in a whiny, almost tearful voice: ” What you gentlemen don’t understand is the incredible difficulty we have Toronto press”. Stunned silence. Then one of our OLA guys said: “Well, pretty obvious we’re wasting our time here.” So we left.

    And as that played out at the provincial level, the same thing happened with our federal Conservative MPs. They were absolutely gleeful that we were attacking the Liberals, but didn’t have the courage to stand with us publicly.

    Ingrained generational cowardice.

  28. This is not a confidence motion. It has implications tho. If the libranos lose it, their ability to govern will be sorely limited because in effect they will have lost the confidence of the house.

    The vote is not guaranteed. The BQ is fundamentally opposed. The CPC and the Greens are opposed. This leaves the ndp who traditionally don’t like martial law.

    Calling a vote has risks. MP’s could break rank with the libranos and ndp. It’s a risk that could result in an unforced error. My guess is that the bill is withdrawn on Monday before the vote is taken.

  29. So called debate in HoC,
    Dippers are spouting BS about extremists, Libs vowing to stop extremists by seizing bank accounts.

  30. BTW … it has NEVER been taught in American schools that Canada interned Japanese during WWII. Ever. It is only ever taught as a shitstain on American History. It’s never FDR’s fault … it’s because racists in the general public or something. Canada is always taught to be a pristine, perfect, country which is a “Neutral” nation in all wars and conflicts. Because people in Canada are just so easygoing and kind. I’m not exaggerating… that’s how I was taught 50-60 years ago … and certainly how Canada is being taught today.

    Guess your current PM is putting THAT meme to death.

  31. That is not the Scheer I remember.

    Justin will take various days off and eventually worm back into the House of Commons.

    Whatever else happens, he IS finished. He can never leave Canada or even his cottage. Does anyone think that a leader of another country will sign a failed trade deal with Chrystia? I’m sure Klaus has learned not to trust that insufferable sock-wearing douche with anything ever again.

    What Jagmeet the little b!#ch will do without Justin, I don’t know.

    1. What Jagmeet the little b!#ch will do without Justin, I don’t know.

      He’ll drive around in his hot, taxpayer-funded sports car whilst pretending to be a Man of the People™.

      Why do you hate Western Democracy?!?

  32. Maybe someday medical breakthroughs will allow a spine to be implanted in the Conservative Party and they will actually address Canada’s horrible, disgusting, biased, partisan, dishonest Liberal-loving Media.

    Adscam was a fluke.
    The Liberals and Their Media won’t let that happen again.(the getting caught part)(or the media coverage part)

  33. If the threshold for the PM, his government, our Parliament, and all those politicians that think it is ok too, oh and the complicit media, to warrant the EA to help with clearing out some mostly peaceful protesters in Ottawa who in culmination have, give or take the truth of empirical evidence, at worst:

    • told the legacy media to f off, maybe threaten them with physical harm
    • stolen food from a homeless kitchen
    • caused restaurants and stores to close and lose money for whatever rationale related to the blockade,
    • made downtown citizens lose sleep due to noise pollution,
    • maybe MAYBE had some guns in their truck cabs,
    • held anti good society “right wing extremist” thoughts,
    • made citizens feel anxious to walk near the blockade because of some perceived personal level threat,
    • made Justin feel unsafe,

    I have an ask of the lot to do Canada a real solid.

    I’d like them to do something more constructive and beneficial to our country than dealing with the mere issues messing up Ottawa and potentially Canada with this sending of the clear, firm fascistic message to all other comers to not try and shut down the economy anywhere anymore as your government will not just arrest you to remove you off site but make you a treasonous criminal because you are making this country not just emotionally uncomfortable but you are potentially able to, or have caused harm.

    I believe our politicians, from the PM, to the Premiers, to Mayors all over our great land have spoken often, for years now of a much much more visceral threat we collectively face. A crisis that is causing, and I am paraphrase quoting them “unnecessary harm to our country, our communities, our families, our society”.

    Literally more people are now dying from it than CV and will continue to. The victim list goes far beyond the immediate victims themselves and their families. Aside the tax dollars we must spend on this crisis instead of other good causes, the risk to those attending the scenes to save lives, or simply clean up the aftermath is a huge concern. Those living around them live in daily fear of potential harm from various sources. They are screamed at. They cannot sleep at night. They are stolen from.

    Figure it out yet? Probably not because the media doesn’t talk about it to the extent I just did. I am talking about the drug addiction crisis.

    As a property manager with five smaller multi-unit buildings, I currently have some six drug dealers spread amongst them. Those people I described beyond the immediate victims are not just the police and EMS personnel. They are my tenants, my building’s neighbours, my employees. That is their lived experience. Has been for years and there is no relief in sight.

    I work weekly with the local constabulary on criminal issues involving my drug dealing tenants or those that associate with them. The Service knows who all the dealers are by name and location. Despite the incessant traffic and subsequent problems, I have been sympathetically told that mine are too small to bother expending the investigation time to put together a prosecutable case.

    Our Service like all Services, with limited manpower budgets are thus going after the larger wholesalers who in addition to distributing say only Fentanyl lace them with highly lethal designer drugs. Did I mention they also play with guns, and like to shoot people.

    Justin believes in societal justice. Well, here is a great leadership, win win opportunity for him.

    I suggest he keeps the EA in place for a bit longer and allow the various Services go arrest all the dealers. It will be a fast process. No intel needs be gathered as to where, what and who, as that is known by most any beat cop with a year’s worth of service. Bank employees don’t even have to feel guilty about doing the digging for someone’s life savings. It’s all done with cash. Grab them without a search warrant, it will be in their pockets.

    Voters surely wouldn’t oppose some anti-social potential if not actual killers getting arrested and having their constitutional rights tossed. I would think they would perceive them as so much more anti-social and evil than some truckers protesting a mandate and their country’s freedom.

    It would, after all be for the greater good, for our future, for Canada.

    1. Ah yes — “the greater good.” A concept used by every tyrant in human history to legitimize their horrors.

      I take it you’re unfamiliar with the Iron Law “Me today; you tomorrow.” You’re actually arguing for the suspension of people’s civil/human rights to achieve an objective you perceive as worthwhile. The reason the above is an Iron Law is because, once you allow such actions against those you don’t like, the same precedent will eventually be turned back on you, or on those you love/care about.

      You need to reflect a great deal on what informed, disciplined citizenship actually requires.

      1. I have been very familiar with the Iron Law’s concept for decades, just not its formal name. Thank you for that. You have unfortunately interpreted my sarcastic illustration of JT’s use of the EA too literally. Electrons do lack intonation and I didn’t qualify it somewhere.

        To illustrate my living as an “informed, disciplined citizen” (can I borrow that phrase, is good and succinct) I offer this: I have friends with naive luxury beliefs that will discuss with me the issue of a local house that from fence to fence, lawn to roof is decorated with THE most gaudy of objects; a junkyard on display. They naturally think it is abhorrent. I would agree. Not my style either.

        I start with something like it is in the eye of the beholder and finish off with “if the City had the power to enter his property and remove the offending matter because of some visual standard’s bylaw that the majority may agree on, then they can and will not just come and tell you to cut your grass to a certain length, they will have given themselves the power to do it and then come into your house and see what’s up”.

        They shut up. I should caveat the above and reflect that Children’s Aid Societies, as an example, already are empowered to come in a household and do the latter to parents in an often inconsistent, arbitrary manner.

        I especially enjoy highlighting the beauty of the “Law’s” revenge benefit in many an anti progressive “oh look at this new shiny law we have to fuck those we disagree with” tirade of mine for pure emotional got ‘cha spite. Unfortunately the progressives are so pathological in their lying, so hardwired and able to avoid that returning safeties off torpedo it is of no effect. Thus they don’t learn, and they happily continue down the path towards Fascism even though they are being taken out, so are their enemies. So we struggle with the insecure children they are.

        Thus I think my original piece is written as what I would present to “my friends” who so agree with JT and his magic hair and need to grow up and become informed disciplined citizens and see him for the tyrant he is.

  34. The thing that people should be doing is making this little pricks life miserable. Remember when his mommy came out complaining it was affecting him? Keep it up. The guy’s an absolute creep and deserves every bit of it. Send him f Trudeau letters in the mail. Continue to show those signs and flags.

    1. Time to learn some civics.
      GG won’t dissolve Parliament unless asked by the PM.
      This is on the same level of stupidity as those jailbirds’ MOU.

      1. You seem to have a real problem with playing in public.

        Aside from that, try dong some research for a change instead of frothing at the mouth.

        The scenario HAS happened – actually I believe it was at the request of Her Majesty, but I’ll stand corrected.

  35. I’ll be 60 this year, which I accept, although I am not happy about it, in the least. It’s been, so far, a great life.

    My problem is that, while I’m glad that the lady trampled by the horses is okay (I thought the worst, actually), I know that she will never be “okay”. Imagine, getting trampled by a horse. When you’re on a walker. That is utterly inhumane and unforgiveable, by any standard.

    Maybe she is First Nations, or not. Who cares? She got run down by a police horse: who allows that to happen?

    Regardless, I have seven nieces and nephews, all below the age of 20 years, who are going to have to wear the guilt, around this particular incident, long after I have gone.

    Horses? From Toronto? On our streets? In Canada? In the public square? Trudeau wanted that to happen, and it’s high time to say:

    “Thank you, my dear, you have delighted us long enough.” Resign.


  36. Leftards in 2016 ; ” Oh My God ! Trump won! He is a cruel crazy dictator worse than Hitler !!! He will take away all our rights !!!”

    2020 ; BLM and Antifa leftards cause 2 Billion dollars of damage, beat up people and murder some ; but Trump is soft on them, tries to appease them, NEVER EVER does anything remotely dictatorial or cruel.

    2022 ; Trudeau takes away a lot of our rights, turns into a cruel no-mercy dictator, has peaceful protestors beaten up by the police.

    Leftards ; wrong AGAIN.

    Trump supporters and Canadian conservatives ; right AGAIN.

  37. So the organized truckers are gone, normal people peacefully protesting getting attacked. How is the behavior of the cops using extreme violence against peaceful protesters worthy of an emergency act? Looks like the Stasi are gearing up for the grand smash and here comes the Liberal NDP Gastapo. Singh you are responsible for this.

  38. “Singh said the protesters were “brazenly” trying to overthrow the government”.


    They are throwing in the middle all they can, hilarious. Next will be “the protesters pee on the toilet seat”.

  39. I noticed that the Turdhole Gestapo have conveniently removed their name tags and hidden their badge numbers.

    They remove their identifiers because they know what they are doing is wrong and in a normal country, their actions would be criminal.

    Cops are criminals, Turdhole Cops. They should be ashamed but their low IQ’s and their anti Canadian nature make it difficult for them to understand that they are criminals.

    I think its good for people to see how dumb and mindless cops are and how they are trained to commit crimes and violence against the citizenry.
    A Cop is a criminal in a uniform, but far more dumb and mindless.
